Hook Man

"Come on this way!" Sam screams, and they both run into the corridor next to the altar. The Hook guy shimmers away and I can sense him following them.

"What the hell... what kind of ghost is this?" I ask Dean as we run after them.

"It's a violent spirit of some twisted old preacher that the whole damn Hookman legend is based on!" screams Dean, and enters the corridor as well.

The Hookman? Like the movies about the last summer murderer? In this world, everything is real...

We pass a broken door and arrive at a sliced-up sculpture that is lying on the ground. When we turn to the side, we see Lori in an office at the end of the corridor, lying on the ground while the hookman stands above her.

"Ahhh!!!" screams Lori, completely helpless, and tries to crawl away. But Sam stands up from the ground and tries to grab the ghost.

"Sam, down!" Dean screams after we arrive at the office, and Sam drops to the ground.


Dean pushes the trigger, but the ghost simply disappears, and the projectiles hit the wall. We walk inside while Dean looks vigilantly around, but I can't sense the ghost at the moment, so we are probably fine for now...

"I thought we got all the silver," says Sam, still on the ground, holding his wounded arm, which probably got cut while fighting the ghost.

"So did I!" barks Dean back.

Again, a ghost that is bound to something? This could be a pain in the ass...

Sam begins to look around hectically to find a silver object and then looks at Lori, who was behind him, seeming to be shocked by the events.

"Lori, where do you get the chain?" he asks her and points at her necklace, which looks like it is made out of silver with a crest at the end.

"My father gave it to me when I started school. He said it's a church heirloom!" she answers, panicky.

"Is it made out of silver?" Sam asks the scared girl, and she only screams back, "Yes!" So, he grabs the chain and rips it off her.

Suddenly, I can feel the ghost somewhere behind us, but when I turn towards the corridor, he is nowhere to be seen. I close my eyes, take a deep breath to concentrate, then look again and can see his blurry silhouette.

He places his hook on the wall and starts to come at us while scratching the wall.


The others turn towards the sound too and stare in horror. But the ghost vanishes again and appears on the ceiling above us, slicing it too.

It seems that the Hookman gets a thrill from scaring his victims...


Dean looks at Sam, and they both nod. Then Sam throws the chain towards his brother, while Dean tries to throw the shotgun and three shells at Sam. But I grab the shotgun and shells from the air, aim at the blurry ghost and pull the trigger.


However, he disappears again before he can get hit by it.

"I'll take the weapon. Your brother is wounded. You go and destroy the chain," I say to Dean, who looks conflicted but then nods and starts running.


Sensing the ghost staring at us from the corridor again, I reloaded the shotgun with the salt-filled shells. That's pretty clever of them, and I can't wait to make some myself...

"I can see him. You guys stay behind and think about what you did last summer to anger him so much."

"What? This is not a movie! If you don't take it seriously, we all die!" says Sam angrily and stands up while shielding Lori with his healthy hand.

"Don't worry, I promised Bobby to look after you so you don't die today. Or Bobby will probably find a way to kill me..." I say while turning to them.

The ghost then suddenly vanishes, thinking it could surprise me and appears in front of me. He becomes visible and swings his hook at me, but I evade it by stepping back.


Then I shoot at him point-blank, but he disappears only to appear left of me and swings it again at me, but I duck down then grab his hook and slam it into his body, and the ghost stumbles back looking shocked.

"Why are you so surprised? You make yourself tangible, so die with the consequences..." I say triumphantly, and the two behind me breathe a sigh of relief.

Well look at that, maybe you don't always need to destroy the bound object or person...

But my triumphant moment lasted only a few seconds because he quickly took out his hook and shimmered away. It seemed that he was merely shocked that his hook had been redirected so easily...

"... Well, it was worth a try." I say with a shrug and step back when the ghost appears again in front of me and tries to impale me with it.


I shoot at him, but he vanishes once again... This one is pretty annoying with his teleportation and surprise attacks. After this I need to find a way to stop them from doing so... The salt doesn't seem to hurt it at all, but two shots seem to stall it a bit.

