
Afterwards, we returned to the hotel and waited until 8 o'clock for Roy to have his private session with Layla.

We split up with the brothers, and Cthylla and I went to our room.

She is currently reading the grimoire while I am using the time to enchant a folding knife since it's much better for hiding than a bushcraft knife, but sadly it is not as sturdy as one…

It's not really fancy or anything like that, but it will do its work after I'm finished with it.

"Are you planning on healing this Layla?" Cthylla asks, after glancing at me from time to time.

"Well, not really. One miracle healer is enough in this town; I don't want to create a new one…"

She furrows her eyebrows at me and says, "Even though you could solve Dean's dilemma immediately?"

"Yes… and it's only a dilemma because he makes it one. Sometimes you just need to accept reality and continue living."

This silences her and she looks down while thinking about it.

I sigh and say, "I understand why you want to help them and I don't need to be an empath to see how damaged these two are.

They lost their mother and have some unresolved father issues. At the same time, they are afraid to have relationships because they fear that the evil in the world will catch up to them.

And all of this is topped by a job that will literally kill them both one day... and sadly this is nothing you can solve at the moment."

"So you're suggesting we just let them continue like that? These two need guidance, a figure they can look up to, someone who shows them the right w—,".

*Knock, Knock*

"Hey, it's Sam. It's time to go."

Before Cthylla can propose adopting these two or me becoming their mentor, Sam chooses the right moment to stop her.

"Yeah, we're coming," I say to Sam.

Then turn to my soft-hearted girlfriend and say, "Let them find their answers alone first and then you can still help them out if they can't help themselves."

Afterwards, I grab my jacket, and she nods thoughtfully before following suit.

With a bit of guidance and parental love, these two could surely become more than just hunters who are pushed around by fate. But I don't think we're the right people for that…

We don't know each other well enough, and they already have their father and Bobby, who are probably filling those roles already.

I can only hope that Cthylla will come to understand that too…

"Didn't he mention something about a private session?" Cthylla asks the squad after we parked our cars next to the two dozen others in the parking lot.

"Yeah, a private session for his entire church," says Dean, looking around.

I gesture toward the house and say, "We only need Sue Ann. And I can sense her inside the house. So, let's go and deal with her."

They agree, and we begin to move towards it.

Since Dean is walking slightly behind us for some reason, I match his speed and ask, "Do you still feel guilty because of the woman?"

Dean remains quiet for a few seconds and then asks, "... Would you heal her if I asked you to do it?"

"Hmm… What would you give for her life if I say yes? Would you even sacrifice yourselves for her?" I ask him seriously.


"Then I will consider it," I say and accelerate to stop Sam and Cthylla because two cops are approaching us.

However, Dean walks towards them, saying, "I will hold them off. You go inside."

"Hey! Will you try to instill that fear of God in me now?" Dean yells at the policemen and runs away.

This causes the cops to drop the cups they were holding and run after him angrily.

We let him do his thing and in the meantime, arrive at the house.

So I tell Sam, "She is somewhere inside. You check upstairs, and I'll head to the basement, while Anna stays outside in case Sue Ann tries to escape."

"Alright, call me if you find something," says Sam and walks to the entrance of the house.

Seeing him enter, I turn to my girlfriend and ask, "Can I borrow your phone? Here's mine."

She looks puzzled but hands me hers and asks, "What's your plan? You know exactly where she is, right?"

Yes, but I need some time to talk to her. Take my phone, go to Dean, and call me if he starts seeing the Reaper because I'm sure he will be the next victim.

If I can't prevent her from sending the Reaper after him, I'll destroy the cross controlling it, and Dean should be fine."

"Alright, but be careful. You don't know what the Reaper is capable of," she says and gives me a kiss that I return.

"Don't worry, he can't harm me," I respond with a reassuring smile.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Sure, Mr. Invincible. Just don't push it too far."

With a wink, I leave her behind and head towards the basement door, where I can sense Sue Ann.

Then I quietly open the door and walk down the stairs, while hearing her chant something in Latin about a death god that should take a life.

"Mors deus audiat imperium meum et tolle hanc vitam, eamque trade alicui qui dignus sit."

"Mors deus audiat imperium meum et tolle hanc vitam, eamque trade alicui qui dignus sit."

"Mors deus audiat imperium meum et tolle hanc vitam, eamque trade alicui qui dignus sit."

As I sneak beside her, I see her kneeling in front of the dark altar while chanting and holding her self-made cross.

The dark altar is exactly as you would imagine. Made of dark wood, adorned with parts of deceased animals, blood, horns, and lit candles, among other things.

It looks quite medieval, except for Dean's photo in the middle of it, where his face is crossed out with blood.

So, the cameras in the tent were not only for surveillance but also for taking photos of people who misbehaved, to sacrifice them later...

I extend my hand and use telekinesis to forcefully pull the cross from her hands. It flies towards me, and I swiftly catch it.

