Like Me?

"This stadium is huge," said Ian.

"Uhuh," agreed Immanuel.

They both stared up at the big poster that showed every exit and entrance into the stadium.

"Alright, children, wake up!" James laughed. "The second half has already started."

"Who subbed on?" asked Lorenzo.

"Let me check," replied Klaus. "Ermm, Reynolds."

"Oh, the CB?" asked Lorenzo.

"Yep," Klaus said. His eyes were glued to the play-by-play of each player's performance. "I'm going to record the way they play and mimic it."

"He seems interesting to watch," Ian said. "They're playing very slow."

"Well, they're warming back up again," replied James. "Not everyone can be flashy like me."

"Uhuh!" Lorenzo laughed.

The game continued like a shootout. Both teams contested each other's defenses, but there was no answer. In the 54th minute, Express Club made a substitution. Standing next to the fourth official, Lucas Valdo stretched his legs and adjusted his cleats. The stadium lights beamed down on him as the Express Club crowd roared.

"Is that him?" asked Ian.

"Yes," replied Klaus.

"That guy is insane," James said. "He should be on a top 10 European team."

Lucas Valdo donned the number 17 on his back, reminiscent of one of his favorite legends. He smiled from ear to ear as he jogged in place, warming up more. The fans behind him sang out loud as he adjusted his sports goggles and fixed his pants. He was in the zone. He kept his eye on the play as if taking mental notes.

Once the ball was officially out of play, a substitution was initiated. One of the midfielders came off huffing and exhausted. Hoboken City had dominated the play well enough to make the midfield of Express Club run around like chicks looking for their mommas.

"Put on the pressure!" the manager of Express Club shouted. "Switch to Knock Off."

Valdo jogged onto the field, commanding the team. He was 23 years old and already the team's vice captain. The throw-in from Express Club went right to him. He turned his body, passing it back to the center back as he lobbed it up to the winger. Express Club started to cool off their stress and passed it around the backfield for an extended period of time. They concentrated on perfecting their passes.

Two Hoboken City players became impatient and pressed an Express Club midfielder. This created a small pocket for Valdo to run into. Once he received the ball, he snapped his neck to the right and looked forward again as he accelerated up the field. His polished black hair stayed still as he toe-pocked an accurate through ball towards Express Club's striker. He flicked the ball over towards the center of the penalty box and easily slotted it into the bottom corner of the goal.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAH!" screamed the Express Club crowd as limbs ensued. The roar of the crowd decimated the Waterfront boy's ears. Parents hugging their children and drunk adults dancing around as if it were the World Cup finals.

The Express Club striker ran to the corner flag and kicked it. The team surrounded him, laughing, smiling, and catching their breath.

"Whoa!" Ian screamed. "That was swift."

"Did you see that?" James asked. "That's what you have to perfect."

City kicked it off giving the ball to their defense and smacking it up to their winger, Alexander. He took on the Express Club's fullback. He stuttered and feinted to the right before moving back and heaving it up the field. He beat the fullback before cutting back and spinning like a ballerina as he headed toward the center of the field. The Express Club fullback fell flat on his back. He stood up, shook it off and got back into the game.

Alexander gently passed it towards Lindenberg as he dinked it up top to the City striker, Robinson. Robinson was subbed on when Express Club scored. He was a young prospect. He played well in the U20 World Cup and was linked with top clubs in the German and French leagues. He was Canadian and had brown eyes and black hair. His hair was braided nicely, and he stood at 6'1".

"SHOOOOT!" screamed the Hoboken City crowd.

Robinson saw the ball coming over his head as he leapt into the air. The keeper also jumped to grab the ball. Both collided in the air as the sweat blew off of them. The ball smacked onto the grass and hovered over the line. An Express Club defender reached with all his might to kick the ball out. He hit it with his laces as it pinged up onto the crossbar and flung out towards the Hoboken City fullback, Remy Hurtado. He was the same fullback who almost had an assist in the first half.

Hurtado was from Mexico. He was a young boy who switched from winger to fullback. Though he had lacked in defensive skills, he used his attacking skills to become an inverted fullback. He climbed up the academy ranks, as this game was his debut. The ball flew right at him. The young boy who dreamed of playing for big teams in Spain, England, and Italy was now moments away from a missile of a shot.

The ball spun perfectly. Hurtado continued his pace as the ball came lower and lower. Just outside the box, his hair spiked up, and goosebumps surrounded every inch of his body. He angled himself for a volley as the ball flopped onto the ground and back up. He opened his eyes wide, showing his brown iris, as he positioned his right foot to kiss the ball. He added more power to his right leg as the ball flew away from his foot. Like a good-bye kiss in a fairy fantasy.

It swung and swirled as it lifted higher, aiming for the goalie's right side before curling and causing the keeper to slip. It smacked the back of the net as the City crowd roared. Hurtado quickly spun around and aimed for the manager as he put his hands up, jumping with joy.

"What a shot!" screamed Ian. "Holy shit, he's young just like me?"

"He's the same age as us," replied Immanuel. His eyes were glued to the pamphlet, which also detailed the Hoboken City boys.

"How do you know this?" asked Ian.

"It's in the pamphlet," Immanuel replied, not even looking in Ian's way.

"Really?" asked Klaus. "Let me see that."

Klaus read it out as the boys surrounded him.

"Oh man," he smiled. "Oh, this is great shit, boys!"

"What is it?" Pietro asked. "Why is it good?"

"I can use this as a workout routine for my position," he laughed. "I can use the weight and height from those defenders into this workout app and get better."

"But aren't you a midfielder?" asked Immanuel.

"Yes, but it's still better to learn other tactics and prepare yourself for the worst," he replied. "You never know when you'll have to change your position."

Express Club kicked it off as the ball rolled towards Valdo. He passed it around to Kristensen as the team pushed up. Both teams started going all out again. Getting closer to each other's goals each time. The game continued as the 80-minute mark flew by. Fans from both teams shouted loudly in support. Voices strained as the singing continued.

In the 88th minute, Lucas Valdo received the ball from Kristensen. They didn't want to stall time, but they wanted to make a Hoboken City player overextend again. They passed it between one another, searching for options. As the 89th minute hit, Lucas Valdo got the ball from Kristensen and ran through the midfield. He scissors kicked through the two City midfielders and looked up, gazing past the defense. Express Club's striker ran behind the City defense as Valdo lobbed it up to him. He looked up and jumped in the air, slicing his right foot up and volleying the ball towards the top right corner.

The City keeper reached as if his arms were about to be ripped off as he deflected the ball with his fingers.

"What a save," Lorenzo smiled. "Man these two keepers are really good."

"Yeah, they've been at it for the whole game," Ian replied. "And it's not even because their defense is bad. Each team has had great attacking plays."

"Pretty much sums up how competitive it gets the higher you go," James said.

"Ah man, I cannot wait," Ian grinned.

Express Club had a corner as the ball had flung up into the air and behind the keeper during the goal-scoring chance. The Express Club players crowded the box as the ball was kicked into the center. Kristensen jumped up, towering over everyone, as the ball burst off his forehead and towards the keeper. It sliced through the air like a torpedo as the keeper caught it with both hands. He ran towards the edge of the box and flung the ball down the pitch.

Hoboken City was now on the counter, with 2 minutes of extra time added on. The man for the job was the one and only Lindenberg.