The Celestial Choice...

In the days that followed their discussion at the teahouse in Jiangling City, Lei Xian couldn't help but ponder his next steps. The idea of joining a sect had planted a seed of curiosity in his mind, and the descriptions of the various martial organizations provided by Zheng Huan and Li Mei left him with much to consider.

One warm morning, Lei Xian decided to take a solitary journey into the mystical forest that had shaped much of his life. It was here, surrounded by the towering ancient trees and the gentle rustling of leaves, that he sought clarity. With his martial skills honed through countless trials in the forest, he knew that he had the potential to become a formidable martial artist.

As he walked deeper into the woods, the secrets of the forest began to reveal themselves to him. The whispering wind carried tales of warriors who had once walked these paths and the lessons they had learned. The ancient trees seemed to share their wisdom, their roots stretching deep into the earth, mirroring the strength and stability that martial artists sought to achieve.

Lei Xian felt a profound connection to the forest, and it reminded him of his master's teachings. She had always told him that true strength came from within, and that one's surroundings and choices shaped their destiny. The forest had been his greatest teacher, instilling in him the values of patience, resilience, and adaptability.

Sitting beneath a colossal tree, Lei Xian closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. The forest came alive in his mind, and he saw his past adventures flash before his eyes. From the treacherous encounters with mystical creatures to the heart-pounding battles with powerful foes, he had come a long way since the day he began his journey.

In that moment, Lei Xian knew that he had to choose a path that resonated with his inner self. The idea of joining the **Eternal Celestial Sect** was alluring, as he had always felt a deep connection with celestial energy and the stars. The descriptions of their celestial incantations had captured his imagination, and he believed that this sect aligned with his aspirations.

A soft voice in his mind echoed his master's teachings. "Lei Xian, you are destined for greatness, but your path is your own. Follow your heart, for it will lead you to your true calling."

With newfound clarity, Lei Xian made his decision. He would join the **Eternal Celestial Sect**. He felt that this sect would nurture his potential and provide him with the guidance and resources he needed to unlock his full celestial martial arts potential.

As Lei Xian emerged from the forest, he felt a sense of peace and determination. He knew that his decision to join the **Eternal Celestial Sect** would open up new opportunities and challenges, and he was ready to embrace them.

Returning to Jiangling City, Lei Xian sought out his friends to share his decision. They gathered once again at their favorite teahouse, the aroma of fragrant teas enveloping them, just as it had during their previous meeting.

Zheng Huan was the first to speak, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Lei Xian, have you made your decision? Are you ready to join a sect?"

Lei Xian smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes, my friends. After much reflection and soul-searching in the mystical forest, I've decided to join the **Eternal Celestial Sect**."

Li Mei's eyes lit up with excitement, and Zheng Huan seemed pleased. They exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging that they had expected this decision.

Lei Xian continued, "I appreciate your guidance and the opportunities that joining this sect could provide. I believe that it aligns with my inner calling and my aspirations to harness celestial energy in my martial arts."

Zheng Huan nodded in understanding, a supportive smile on his face. "Lei Xian, your decision is a testament to your strength of character and your unwavering commitment to your principles. We may have different paths, but our friendship will always remain strong."

Li Mei added, "We are thrilled that you've found a sect that resonates with your goals. The **Eternal Celestial Sect** is known for its deep knowledge and strong network. Your journey within the sect will be an incredible adventure."

Lei Xian's heart swelled with gratitude for his friends. He knew that their bond was unbreakable, and their unwavering support meant the world to him.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, Lei Xian's life transformed. He immersed himself in the teachings and training of his master to get past the trial of Eternal Celestial Sect. He practiced his martial arts.He was enhancing his gryphon bloodline powers and also trying hard to practice all its techniques which his master provided him with.Lei Xian was busy harnessing his powers in that mystical forest.

At last that day came when Lei xian had to go for the trial of Eternal celestial sect.He went to meet his friends in the teahouse where Li mei provided him with a recommendation letter and Zheng huan provided him with a life saving talisman which could save Lei Xian's life three times from a peak martial king.After his visit he took over his journey to reach Eternal celestial sect.

To be continued....