"What?! You? No, give it back!" the shocked woman exclaims as she rushes toward me. So, I make my eyes glow to frighten her, and she stops in her tracks.

"Nope, it's mine now," I say, and begin examining the cross closely.

The cross appears simple, crafted from glass and containing a liquid—presumably her blood.

"An angel! Have you come to punish the sinners with me?" she asks upon seeing my eyes, then kneels down.

Angel? I wouldn't label myself as one...

So I say, "Something like that, wait a moment."

I take out my new knife, remove the top of the cross, and pour the blood onto the ground. While she stares in shock.

"No, please, you don't understand what it will do if you release it," she pleads.

"Who said that I'm going to release it?" I ask, refilling the cross with my blood using my knife. Then, I take out Cthylla's phone and take a photo of the kneeling woman.

"What… what are you doing, my lord?" she asks, confused.

"Punishing a sinner..." I say with a smile.

Afterward, I tear apart Dean's photo and place the phone with her image on the altar. Then, cut my finger to use the blood to cross out her face on the screen.

"How was it? 'Mors deus audiat imperium meum et tolle hanc vitam, eamque trade alicui qui dignus sit?'"

(May the death god hear my command and take this life and give it to someone who is worthy)

Suddenly, the candles extinguish, and the reaper materializes beside her.

"This woman enslaved you. Take her life and give it to the girl Layla, then return here," I command the Reaper. He then grins wickedly and grabs her head.

Let's grant these people and a stupid hunter a final miracle...

"No!!! I'm a believer! Please, don't!" she screams, but the angel of death obeys me and ends her life.

Then the Reaper disappears, and her lifeless and pale corpse collapses to the ground.

While I wait for him to come back, I suddenly sense Sam coming down to the basement. So I use my telekinesis to hold the door shut and give myself some time alone with the Reaper.

And only after a few seconds, he reappears, looking at me expectantly. I try to remember the right incantation from the spell book and say,

"Angelus Mortis, liber es, sed fugere non potes."

(Angel of Death, you are free, but you cannot flee.)

The Reaper stares at me as if stones have fallen from his eyes. Then, becomes angry, appearing in front of me and placing his hand on my head.

I can understand him, I would be angry too if someone had enslaved me…

But to his shock, nothing happens.

"Well, it appears I'm beyond your pay grade. So put your hand away, or I will order you to shove it up your ass," I say to him with a smirk.

He looks at me, frightened, and then steps back.

"So now we will play a game. I'll ask you something and you answer, got it?"

"Yes," he says stoically and continues to stare at me.

Thanks to my new eyes, I can somehow see through his 'human' appearance. It seems that his true form is a hovering, see-through skeleton in ragged clothing.

And I'm not sure which form is uglier…

"Good, tell me where your creator, employer, or however you call him, is."

"Father… we call him father. He was locked away millennia ago by the angels."

"Shit, is there a way to free him?"

"Yes, but only the angels know how. They free him when they want the dirty work to get done," says the Reaper with a disgusted face.

"Damn, well, whatever. Sooner or later, they will come for us anyway," I say with a sigh while Sam tries to break through the door.

"Last question before I let you go… Is there a way to kill an angel?"

I mean, who would know better than someone who has probably seen every kind of supernatural entity die?

"Yes, a higher being or their own weapons that they always carry with them can kill them."

This makes me smile because I only have to overpower one of them and take his weapon when they appear.

"Good, then you can go. I have no questions or use for you right now," I say to him.

If I want, I can bind another one since I now know how…

"Thank you, but first I also have a question and a warning."

I raise a brow and ask, "Is that so?"

"Yes. First, the warning: when our father is free, he will erase you and your girlfriend. Both of you are abominations and are not allowed to exist."

"Now we are talking. I couldn't ask for more if he tries," I say with a smile that makes the poker face of the Reaper crumble again.

"And the question?" I ask him after he seems to be frozen.

"What exactly are you? Your female companion is clearly a monster from another dimension, but you are different… An abomination for sure, but I don't know why I get the same feeling of fear and devotion when I see you, exactly like with Father…"

That's interesting. I kinda want to meet Death even more.

Since it's only fair to respond to him, I say, "I'm a being that one day decided to live, so I became a human. Then I decided to become immortal, and so I became one…

Basically, as you said, I'm an abomination…"

"That's not really an answer to my question," he responds, kind of disappointed.

"More than others got… so live with it."

He stares at me, but when I unlock the door for Sam, he vanishes, and the Winchester flies through the open door.

"Agh, what the—" he screams, crashing into the ground, as he didn't expect the door to suddenly open.

He lies there for a while before looking up, only to see me waving at him while Sue Ann lies on the ground next to me.

I then take Cthylla's phone, wipe away the blood, and write her a message that Sue Ann is dead.

Meanwhile, Sam stands up and asks, "What happened here? I couldn't enter."

*Crash* I kick the dark altar and destroy it to make sure that no one else will use it.

Then, show him the cross, and say, "I took the cross away from here. Then the Reaper appeared and killed her before disappearing for good."

