
"You are not even two weeks here and already messing around with ghosts, werewolves, Jinni, and witches?" asks Cthylla as we lie on the bed while cuddling after screwing till morning.

"They call themselves Djinns, but basically yes. Don't tell me you haven't met any monsters during your twenty years here?"

I mean, they are everywhere...

Cthylla looks at me as if I'm crazy and says, "You know beings who try to live normally don't usually run around and search for a monster to fight...

But yes, there are a lot of strange things in this world. A few days ago, an evil female ghost even tried to spook me through my mirror, but after a while she simply disappeared, for some reason."

That's funny, a ghost trying to scare a being that normally would be the definition of fear for most people...

"Ow..." I complain after she pinches my nipple and looks angrily at me.

"You thought something bad about me right now, didn't you? Every time you have this silly grin, you ridicule someone!"

Wait, what silly grin? I always have a perfect poker face while doing that. I need to check it out later in the mirror...

"Ow..." she pinches me again...

"I'm talking with you, mister!" she says dramatically but has a mischievous grin on her face at the same time.

"And I can hear you!" I say and grab her, then throw her into the air as a punishment.

"Ahhh! What the hell!" she screams, but I catch her with my telekinesis spell and levitate her onto me.

Afterwards I wanted to pinch her cherries, but she grabs my hands and puts them on her hips. Well, I have nothing against that...

But she holds my hands in place and doesn't allow me to wander around, then asks,

"What's up with the powers anyway? I never saw you become stronger when fighting the Followers in your world, and this witchcraft stuff also never worked there."

I shrug and say, "No idea. Maybe it's something unique to this world, but it seems that my body is capable of incorporating everything that benefits me."

Enhanced body because of a werewolf bite, witchcraft after experiencing it and reading about it, Djinns' mind wandering after the Djinns used their powers on me.

The question here is, where is the limit to this? If there is any limit...

"Well, lucky you..." she says while playfully acting jealous, and crossing her arms under her breasts.

This gives me the chance to move my hands freely, but she notices it and grabs them again.

"We sadly have no time for this. It's already 10 am, and we have things to do."

"Really? And I thought we could relax today." I say with puppy eyes.

When she sees my heartbreaking eyes, she only grins evilly and moves her hips forward and backwards slowly, while trying to summon my evil spirit...

Then she says nonchalantly, "We can relax afterwards... first we have to buy clothes for me, or do you want your girlfriend to run around naked? Secondly, I need a new driver's license since my old one burned down, and then I need a tattoo..."

"I'm not so sure about the first one yet but---" This one gives me a painful grab from her at a place you don't want to get grabbed on... at least not like that...

"Ok, I get your point; we go shopping... and I need also a new driver's license since mine got burned too, but why a tattoo?" I say after enduring the pain like a real man and without tears...

"Yes, a small one... above my heart, and the only one who can make it... is you." she says with closed eyes, while her cheeks begin to turn rosy, and her breathing becomes heavier.

It seems that she is not only summoning my evil spirit with her movements... the next moment, she grabs my hand and 'drags' me into the bath.

Well, the full explanation has to wait...


After an hour in the bath, even though she said we had no time that day, I had the job of driving to the nearest coin laundry to wash her clothes and also to buy her some underwear.

Strangely she gave me a death glare while putting on the linger... I mean underwear. But it's not my fault that she didn't tell me what kind of underwear she wanted...

After coming to terms with her new undergarments, she puts on her now clean clothes, and we drive to a nearby mall.

There, we bought a lot of clothes and also a phone for her. While I purchased only a new wallet, and a suit with fitting footwear for date nights.

Afterwards, we went to the outdoor shop and bought two pairs of watches that could survive some punishment, two pairs of work shoes that can be used outdoors and also if you want to kick someone's ass, and a few machetes for obvious reasons, among other stuff.

It was late afternoon when we finished shopping and had everything we needed. So we placed everything in the already overstuffed trunk.

Seeing the hunting equipment, Cthylla raised a brow, but only sighed and didn't ask any questions about it.

A man needs his hobbies...

The only things left were the tattoo and the new IDs. That's why I had to ask someone who knew how to get good-looking papers in this world.

