The sun hid behind the forest canopy, casting shadows on the path that Daolin and Weiying walked. It had been a week since they entered the forest, Weiying's physical condition had vastly improved, Despite the occasional wince, she could now walk on her own, without depending on Daolin for support.

As they continued on their advance, the rustling leaves overhead and the soft crunch beneath their feet created a soothing tune. The hum of wildlife provided a fitting soundtrack,

Weiying, who had been quiet for some time, halted suddenly, causing Daolin to stop as well, his inquisitive gaze meeting her downcast eyes. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and her voice quavered as she asked, "Daolin, y..you will take..responsibility for me right?".

Daolin, taken aback by her sudden proclamation, blinked at her in surprise. His heart raced, but he already knew his answer without hesitating. "I will, Weiying."