Cabin In The Woods



Weaknesses: Silver (of course, Idjit), can't transform on non-full moon days

How to destroy: decapitation, hitting vital spots with silver weapons


I read about werewolves and then looked into the moonless night, and then again in the notebook... Did Bobby get that wrong?

So I turned to Argent and asked him, "You said these were pure-blooded werewolves. Is there a difference between normal ones?"

"You're asking me that after announcing we're leaving only to stare at a picture and then sit by the campfire?"

"Yes," I said nonchalantly.

"Okay... Yes, pure-blooded werewolves are born werewolves and can transform at will, making them much more dangerous than the bitten ones, who can only transform during a full moon.

Basically, if a pure-blooded werewolf attacks you, you know he is simply an evil bastard because he can control himself unlike a bitten one," explained Argent, and spat on the werewolf he had just killed.

"Got it." I walked over to the lifeless werewolf that I had killed with a knife and turned him around. His face appeared normal now, and he seemed really to be one of the hunter-like guys from the parking lot...

He seemed like a young but fit man, with short black hair and some native heritage. The other werewolf that Argent finished off was a bit older, but they were definitely blood-related.

Then I placed my hand on the corpse and closed my eyes, trying to connect to his soul that should still be somewhere here, even when he died. I wanted to discern what made it the way it was—something only an exposed soul could reveal to me: its true nature, its true weaknesses.

Strangely, there were only snippets left of his soul. In my old world, a soul would stay near the corpse for days before disintegrating and dying.

So I couldn't find out much except for its true nature, its soul name if you want to call it that, which is only revealed in its vulnerable state—when a being dies. Only then does the soul's aura unveil this.

But since my world had no supernatural beings except, well me, and the old ones who appeared later there, I didn't really have to use this ability.

You don't need to know everything about a human or animal to kill them. However, I still know their true names because I saw so many of them dying over the millennia...

"Aiden, what are you doing? And what was all this about my daughter? It was like I could feel her..." Elizabeth brought me out of my thoughts, and I turned to her.

"Elizabeth, do you have a pen?"

"Eh? Yes, here," she gave me the pencil, and I began updating Bobby's notebook before forgetting its true name.

"What the hell are you doing, boy? Are we leaving or not?"


Pure-Blood Werewolves:

Traits: Can transform at will, super strength and speed, claws and fangs, feral aura

Weaknesses: Silver

How to destroy: Decapitation, hitting vital spots with silver weapons

True Name: Lehmoo

First Encounter: Vedauwoo


"No, I've decided to stay and save the girl," I said after closing the notebook and placing it back in my backpack with my now new pen.

I didn't know why—maybe I wanted to play the hero again... or perhaps it was the connection between mother and daughter that influenced me. Who knows? But more likely, it is that I'm simply getting stupid in my old age and need some thrills in my life...

"That... that means..." Elizabeth tried to say something, but her tears prevented her from doing so.

"Yes, what you felt was real. Your daughter is fine, for now at least... But you said you would pay Argent, so after this, I want my share too."

Never work for free...

"Yes, of course! You can have everything you want!" she said hurriedly.

"Good. So now we have someone who can play bait if necessary and someone who can keep them busy from a distance." I pointed to the two.

"You want me to fight some werewolves at night? Are you crazy?" Argent said angrily.

"Yes, to both it seems. You are a werewolf hunter, aren't you? Don't worry, you won't have to fight them. Your job will be to shoot them from afar."

"Is that so? And what will be your job?"