"Hey Bobby, how are you?" I ask him after he picks up the phone.

"I'm fine for the moment, but I'm not so sure how I will feel after you tell me why you're calling," says the pessimist.

"Don't worry, I haven't caused the apocalypse yet. I call you because I want to ask you if you know someone who can make good papers?"

"Why? Did your new identity get burned and now you need a new one?" says Bobby sarcastically.

"Yea, literally by fire... so I need a new driver's license for me and my companion."

"I shouldn't have asked... wait, companion? Did you find her?" Bobby asks excitedly.

I look at Cthylla, who is placing her new clothes in a clothing bag and say, "Yes, I found her."

Bobby pauses for a bit then says, "That's good, and since she is still alive, I guess you don't plan to take her out and end this all?"

"No, I'll simply hunt down the Followers to end this all."

Hearing this, Cthylla stops and looks at me worriedly. But she knows, too, that this is the only way to have a peaceful life.

"I understand... then visit me. I probably have something for you."

"That sounds good. I plan to visit you anyway after getting the new papers."

"Good, the guy who can help you out is on the way here anyway. His name is Frank Devereaux. He is crazy but also the best at this. He lives in Windom, Minnesota. I will send you the exact address later."

"Thanks, see you in a few days then."

"Yes, and don't let yourself be caught by an octopus," says Bobby and hangs up.


After my phone call, Cthylla comes behind me and hugs me while grabbing my phone and says, "You still have this thing? It's even old in 2005..."

"Well, a sturdy immortal needs a sturdy phone," I say with a chuckle and turn around to face her.

"If you say so... how did it even survive the elder sign?"

"It has a healing factor," I say, then kiss her, and walk to the table where her newly acquired folding knife is lying.

To tell the truth, I left my phone in my car, so that's why it didn't become burned plastic...

Then I walk towards her while she takes off her top and bra.

"Are you sure about it? As long as it's on your body, you won't be able to access your eldritch powers..." I ask her, because she also won't be able to escape the vessel if necessary...

"I won't allow my father to use me like the last time in your world," she says resolutely.

So I cut my finger and say, "Fine..."

She told me when we were shopping what the tattoo was all about. She wants me to draw the elder sign on her while using my blood, like I do with soul names.

The elder sign has a few uses.

Firstly, it can bind the eldritch creature if you lure them into the sign. Secondly, it weakens them, and lastly, it can also be used to hide someone or something from eldritch creatures if placed on objects or people.

In the case of a tattoo, it would bind her to the vessel and make her invisible to the Followers, but it would also make her unable to access her eldritch powers.

Also, she needs me to draw it because it costs a lot of juice, like she said, to create a permanent sign like that. Sadly, the flames seem to be only accessible if you have eldritch blood in you... so no white flames for me.

I start to draw the sign while she looks at me sadly for some reason. This makes me doubt that she told me everything about it...

Seeing me hesitate, she definitely says, "Finish it, it's necessary."

My instinct screams not to do it, but she grabs my finger and finishes the last line herself.

The sign starts to smoke and becomes black while fusing with her body.


Suddenly, she screams out in pain before falling unconscious, but I catch her before she can hit the floor.

Afterwards, I carry her to the bed and cover her with a bedsheet before checking on her with the pain-sharing spell, but luckily she is fine and seems only tired.

Maybe I was too worried about it...

But still, the sign is really powerful because even I felt like falling unconscious for a moment, after finishing it...

While she is out again, I have nothing to do, so I grab Bobby's notebook and write down the new creatures I met.



Traits: True appearance black tattoos, glowing blue eyes, touch causes illusions, touch can poison, can read minds

Weaknesses: Needs blood, bad memories

How to destroy: Head trauma, decapitation

True name: Balrochi

First encounter: Des Moines, Iowa


Eldritch Tyrant:

Traits: Fusion of Followers, strong bone armor

Weakness: Elder sign, Fire

How to destroy: decapitation

True name: -

First encounter: Toledo, Ohio



Traits: Humans with supernatural perception

Weakness: Being human

How to destroy: everything that can kill a human

True name: -

First encounter: Toledo, Ohio