"Is that all? Is it over?" Sam asks in disbelief.

"Yes… Let's get out of here. The others are waiting," I say to him, and we walk outside, leaving Sue Ann behind.

When we step outside, Dean and Cthylla are already standing there, but they don't look toward us; they look toward the tent.

People are happily leaving the tent after a successful church service, followed by Layla and her mother, who are smiling from ear to ear.

Cthylla already told Dean about Sue Ann's fate, which is why he is probably so calm.

'Look at that… the 'I don't care about anything' immortal is a softy,' I hear my girlfriend saying in my head.

I ignore her since I'm more of a hardy and walk toward Dean, saying, "You wouldn't be able to see her so happy right now if you were dead, right?

Here's a piece of advice you didn't ask for… learn to appreciate and enjoy life, Dean. And if someone ever asks you again to sacrifice yourself for something, just shoot them..."

"There were no normal ways to save her…" says Dean, not stopping to look at her.

"Then use the abnormal way. There were many possibilities to use the Reaper spell to achieve a happy ending even without me being here.

Step out of your shadow and use all means to get what you want," I say to him and place the cross into his hand before leaving him behind.

Cthylla follows happily behind me since she got what she wanted, while Sam gives Dean some shoulder pats to bring him back into reality. Then they follow us too.

~~~ Sam and Dean's hotel room ~~~

Sam and Dean were alone in the room after taking care of the Reaper.

Although they didn't have much to do this time, they were still tired after all of this.

While Sam was reading the breaking news about the local miracle healer's dead wife, Dean was sitting on his bed, staring at the cross still filled with Rasiel's blood.

Sam looks up and asks him, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Dean says and places the cross in his bag, which is lying next to the bed.

"Come on, Dean. I can see that you're not alright. Tell me."

"Fine… I still don't know how I should feel about it. When Layla was ill, I felt bad, and now she's healed, but I still feel bad."

"Is it because Aiden used the Reaper to heal her? In the end, Sue Ann got what she deserved, and Layla is healed, so be happy, man. Even though he told me that nothing else happened…" says Sam.

"I don't know. Using dark magic… that's not like Dad taught us to do things."

"Dean… Dad would use everything to achieve his goals, so don't make him more of a her—"

*Knock, Knock*

A knock on the door saves the brothers from a more heated conversation. So Sam stands up and opens the door.

"Hey, Layla. Come in," says Sam after seeing her standing in the hallway.

"Hey," she says, and her eyes wander to the man whom she has come to visit.

Dean sees her and quickly rises from his bed, asking her, "Layla… how did you know we were here?"

"Sam… called. He said you wanted to say goodbye."

Dean glances at Sam, who only grins back at him.

"I'm gonna go uh… visit Aiden and Anna, so take your time," Sam says and leaves the two alone, only to run into an eldritch being who wants to invite the brothers for a drinking night.

She walks to Dean, and they both sit down on the bed. Then Layla asks, "So, where are you going next?"

"Don't know yet. Our work kind of takes us all over."

Layla watches him silently and somewhat sadly, then says, "You know, I went back to see Roy."

He nods, and she continues. "And he healed me… I'm finally healed. I still can't comprehend it."

Dean smiles at her and says, "I'm happy for you that it worked, and I'm sorry for scaring you earlier."

"I'm sure you have your reasons, and sometimes miracles can be frightening."

"Yeah, sometimes they are…" says Dean thoughtfully.

They look into each other's eyes, and Layla says, "Sadly, the evening was not all good… they found Sue Ann dead. She seems to have had a stroke."

"Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry for Roy. He is a good man and doesn't deserve what happened."

Layla nods and then stands up, saying, "Yes, my mother and I will help him from now on as best as we can."

"That sounds good…" Dean says, remaining seated.

They continue to gaze at each other, and Layla says, "It seems it's time to say goodbye Dean. I wish you good luck, and I will pray for your safety."

She waits for a moment for Dean to say or do something, but when nothing comes, she starts walking towards the door.

When she reaches for the door handle, Dean can't hold back any longer and walks towards her, saying,

"Layla, wait. Do you really think I'm someone who deserves to be prayed for? I'm not really a good person…"

"Yes, I have a feeling that you are one of the people who really deserve it," Layla says and places a hand on his cheek to convey her feelings.

And He puts his own hand on hers while closing his eyes.

With the other hand, she presses down the handle to open the door and says again, "Goodbye, Dean."

Then she tries to walk out, but their hands are still connected, so she stays.

She turns again to Dean, looks at his hand holding hers, and waits for a second time for him to act.

Dean fights with his inner demon for a split second, then decides to take what he wants and enjoy his life after what feels like an eternity.

He forcefully closes the door and presses Layla against it, then passionately connects his lips with hers. Afterwards, they decide to use the night to truly say goodbye to each other.

Meanwhile, a few rooms further down the hallway, three 'people' are sitting and drinking their second bottle of whiskey while sharing stories.