Grumpy Immortal

"You two know the consequences if you run into them and fail right?" Bobby asks as he walks us to our car.

"Don't worry, we are probably the only ones who really know the consequences, but I would rather face them on my terms than on theirs," I reply.

"You know them too... why do I have the feeling that you have never told me the whole truth about you and all this?" says Bobby while trying to stare into my nonexistent soul.

"Don't think about that too much, Bobby, or you'll get more wrinkles. He hasn't even told me his entire story, and I'm his girlfriend," Cthylla says as she opens the passenger seat door.

Why the passenger seat? Well, because she lost a fair game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against me.

Even when she said I cheated by using my perception to predict her movements... but since she had no proof, and it was her idea in the first place she accepted her defeat...

"Isn't it more thrilling this way, not knowing---"

""No,"" the two besties say in unison after finding someone to bully...

"Well, too bad then..." I say and open the door to sit down.

There are times when it is a blessing not to know a secret...

Look at Bobby, for example. Not knowing about my immortality will spare him the headache of searching for a way to deal with me in case I turn evil.

And Cthylla knows nearly everything about me, at least from the point where my tribe found me as a kid.

So the only secret to her is my origin, which she has been trying to find out since the day we met.

Not that I really care about my origins since I am what I am and will always be. But telling her everything would take away the fun of seeing her struggle to find out herself.

Before I can close the door, Bobby stops it and says, "At least let me grab my stuff and help you. I have nothing to do right now anyway, and you need everyone out there."

"I appreciate it, but they can use people like puppets nowadays, so it would be simply too dangerous. But I will call you if I need help." I say to him while trying to protect him.

Even if Bobby is probably one of the most experienced hunters out there, the Followers are still too much for him.

Because he only needs to look one in the eyes to become completely helpless, that's why it's better that way.

"We'll visit you afterwards, so don't be too lonely without us," says Cthylla with a smirk and waves at him before closing her door.

Which makes Bobby sigh, and he says, "I'm not lonely..." then turns to me and says with a somewhat fatherly look,

"Simply protect Anna, will you? There is too much at play here to let them get her."

"Don't worry, I'm aware of that," I say and toss him a coin that he catches, confused.

"Keep it; it's a magical coin that allows me to find you if something happens."

He looks at it, then simply believes that it is magical and says, "Thank you, but do you perhaps have more of them?"

"Is it because you want to give them to two stupid hunter brothers out there?" I ask the soft-hearted hunter.

"Kinda... after they heard from their father, they seem even more eager to get into trouble, so it would be good to find them if necessary," he says concerned.

It seems that he finally made up with them if he is so well-informed about their whereabouts. But something is strange.

"Wait, you said they heard from him? Didn't they find him in Kansas?"

"No, they seem to have missed him there, but he finally called them a few days ago, which made these idjits split up for some childish reason," he says annoyed.

Well, they are hot-blooded, so it's no wonder they act like that...

"I understand well, sadly the coins are connected to me, so they will have no use for you. But you can still give these to them, and I can help you locate them if necessary."

I give him two more coins, and he accepts them with a nod.

"Well, see you, Bobby, and let me give you an advice: alcohol is not the only thing that lets you relax. Get a pretty old woman and have some fun. Even though women are stressful sometimes too..."

The last sentence earned me a hit in my ribs from my incredibly lovely and absolutely not stressful girlfriend, who was listening to our boys talk.

Bobby sees her fist trying to destroy my immortal body and says, "I think I'll stay with the alcohol..."

"Your choice, but you're missing out here," I say with a grin and close the door.

"Sure... better take care of your lady before giving me advice, Idjit," he says and waves with a grumpy look when I start the engine, and we begin our journey towards Nebraska.

~~~ Two months later, in an old abandoned building in Grand Island, Nebraska ~~~

In a dark building, a lean man around thirty sits on a big chair. His demeanor is quite grumpy as he stares into the darkness, seemingly seeing more with his shining white eyes than a normal person ever could.

Like every immortal, he has a problem that makes him grumpy. He is alone, without a partner, unlike most of his fellow nest members.

For over two millennia, he has traveled far to find a mate to fill this void, but he had no luck.

"Bill, don't worry, they will soon come with new ones, or is it about Eric and this girl from Louisiana?" says a young beautiful woman with long brown hair and the same shine in her eyes as her maker.

And wants to sit down on his lap while holding a wine glass filled with a thick red liquid.

*Crash* The wine glass falls to the ground and shatters.

"Aghh! Bill, stop... I'm sorry!" screamed the young woman in panic because he got angry about her words and lifted her up in the air while grabbing her neck with immense speed.

"Never, ever mention them around me, or I will rip you apart like this whore who thought she could cheat on me with him. Do you understand me?" he asks, bringing her face closer to his.

She nods frantically, and he lets go of her, causing her to fall to the ground. While he sits down again and then asks calmly, "If we're speaking about the traitor, how is he doing? Did his ear get pointy already?"

But she remembers his previous order and stays quiet...

He grabs his forehead while shaking his head, then says with a sigh, "Violet, are you stupid? Of course, you can mention him if I ask..."

"I'm sorry, no, not yet, but his hair is starting to fall out, so it's only a question of time until his transformation will begin..."

This makes Bill smile evilly. His kind has a major weakness that turns them feral and ugly after they don't feed for a while. And so he locked the man he considered a brother up and threw the key away...

Suddenly a door opens to the spacious room, and two men with short brown hair and a blonde woman walk inside while holding two bound women with bags over their heads.

The blonde woman has no problems holding her victim, while both of the men need to use some of their supernatural strength to hold their victim at bay.

Then one of the men named Keith says, after making both women kneel, "Bill, we brought two new ones, one of them should hopefully be the one you are searching for."

Bill stands up and appears in the blink of an eye in front of his subordinates before taking the bag off the woman who doesn't struggle around.

And she is a dark-haired beautiful woman with a gag in her mouth, around twenty-five years old, and dressed in a very pretty red dress.

Sadly, her makeup is completely ruined because she couldn't stop crying after being kidnapped.

Bill seems not to feel anything after seeing her and stands up and walks to the other woman, who has a simple black jacket, a white blouse, and jeans on.

He removes the bag, revealing her beautiful red hair, and seems captivated by her. Like with his cheating girlfriend from Louisiana, he knows immediately that this is not a normal woman.

This woman also doesn't cry and simply stares at Bill, relaxed, after her bag is removed.

"Keith, did she have any papers on her?" he asks his trusted right-hand man.

"Yes, here," replies Keith and gives the woman's driver's license to his leader.

Bill looks at the ID then gives it back and kneels down to the woman with a smile and says, "Anna Milton, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"What should we do with this one?" asks Amber, the blonde woman.

"Have a feast while I'm taking care of this one," says Bill to her, and she grins and then takes the even more crying woman away followed by the brown-haired subordinate.

Leaving only Bill, Violet, Keith, and Anna in the room, who still simply stares at the beings in front of her.

"Leave me alone and grab a bite to eat. I need a few moments with her."

"Before that, we need to talk about something..." says Keith seriously, which makes Bill's mood worse.

"Then talk," says the old being, while crossing his arms.

"She has... she has a boyfriend."