I cut the paracord from Elizabeth's tent, tied my dull knife to a long, thick branch, and said, "My job? I will be the hunter, of course."

~~~ Cabin in the Woods ~~~

Two men in hunter attire could be seen. The older one attempted to remove a bullet from the younger one's shoulder.

"Stay still, son. I'll take it out now, and you'll heal," said the older man.

"Mhm, help!" Rose's scream could be heard from another room.

"Emily, stop crying and bring some water to wash away the blood from the wound! And Leah, keep the bitch quiet!" said the older dark-haired man.

"But... Sam... Jacob and Paul are dead... my boys are gone!"

"Yes, but Jared is still here, isn't he? So bring me some water!" Sam yelled at his wife.

Then he examined his hands as claws began to form. He pushed them into the wound and retrieved the rifle bullet with a sizzling sound.


"It's fine, son. You'll heal now." He patted Jared's shoulder and walked away, while his wife hurriedly washed away the blood and bandage the wound of her son.

He proceeded to his daughter's room and opened the door. Rose was tied to the bed there, and his daughter attempted to place tape over her mouth.

However, upon seeing him, Rose instantly fell silent and began shaking violently.

"Leah, keep her secure and hydrated. After we deal with the campers, your brother will take her as his wife. We can't show weakness by having only three pure-blood members. We need some offsprings."

Leah looked conflicted and said, "Is it really necessary? Can't he find a wife the normal way?"

"No! We are hunters, and your brother earned his trophy fairly. So don't worry about this human; soon she will join us and understand, even as a half-blood. Your mother understood when she was younger too..." Sam said, moving towards the door.

He paused and added, "I called Collin and his brother to assist us with the hunt, and he mentioned bringing you a trophy... The head of the man who killed your brothers... Show him you deserve this trophy, and behave."

Leah wanted to say something, but he closed the door and left.

As he stepped out of the room, there was a knock on the door. Emily opened it, revealing two shirtless young men, Collin and Phil. Collin spoke up, "We're here for the hunt."

"Good, come in," said Sam with a smile.


However, his smile vanished when Phil fell to the ground, with a bullet hole in his head.

~~~ Back in the woods ~~~

"Was it really necessary to get this filthy blood on us?" asked Argent with a disgusted look on his face. When I looked at Elizabeth, she had the same expression.

"Yes, the wind is in our favor, and the blood of their kin should make us more hidden..." At least I hoped that.

We weren't far from an illuminated cabin where I sensed Rose and the werewolves inside. Among them were the two male werewolves who had attacked us in the woods, as well as a weaker female one.

She was probably a bitten one, as her human aura seemed to suppress her feral one, unlike the others whose auras were more balanced.

There was also the teenage girl from the parking lot, and it seemed like she was watching Rose or something like that...

"Now for Plan A. I will lure them out and jog a bit through the woods, while you guys rescue the daughter the moment they come after me. But be careful; there are two other female werewolves inside, and I don't think they will follow the male ones.

They don't seem to be dangerous, but you never know. So make sure Elizabeth lures them out first, and if they attack, shoot them down, Argent. Got it?"

They nodded. "Let's begin."

I readied myself with the spear in hand, and Argent asked, "How do you even know all that? Who is inside and so on? Are you a telepath or something?"

"There are telepaths too? But no, I don't think I'm one. I simply have... let's say, a high perception."

"Yeah, sure, keep your secrets," said Argent, annoyed.

He never believed my words, but it's true...

Since I can remember, I could feel auras or the presence of the beings around me. I can't read minds or anything like that, but a person's aura can reveal a lot about them...

I placed my hand on Elizabeth's shoulder, trying to calm her down, and as I stepped out behind the trees, two young shirtless guys suddenly appeared next to the cabin.

They were definitely pure-blooded werewolves and didn't come from the parking lot; they seemed to emerge from deep inside the woods.

Are there more werewolves in Vedauwoo? I hope we don't need to fight a horde of them...

They started knocking on the door, and I said to Argent, "Change of plans, shoot them, and then back to Plan A."

"Can't do it. The distance is too far to shoot them without a visor," said Argent after aiming at them for a bit.

"Okay, let me try. Even if I miss, we'll revert to Plan A anyway."

He nodded, and I grabbed the rifle, aiming at the two individuals. As they began to enter, I aimed higher, trusting my instincts, and pulled the trigger.


I saw the last guy entering, falling after the shot, and his aura started to fade, indicating that he was dying.

*Owooooo!* Suddenly, the three male werewolves ran out of the cabin, transforming and howling.

"Stay down and wait for me to lure them away!" I said to Elizabeth and Argent, stepping out of our hiding spot.

The werewolves looked around, spotted me, and I waved at them before starting to run away.


They started to chase me, so I occasionally cut my hand to mark trees and help them find me.