Chapter - 18

"—not what it looks like," Angela was saying, but Sofia could not take her eyes away from the site of Vincenzo with his lips fused to another gorgeous woman's.

It was almost as if looking at a train wreck right in front of your eyes—knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop it, but still fascinated enough that she couldn't pull her eyes away.

"Sofia?" Angela was shaking her shoulder now, and Sofia finally teared her eyes away from the pair and looked at a worried Angela.

"It is only for show, cara," Angela explained, her forehead creasing as she looked at a now pale Sofia.

Sofia felt hollow inside.

Wasn't it mere days ago that Vincenzo had assured her that she had nothing to worry about when it came to Mia? And here he was, kissing her like she was the very oxygen he needed to breathe, that too in a room full of people?