Chapter - 26

What Sofia hadn't taken into account when she had agreed to go swimming with Aria was that her make up would wash off and that Aria would see her bruised temple.

"What happened?!" Aria screamed as soon as Sofia's head emerged out of the swimming pool water.

It took Sofia a moment to realise what exactly Aria was asking and instinctively, her hand went up to her temple where the ugly bruise was.

"Oh, this," Sofia said, keeping a pleasant smile on her face and slowly treading towards where Aria was floating in her tube.

"I fell and got hurt yesterday. But I'm fine, now. It's not even hurting that much," Sofia told the little girl, trying not to panic at the tears she could see forming in Aria's eyes.

"Oh no," Aria whispered. "That must hurt so much. Why I did not see it before?" she asked, frowning at Sofia, her voice wobbly as she tried not to cry.