Officer Cross Investigates

"Movet", I open the office of not Chuck Norris and walk inside.

While I was busy getting my stuff and then heading to an office, I could already sense people going into the basement, including Mr. badass FBI agent.

So they will probably extinguish the fire soon and turn off the alarm. But I will already be gone by then...

I walk to the computer and move the mouse around, and it lights up. Sadly, it needs a password, and I try 12345, but it doesn't work...

So I try to look around to get a clue because most people use an extremely weak password at their workplace or place a reminder somewhere.

After a few seconds, I raise the keyboard and find a posted note under it... and 'TexasRanger1993' is written on it.

Did Chuck Norris survive the end of the world too? And appeared here as well? This or this world has more than one Chuck Norris, and one is a fan of the other...

If I have time, I need to solve this puzzle...

So I put this matter aside, log in and start to search for Anna Milton, who lives in the east.

There are a few matches, and after opening a few files, I find Cthylla by her driver's license picture. She seems to live in Toledo, Ohio and is a college student right now.

I print her information out, close her file, delete all search history, and then walk out of the office ready to leave the police station.

When I arrive at the exit, I see firefighters walking out of the basement, and the fire alarm gets turned off at the same time as well.

"I want to know what has happened here, or your head will roll for it Norris!"

"My best men are on it, and not only your suspect died but also one of my officers. So, you can believe if I say this will be our highest priority!"

After the firefighter sheriff Norris and agent Henriksen come out of the basement too while arguing, this makes me smile, and I walk out of the building.

After putting some distance between myself and the towering building with the prominent letters spelling 'Des Moines Police Station' on it, I throw away the pouch with the teeth in a nearby garbage bin and grab a taxi.

The taxi driver looks at me strangely but then sighs and asks, "Where do you want to go? Officer..."

Yeah, maybe it's a bit strange to have a police officer take a taxi in his uniform, but I have no other clothes, and all shops are closed because it's like 2 am...

"Bring me---"

*Ring, Ring* *Ring, Ring*

I get interrupted by my trusty phone and take it out. The caller ID is Grumpy Singer, and I say to the taxi driver, "Bring me to the Rest Stop Elkhart. I lost my police car there, thanks."

"Sure, you did..." grumbles the taxi driver and then begins to drive while I pick up the phone.


"Hello, police officer Cross is speaking," I greet Bobby.

"What? Since when did you become an officer, Idjit?"

I mean, I have been one a few times in my life already...

"Like twenty minutes ago...?"

"... Why do I think it is better when I don't know about it? Are you still on your way to the East Coast, or are you fooling around somewhere else already?"

"Basically both... so how can I help you?" I ask him after annoying him for a bit.

"If you are still in Iowa, I have a job for you that needs your special abilities."

"Yes, I am. Does it involve tracking down a dangerous and unknown monster? Then I'm in." I ask him, getting excited a bit, which makes the taxi driver look at me even more strangely.

"No... even though the guy you will be searching for is a dick if that counts."

"I don't think it counts... but okay, I will help out if it does not take too long."

"Good, there are two Idjits like you who are searching for their father. They are currently hunting somewhere in Ankeny, Iowa, and I think you can use your hocus-pocus to track their father down."

"Ankeny?" I ask him, not knowing where it is since I never bothered to learn all city names, and stuck only to the big ones.

"Yes, it's a suburb of the state capital of Des Moines. They are probably investigating the mystery deaths that occurred recently there," says Bobby somewhat unsure.

Well, I'm in Des Moines, so it should be fine... but why is he so unsure?

"Probably? You don't know if they are really there?"

"No. They called me, but I didn't pick up because of... reasons, and they left a message that their father is missing and that they're driving to Ankeny because of a job there."

"Ok... if you have such a problem speaking with them while still helping them, then?" I ask him, confused since it seems they are somehow not on the best terms.

"Because they are still like family to me..." he says in a soft tone.

Too stubborn to talk to them but too softhearted to not help them. Who is the Idjit now...

"... can you at least give me their phone number or tell me what their job is about?"

