Chapter Eight: Gray Company

Valerie stared at him in surprise "What old friend? And can't you go by yourself?"

"You're my assistant, you're supposed to go with me as it is an important function. Besides, who's the boss here? Why are you questioning me?"

She bit her lip. She then slowly raised her broken shoe "I'm sorry sir, but I can't go with you. My shoe's wrecked"

In her heart she laughed wickedly 'There is no way you'd make me follow you to an important function barefooted'

But to her utmost dismay, he told her "It's not that bad, just break the other heel so they can both be balanced"

She moped at him wide eyed

He shrugged and shoved his hands into his suit pockets with a smirk on his face.

He was unbelievable!

And she had no comeback for this!

She opened her mouth to say something and he raised a brow, like he was expecting her to talk but he knew she had nothing to say.

She shut her mouth and bit her tongue. She couldn't say anything, so she pulled the other pair and slowly but firmly broke the heel off.

Now her shoes looked like flats. She didn't pay much attention to them as she stared at her boss defiantly, killing him in different ways in her mind

Aiden chuckled when he saw the vicious glint in her eyes. She looked so adorable but he held himself

"Let's go" he announced and walked past her.

Few minutes later, they were outside a huge building which Valerie instantly recognised.

"Wait, isn't this Gray Company?" She asked Aiden and he nodded

"Yep! It is, and we're paying them a little visit"

Aiden grinned and Valerie shuddered. She suddenly felt icicles in her skin.

They got inside the company and the receptionist greeted them with a smile "Good day and welcome to Gray Company. How may I-"

"Beat it!"

Aiden snapped at her before she could complete her statement and she suddenly felt intimidated by his aura. She gasped silently to herself and her eyes shrinked.

"Wait! You can't go there!" She tried calling after him when she saw him and Valerie go into an elevator but he didn't even look her way.

With shaky fingers, she dialed a number.

The metal doors opened and Aiden and Valerie got out, his hands still in his pockets. Valerie was walking funny as a result of the crude way her heels had been broken.

She silently cursed the man 'Stupid Creepy Ice King! How heartless can you be! Making a lady walk in this shameful manner! God! My reputation is ruined! I can never show my face here again! I wonder what we're even doing here anyways? Wait, why does this place look empty?'

She glanced around her surroundings and found the place to be truly empty. Where did all the employees go?

Just then, a man began walking towards them with a smile on his face. Valerie squinted her eyes as she looked at him. He looked handsome alright, but behind that smile, was something else

"Ah! Mr. Donovan, I see you got our message. Welcome"

He stretched his hand for a handshake but Aiden didn't move

"Tell your boss to take his men off my territory!" He said in a soft yet menacing tone but the man just smiled even more

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about sir, you must be mistaken"

Aiden grunted and before Valerie couldn't even blink, he was in front of the man and his eyes held a killing intent in them

"I won't ask again. You're already lucky to even be standing after this. Tell your boss to do as I say, or there won't be a next time!"

"Is that a threat, Mr. Donovan?"

"It's a warning"

Valerie felt really uncomfortable standing by the sides, watching these two men have a staring competition. Just when she was about to butt in, Aiden turned

"Let's go"

She blinked at this sudden decision and hesitated for a moment before running off after him. When they got to the car, he zoomed off and it was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, he asked

"What size do you wear?"

Valerie turned to him, confused. He asked again "what shoe size do you wear?"

She answered and he drove straight to the mall where he bought her a new pair of heels.

He saw the way she slightly limped when she walked. It was obvious she had sprained her ankle but the defiant girl would never admit to it.

After shopping, he offered to take her back home as it was dark but she refused. She finally gave in after he insisted and refused to leave her be.

Valerie snickered inside her.

What had gotten into him?...