Chapter Fifty Nine: Poison


Aiden stared in shock as Faustus' face lit up in a delightful smile "So great to see you here, young master" he said and gave a light bow

Aiden creased his brows "I don't understand, what are you doing here? What is the meaning of this?"

Carter gave a silent laugh "Isn't it obvious, vampire prince? He's trying to correct the order of this world"

Aiden's confusion deepened as he stared at Carter, the Faustus. He couldn't understand why Faustus would do something like this. It was so hard to believe. Faustus was the only person he trusted, apart from his family, even with his life. He was ready to share his secrets and weaknesses and now, that same person was the one that had been trying to bring him down now!


Aiden glared at Faustus, tightly gripping his dagger.

Faustus smiled "Young prince, you will see at the end, that all I did, I did for our own good"

"Oh really?! Then what does Valerie have to do with it?!"