While taking out the empty shells, I wait only for his attack. With only one salt shell left, it is now time for Dean to burn the damn chain...

Suddenly noticing him behind us, I scream "Down!" to both people behind me, and they duck down.


He disappears again after trying to take them out, and I'm out of ammo to hold him at bay for much longer...

After a few seconds, he shimmers back into existence and appears at the door to the office, showing proudly his hook while raising it and walking towards me without even becoming invisible.

I already prepare to use the shotgun to parry his hook, but he suddenly stops and looks confused.

The next moment, his trench coat and body start to burn and dissolve...


But before he dissolves completely, he dashes forward, and I swing the shotgun at him. But he phases completely through me, and tries to impale Lori with his melting hook.

"No!" screams Sam, who is directly next to her, then pushes her away, and the hook stabs him in the chest before melting completely away.

Afterwards, the Hookman turns to ash and falls apart, while Sam falls to the ground too, coughing blood.

"Sam! Oh my god, don't die!" Screams Lori and pushes on the wound to stop his bleeding.


I didn't see that coming... this one broke the cliché of simply dying peacefully.

"I told you I'm cursed! I'm so sorry for this!" says Lori towards Sam, and starts to cry.

"Cursed? More like unlucky..." I say to her and kneel next to the dying hunter and her.

"No, cursed! This monster attacked and killed those people simply because I wished for them to be punished... that why I should be the one lying here, not him."

"Don't... say it like that... you couldn't know something like that could happen... *cough*" says Sam, who places a hand on her cheek but then coughs out more blood and falls unconscious.

She grabs his hand and starts to cry even more.

This is not the first time I've witnessed someone bleeding out like this. Most of the time this is where their road ends...

Luckily I have a tool now that can help. I take out my trusty grimoire and search for something I read before. Then open the Pain Sharing Spell page.

With it, you can share or take the pain completely. However, there is a clear warning that sharing or taking too much can result in death. However, this is not something I have to fear...

Also, It is a spiritual spell, so I don't need much except myself.

Afterwards I read the chant and close the book again, then place my hand on his wound and say,

"Invoco spiritum meum ut mihi concedat, sanitatem meam et vulnera mea cum ente coram me participare, et ut sacrificium accipiatur."

"Invoco spiritum meum ut mihi concedat, sanitatem meam et vulnera mea cum ente coram me participare, et ut sacrificium accipiatur."

"Invoco spiritum meum ut mihi concedat, sanitatem meam et vulnera mea cum ente coram me participare, et ut sacrificium accipiatur."

(I invoke my spirit to grant me the ability to share my well-being and wounds with the being before me, and for the sacrifice to be accepted.)

The next moment, red veins appear on my hand and wander towards my chest, and I can feel my flesh being drilled in. This is very uncomfortable, but not the most uncomfortable thing I've done until now...

"Sam! You bastard, what are you doing to him?!" screams Dean as he comes running into the office and points a pistol at me.

"Saving him..." I say and wave my hand.

With this I cast my telekinetic spell, causing his pistol to fly out of his hand, preventing him from interrupting me and killing his brother in the process.

"You... what are you?" Dean asks after seeing his weapon flying. But I can't really answer him because something seems to be wrong with the healing process...

The veins start to become black, and I can't move my hand away anymore... I suddenly feel the aura of the yellow-eyed demon coming from him, and I start to absorb it...

The next moment, Sam regains consciousness and gasps for air, while his eyes turn completely black for a split second before returning to normal...

Then, the dark veins also vanish, and I could finally remove my hand from him.

Even though his wound has healed and I absorbed the malevolent aura, Sam's aura is still unstable... but at least now I know why...

After standing up, I stepped away from him while Dean helped Sam up and checked on him. Meanwhile, Lori was simply shocked and unsure whether to continue crying or not.

So, I decided to give them some space and walked out to get some air.