On the Run

"It seems we also have no signal here," says Patrick worriedly after taking a satellite phone from his backpack.

"There's nothing we can do about it... our best course of action should be to head towards that tower-like mountain over there."

If I were an evil mastermind who watches over a dimension, I would also build a giant tower.

"Are you sure? What if it's a dead end?" he asks as we continue walking through the large living room we are in right now.

"No, but it's better than nothing," I say with a shrug. Then, I stop Patrick because I could hear something walking around the corner, and it sounded like a pretty big guy.

The strange thing is that I can't sense from this direction...

I ready my M4 while Patrick walks behind me, just as a giant, faceless, and bald being with a box comes around the corner, only to stop when it seems to notice us.

Its torso and head are unusually small in contrast to its limbs, and it's wearing an Ikea uniform as if it were a staff member or something like that.

The uniform consists of simple blue jeans and a yellow T-shirt with an embedded Ikea logo.

It places the box down, and as it looks like it's about to attack us, it unexpectedly opens the box, takes out some pillows, and starts placing them on the couches that are standing here.

"This is the thing from my vision, but it's ignoring us? Maybe it's like a robot or something like that?" asks Patrick after peering from behind me.

So, this thing is dangerous to me?

I aim at the thing and say, "Possibly. At least I can't sense any life from it. Let's find out what it really is."

"Find out h—"


I shoot the thing in the head, and it collapses like a doll, shocking Patrick in the process. Afterwards, I walk over to it and kneel down to inspect it closely.

"It seems to have human-like skin, but no blood," I say after examining it from the outside. Then, I take out my knife and cut open its stomach while Patrick watches in horror.

"Also, no organs or bones. How is the thing even moving?" I ask after sticking my hand inside it to feel around.

"Yeah, that is disgusting…" says Patrick, looking away.

Is it? It's like cutting open a doll or a mannequin or something like that, so I don't think it's so bad...

Still, how does the thing move without a mechanism inside or something else that controls it? And why can't I sense anything from it?

"Well, at least we now know that we don't know anything about them... except that we can kill them if they're even alive," says Patrick, taking a pillow from the box and putting it inside his backpack.

Suddenly, I hear more heavy steps rushing our way. It seems that I triggered something. So, I say while shouldering my M4,

"They are simply strange, but we should probably go. I can hear more coming this way…"

Patrick nods frantically, and we move out of the giant room towards another in this labyrinth of room setups.

"I don't think… it was a good idea to shoot that thing…" Patrick says out of breath, while we were running away from a mob of these creatures.

Until a moment ago, we had managed to avoid them and continued walking towards the tower. However, when the clock struck 8 pm, all the lights suddenly went out.

Afterward, the tower started glowing in the distance, while ominous music began to play, and a mob of these creatures in different shapes and forms appeared out of nowhere.

Seemingly with the goal of chasing and catching us…

"The store is now closed. Please exit the building," chant the creatures in unison, stretching their hands towards us.

"You think? It seems more like they are angry that we are here after closing hours," I say, looking for a way to bring Patrick to safety before dealing with them.

They somehow seem to know where we are at any given moment, making it nearly impossible to hide…

We exit another room setup and finally arrive at the giant shelves, which gives me an idea.

So I shout towards the out-of-breath Patrick, who is slowing down more and more, "When I say jump, then jump and let whatever will happen to you, happen, or you will die! Understood?!"

I need him to trust me completely. If he tries to defend himself from what I'm trying to do, it probably won't work.

"Ha... ha... yes!" he says, looking like he could collapse at any moment.

"Good, then jump!"

He closes his eyes, makes a small hop, and I use my telekinesis to catapult him into the air. Then jump after him, while boosting myself up as well.

I couldn't fly like that, but a bit of hovering and higher jumping should be possible. And I must say, the feeling is amazing, it's like a rollercoaster or something like that.

"Ahhh! What the hell! Help me! I'm going to die!" screams Patrick, frightened.

It seems like he doesn't enjoy rollercoasters...

After I boost us high enough to be at the same level as a building-like shelter that is over three stories high, I then use my telekinesis to land safely with Patrick on it.

Even up here, there are pallets of goods and furniture everywhere.

This must be the richest Ikea store ever…

"I'm alive, thank God... do you do things like that often?" Patrick asks, then sees a bed standing there and drops onto it.

In the meantime, I look down at the mob of beings in yellow shirts as they begin to climb up the shelf.

I ready my M4 and say in a relaxed tone, "No, it was actually the first time... I'm glad I didn't smash you into the shelves or let you fall down

Anyway, don't get too comfortable, they are coming up. So we need to keep moving for now."

The shelf we were on right now was only a middle-high one, so we could probably jump further up to get away from them.

Patrick looks at me in horror after hearing my words, and I don't know which part shocks him more: that he could have died while jumping up or that we need to move again.

Maybe both...

So I give him time to recover a bit and put the M4 on single fire before starting to decimate our enemies.

*Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang...*

After using 30 rounds, I begin throwing things down on them until there is nearly nothing left except the bed Patrick is on.

The only problem is that the yellow shirts are increasing in number, rather than decreasing...

"It's time to go," I say, grabbing the sleeping Patrick by his suit to lift him up.

"Give me five more minutes…" he mumbles while rubbing his eyes.

"Sure, it's probably better anyway if you hold them back while I escape," I reply and drop him onto the ground the next moment.

Because one of the beings turns its massive head towards us while peering over the edge of the shelf.

It's a colossus that appears to be nearly two stories high, and it attempts to lift itself up while grasping the edge of our shelf.

"The store is now closed. Please exit the building," the giant says while stretching one of its massive hands towards us.

So, I take out my machete and throw it towards its head, using telekinesis to increase its speed.

The machete pierces the head of the Ikea staff member, and it falls back onto the floor below, causing the shelves to tremble.

Then, like a boomerang, the machete returns, and I catch it before placing it back into its sheath.

"I think I'm fully awake now… and I'll also pass on holding them off," Patrick says, dusting off his suit.

"Good. We'll jump onto the top shelf from here, so just run and jump. I'll take care of the rest and now, run!" I command while beginning to run myself as more Ikea staff members manage to climb up.

Patrick follows me panically, and I match his speed to ensure he isn't left behind.

When we reach the drop of the shelf, I push him over it as he hesitates, simultaneously propelling us upwards.

The screams were horrible… and I was relieved when Patrick stopped shrieking like a little girl after we landed on the top shelf.

I have no idea how high it is, but from here, we can see almost everything, at least until it becomes too blurry to identify objects from this distance…

The shelves are essentially the largest structures here, only surpassed by the tower that seems to be in the middle of this labyrinth of a store.

The intriguing part is that I can see some illuminated areas nearby on the ground, and one is so close that I can see smoke rising from there.

So I close my eyes, concentrate on my perception, and attempt to sense the auras down there. And after a while, I can sense at least ten individuals there.

Wait, what the hell is he doing here...? Is this the mysterious hunter who entered the place before the Foundation could secure it?

I glance at Patrick, who is still seated on the ground after recovering from our short jump, and decide to ask him later why he assumes I would be interested in saving someone like the father of the Winchester brothers...

We made a few more jumps that probably gave Patrick PTSD and arrived at the edge that would lead us directly to the illuminated area.

"I also sense around ten people down there," Patrick says as he looks down.

I nod at him while still contemplating what to do next.

We are still being pursued and only managed to put some distance between us and them because they can't jump over the shelves like we did to get here.

Furthermore, I doubt the people down there will appreciate it if we bring an army of enraged employees with us…

So, after pondering for a while, I formulate a destructive idea and turn to Patrick, asking, "Should we jump?"

"Can you levitate us down?" he asks carefully after glancing downward once again.

I think about it and then honestly answer him, "... Maybe."

He looks at me, bewildered, and then says, "I think I'll try to— Ahh!"

"Jump, right?" I interject and push him over the edge before leaping after him.

Before we crash, I slow our fall, and we land gently on the ground, or at least I do, as Patrick appears to be unconscious and has landed face-first…

Sure, I have also the 320ft (approximately 98 meters) paracord with me, but it's not suitable for climbing, making this the better approach, especially considering our limited time.

After looking around, I noticed that the illuminated place was a barricaded shelter constructed by the inhabitants using Ikea furniture.

It also seems that some of them are on guard, as I hear them call for reinforcements upon spotting us landing near their shelter.

But I don't think they will care much longer about us, because when I use my night vision to peer into the dark labyrinth of shelves, the first staff members already appear in the distance.

So, I set my backpack and M4 down and stretched out my hands while focusing entirely on the power that my telekinesis had already displayed when I got angry.

I move my hand in a motion as if I'm trying to press down on the shelves, attempting to make them crumble.

*Crack, Crack, Screech*

And the shelves emit all sorts of noises as everything starts to shake around me.

No wonder witches avoid using spiritual spells. It feels like my body could break at any moment from using telekinesis in this way.

But since I heal immediately, I can push it even further...

*Boom! Crash!* The ground shakes from the earthquake caused by the falling shelves.

At the same time, the army of Ikea staff members is being crushed by building-like structures, while dust rises in the air and obstructs the view

I drop to my knees, and blood drips to the ground from my mouth, ears, and nose before stopping immediately, while my body heals itself.

Yeah, a normal witch would probably die after this...

The people from the shelter open up their self-made gate and start to walk out as the dust begins to fade away, leaving only the ruins of shelves in front of us.

I stand up and turn towards them, as the leader of their group walks forward, wearing a leather jacket and holding a wired baseball bat in his hand.

"An impressive show... but now I would suggest you tell me what you are and what you are doing here.

Before I make a show by burying you in the ruins you've just created," says the rude hunter, pointing his bat at me.

Does he think I haven't recovered from the spell right now...? It seems that starting fights they can't win runs in the family.