The Meet Up.

"Sit," ordered Tati.

"Hold up," said James. "No way I'll play with this guy."

"What's wrong with him?" asked Klaus.

"It's not me you should be worrying about, James," the man said.

"Why are you even here anyway?" James asked. "Shouldn't you be doing something else with your life?"

The café atmosphere became a war zone. Sitting at the six-man table, James sat across from his rival. Someone who watched him fall yet never helped him back up. The wizard on the ball, Richard "Dick" Harrison.

"There's a reason they call you Dick," James scuffed.

"Enough," Tati ordered. "No one gets to make stuff up when we're not even close to professional play."

"If you think I'll pair with this guy, you've got another thing comin," James argued.

"Please tell me how it's my fault you were dropped," he said. "You couldn't score; who's fault was that?"

"Because you were so full of yourself," James said.

"How did this morning start off so well?" Klaus sighed.

The atmosphere became more hostile as the two looked at each other. More hatred emanated from James' face as he scrunched it up, looking at Richard. Richard was a slim man. He had a mustache that was trimmed and a shaved beard. He had short black hair with an undercut. He stood at 5'11' and played winger. He was quick and agile, and he moved like a gazelle when running. His pale skin and brown eyes finish off his appearance. His tenor tone irritated James every time.

"I want you boys to stop acting childish," Tati said. "You will be the frontrunners for this team."

"As if," James laughed.

"As if?" Tati asked. "As if? Maybe I should bench you. I won't have this childish nonsense on my team. I don't want to see you two fighting."

James put his head in his hands, staring at the wall.

"We are non-league, nada, zilch; nothing we do will impact big clubs and top leagues," Tati stated. "You two fighting like ignorant idiots is giving me a headache."

Tati's accent was obvious as the boys sat around the table, hearing his words. It was as if he preached the word of God to them, but no one was praising him or hollering.

"I'm here to play," Richard said. "I can let bygones be bygones. But I need him to do the same."

Everyone stared at James. He was still facing the wall as he slowly turned around, and his glaring eyes looked like something out of a horror movie.

"Let's see how everything unfolds," James replied.

Tati wasn't impressed by the answer, but let it slide.

"I want to see you boys work together this evening," Tati said in a harsh accent. "And if I hear one peep from you about the past during training, you will run."

Tati then got up and introduced the young academy player before leaving James and Klaus alone again.

"What the fuck?" Klaus said. "Who the hell was that?"

"Old teammate who fucked me over," James muttered.

"Damn, how?" Klaus asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Er, long story, man," James sighed. "Basically, he fucked me over with his movement, passing, and all. They got me kicked out of the academy when I was so close to being promoted."

"And you've been at Waterfront for this long?" Klaus asked. "Have you gotten no help whatsoever?"

"Nada," James said.

The boys left the café, tipping the store and apologizing to the people who sat near them for their argument. The wind blew heavily as cars humming by sang in their ears.

The day flew by, and training finally arrived. The boys moved frequently to keep their bodies warm. They did a lot of conditioning, then did passing drills like triangle passes, overlaps, and through balls.

"Alright," Tati said as he came from the club house.

"Tati's here?" whispered a player.

"What's he doing out so early?" Immanuel asked.

"Alright boys, gather around, would yah," he ordered. "I wanted to catch you all before I depart, as I would be the first there."

"What's going on?" asked Luca.

"I want to let everyone know of two new players coming with us," Tati explained. "One is a winger named Richard Harrison, and the other is a young boy named Roberto Figueroa. Please greet them as they are now part of the Waterfront family."

"Anything else?" asked the trainer.

"I have left the assistant manager with all of the information needed for your flight and everything," Tati said. "Please make sure you get a ride from someone, as you will all take the same flight. If you have any questions before I leave, let me know, or forever hold your peace."

No one spoke. In a cold New Jersey winter, the team huddled up together, blowing out clouds. Tati coughed before nodding his head. The trainers all gathered around him as he showed them something in his binder full of loose papers and scraps.

"I will see you all there," Tati said.

Everyone nodded their heads as Tati departed with some other members of his posse. The boys got up and started training again as the evening went on. It became colder, and everyone went their own way.

Walking toward Hoboken Terminal, Ian yawned numerous times as he was on the verge of passing out. As this was his first time in Europe, he was excited. However, he didn't know who they were facing or where they would stay. He walked over to the ledge, passing by the numerous trains that stared at the Hoboken Terminal lobby. His eyes were drawn to the New York skyline as he walked toward the "We Remember" plaque. He stared at it for a few moments, then went over to the railing and leaned over it.

"My train is delayed because of ice," he muttered.

"Really?" asked someone near him in a soft tone.

He looked over to see a man with a Metrostars jersey on him.

"Metrostars?" Ian asked. "I don't recall anyone named Van Der Kash on the team."

"That's because it's my jersey," the boy said.

"Is that so?" Ian laughed. "Van Der Kash, huh? Are you new?"

"I've just signed for them now," he replied. "Well, technically, I was loaned from their B team."

They stayed there for a couple minutes as both of their trains were delayed. Ian stood idle, looking at the city lights of those living in high-end apartments. To his right, a man who became his friend in an instant but a team foe that the vets will despise for eternity.