Interwoven Destinies....

With the young child's decision to become my disciple, a new chapter of our intertwined destinies began. The bond between master and disciple was forged not only by our shared purpose but also by the unique thread of fate that had woven us together.

As we embarked on this journey of mentorship, the cave transformed from a place of solitary cultivation into a hub of learning and discovery. The child, whom I named Lei Xian, proved to be a diligent and eager learner. His innate abilities, linked to the Yīnyuè bloodline, manifested in his affinity for manipulating threads of fate and energy.

Even when i knew that Lei Xian's bloodline,if it becomes known to outside world everyone will come to take it and kill him as it was a powerful bloodline even in higher realms, so i started thinking about new bloodline to give him not as powerful as Yinyue bloodline but powerful enough so he can protect himself.But i was concerned about that last part of my injury was not healing no matter how much i cultivate and system was not replying to anything i asked.So i just focused myself on making Lei Xian strong.There were several bloodlines that i gained from traveling through Astral Nexus and Cosmic Nexus it was of no use to me but i knew it could help me in future so i chose a bloodline to give it to my disciple.

I gave him "Celestial Gryphon Bloodline," a lineage that is intricately tied to the mythical and majestic gryphon. This concealed heritage grants him the power to harness celestial energies and channel the traits of the gryphon, combining the strength of a lion and the grace of an eagle.

Our days were filled with lessons, discussions, and practical applications of the intricate techniques that governed our abilities. Lei Xian's progress was astonishing; he absorbed knowledge like a sponge and displayed a natural talent for tapping into the energies of the universe. It was clear that his destiny was intertwined with the mystique of the Astral and Cosmic Nexus.

He was able to get Mastery of the Celestial Gryphon Bloodline which allows him to harness celestial energies to enhance his physical attributes, granting him exceptional strength, agility, and endurance. He became able to summon ethereal wings which allows him to fly temporarily, emulating the gryphon's ability to soar through the skies.

The bloodline also bestows upon Lei Xian the power to emit powerful roars that can shatter barriers and disorient opponents, a nod to the gryphon's formidable presence. Additionally, he can tap into the gryphon's keen senses, allowing him to perceive distant events and sense disturbances in the environment.

But it was far from everything i knew that if he couldn't use his original bloodline it will be a waste of his talent and as his master i will never allow it to happen to i created some cultivation methods for his original bloodline and the bloodline i gave him.

1.Thread Weaver's Harmony:-

This cultivation method focuses on manipulating threads of fate and energy to create balance and harmony in the universe. Practitioners learn to sense the threads that connect all living beings, allowing them to subtly influence events and outcomes. As they advance, they can mend frayed threads, redirect destiny, and even forge new connections between individuals. The highest level of mastery enables the practitioner to glimpse the vast tapestry of existence and make intricate adjustments to the fabric of reality.

2. Nexal Attunement:-

The Nexal Attunement technique centers on tapping into the energies of the Astral and Cosmic Nexus. Practitioners meditate and align their own energy with the rhythms of these realms, allowing them to draw power from the celestial bodies and cosmic forces. As they progress, they become more attuned to the ebb and flow of the universe, gaining insights into hidden truths, predicting celestial events, and even manifesting ethereal projections that traverse the realms.

3. Yīnyuè Bloodline Arts:- This art was given to me by Li wei but it was in complete and had several flaws after working on it for weeks i was able to create its best version.

This lineage-specific cultivation method capitalizes on the unique abilities of the Yīnyuè bloodline. As practitioners delve deeper into their heritage, they learn to amplify their innate talents – weaving threads of fate, manipulating the energies of Yin and Yang, and even tapping into the resonances of celestial melodies. Advanced practitioners can harmonize their abilities with those of others, creating powerful synergies and collective effects that transcend individual capabilities.

4. Soul Bond Resonance:-

Soulbound cultivators forge unbreakable bonds with specific individuals or beings, sharing their energies and destinies. Through rigorous training and shared experiences, practitioners attune their souls, enabling them to exchange knowledge, strengths, and emotions instantaneously. This unique form of cultivation allows for unparalleled cooperation, with practitioners able to fight as a harmonious unit, amplify each other's powers, and even temporarily merge their consciousness for heightened insights.

5. Ethereal Manifestation:-

Ethereal cultivators channel their energies into creating sentient manifestations of themselves in the Astral and Cosmic Nexus. These ethereal forms can traverse these realms, interact with other ethereal beings, and bring back insights and knowledge to the physical world. Practitioners learn to detach from their physical bodies temporarily, embracing the expansiveness of the universe while maintaining a connection to their core self.This is was the most powerful technique i created.

After creating all these techniques i got drained off a lot of my soul energy and i started cultivating again to gain my energy back i knew if these techniques get leaked it will be a disaster even though no one will be able to use it but it will still be destructive to Lei Xian as his bloodline can get revealed.I had to create other techniques for Lei Xian's new bloodline line to put a facade so no one will be able to know about his bloodline and he will be able to cultivate in peace.

As soon as i finished my cultivation i received a notification from system,Ding,"Master you completed a hidden quest as you created all these techniques based on the knowledge of your memories".

"What memories,you said i don't remember anything and one more thing where were you when i was calling you ?".

"Master it is not my fault some kind of Power stopped me in giving you reply of your questions thats why i also don't know why your last injury didn't healed but i know about your memories,those were when i gave you the new package which helped you in creating new techniques".

"Who stopped you in giving me replies,do you know anything about them".

"No master i just remember that it was higher realm than the realm you came from and that person was very powerful but he just said to me that,i should help you in every way possible otherwise he will destroy me ,master (- _ -) i was so scared.".....

To be continued...