"Yes, both. Let's start with the job first: There were two murders in the last two days, one on some side road and one in a sorority house belonging to the Eastern Iowa University, both times it's stated the murderer was invisible.

Is every murder in this world something supernatural?

"You can call one of the brothers named Dean Winchester under the number 1-866-907-3235 and ask where they are right now. Help them find their dumbass father and tell me later how they are doing..."

"Ok, got it. I will see what I can do. I'm near there anyway." I say to him. If I can find them, I'll help them...

"Thank you, I owe you one," says Bobby genuinely and hangs up.

Then I called Dean Winchester's number but only got his mailbox. "This is Dean Winchester. If this is an emergency, leave a message. If you're calling about 11-2-83, please page me with your coordinates."

What the hell is 11-2-83? Some hunter thing...?

I sigh, then say to the taxi driver, "The plan has changed... Can you bring me to the sorority houses at Eastern Iowa University?"

"Yes, but if you arrest some students, I won't take them with me... they always puke in my car." says the driver seriously and then changes lanes to drive probably in the right direction.

I've already wondered why the seat is so sticky...


We arrive twenty minutes later at the sorority houses where a big party is going on in memory of a dead girl named Taylor Laing.

"Keep the meter running, I will be right back," I say toward the friendly taxi driver, and he waves me away annoyed and turns off the engine.

Since every hunter I meet drives a sexy car, I start looking for an old timer... but there are only a few that are rusted or broken...

So I walk toward some students who are drinking and smoking the good stuff outside, but when they see me, they run away while giggling...

Maybe a police officer is not the right person here...

"Woho!!! For the purple man and Taylor!!!"

I turn around and see a half-naked guy painted purple running towards me while screaming stuff.

So I grab him like a cat while he tries to run past me and lift him up.

"No! No one can catch a purple man alive!" he screams while trying to wiggle free from my grip.

"Yeah, about that... I already caught you alive, so... answer my question and I tell no one that you got caught alive..."

He looks at me then asks, "Really?" I nod and he stops wiggling, and I put him down.

"Okay, deal, so what do you want to know?" he asks calmly, probably because the stuff he smoked finally shows its effect...

"Did you see two guys who appeared here yesterday or so? They probably asked strange questions and drove a nice old timer."

"You mean my new roommates? Of course, I saw them!"

Wait, roommates? Are they also painted purple?

"Yeah, probably them... can you tell me what they ask about?" I ask him. Not really sure if I want to meet them anymore...

"They asked about Lori Sorenson, and I heard the guy with the long hair is her boyfriend now or something like that. Such a shame. I thought I had a chance."

Sure, which women don't want to paint their boyfriends purple in their free time...

Wait... If I recall correctly, during my early days, my girlfriend used to paint me every day as well. However, in my case, it was a tribal tradition.

But what if this is also a tradition in his fraternity...?

I collect myself after finding out that we both are more alike than I want to be and ask, "Do you know where Lori Sorenson is now?"

"Probably at the hospital or in the church, praying for her father's wellbeing..." says the boy compassionately.

"Why should she pray? Did something happen to her father?"

"Yes, he was attacked a few hours ago at his home by the invisible killer and is now in the hospital."

Well, such stuff sure spreads fast...

"Do you know where they live?" I ask him since this would probably be the place the brothers went.

"Yes, directly next to the St. Barnabas Church since her dad is the pastor there."

"Good, thanks for the information, and keep running for the purple man."

"Sure, I will! Woho!!!" He screams and starts to run again.

Well, that was something...

I walk back to the taxi and give the driver the new location.

~~~ St. Barnabas Church in Ankeny, Iowa ~~~

Sam and Dean can be seen in the basement, burning everything that even closely resembles silver.

They have figured out that the murderer is none other than the famous Hook Man, who has returned as a violent spirit.

He is still bound to the realm because his hook was melted down after his death and was made into items that are in the possession of the church and the Sorenson family.

*Crack, Crack*

Suddenly, they hear the cracking of the floor upstairs. Dean grabs the salt-loaded shotgun, and they walk silently upstairs.