Chapter Twenty: History

Valerie stared at Dolph with her big Doe eyes. She really didn't understand what he meant by 'getting tingles'. She felt no such thing when he grabbed her arm.

"Guess your mate bond's broken, huh" Aiden snickered but Dolph was too flustered to pay him any attention

He grabbed Valerie's arm again and he felt it. The weird, satisfying tingles it gave him, coursing through his body the way lava flows in a volcano. He gazed at Valerie "Do you really not feel anything?" He asked and she shook her head

Dolph became confused "I don't understand! Why aren't you feeling something? This has never happened before, ever. Maybe it has something to do with you being a human, I'll have to ask our mage"

Valerie's eyes tripled in size "Mage?! Like a witch?!" Dolph was amused "Not witch, Mage! There's a difference"

Valerie opened her mouth to form an "O" shape. The day just kept getting better and better "So you guys have mages?"