Chapter - 28

Vincenzo and Sofia were lying next to each other when Vincenzo's phone rang. Thankfully for him, he had left his phone on the bed before showering and didn't have to go too far to look for it.

Sofia's head was on his chest so she had a clear view of the caller's name when he pulled his phone out from somewhere under the covers and held it out in front of him to see who was calling.

It was Mia.

Sofia's entire mood shifted, deflating like a balloon.

She pulled away from him. "I'll, uh, shower and get dressed."

"Sofia, wait," Vincenzo tried to reach for her, but she had already gotten up from the bed and was moving towards the bathroom.

She closed the door and locked it once she was inside, leaning against it as she took a deep breath.

Fuck. Why had she let her emotions and desires get the best of her? How could she get carried away like that? How could she forget his father wanted him to marry Mia?