Demon's Trap

Finding their father for the second time was easy, since I had established a connection once already. 

So, after using a bit of Dean's blood, which he, of course, gave without complaining, we tracked him down in Jefferson City, Missouri.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask the crew, which consists of Sam, Dean, Bobby, Cthylla, and myself. They nod, so I walk to the engine hood of my car and place a bag with the essential items inside on it.

Including five enchanted knives, a semi-automatic shotgun with twelve enchanted shells, and four pistols with two magazines each.

After receiving nearly 100k from the SCP guys, I used it wisely and invested it in weapons and various other necessities like a true prepper. And still had over 85k left afterwards…

And man I'll need a new car soon because I can't store my belongings inside anymore.

"That one is fancy… I'll take it," says Bobby, picking up the shotgun and inspecting the shells. Then asks, "Can these shells kill demons too?"

"No, but they can kill their vessels. And you better not waste them… it was a pain in the ass to inscribe the symbols on the projectiles inside," I say, remembering the hours I spent on them.

"Oh, shut up. I've been shooting shotguns before you were even born," says Bobby annoyed as he reloads the weapon.

"I don't think so… Everyone, grab your gear, and then we'll be good to go," I say, and the others all take a knife and a pistol.

"Why do you even need the Colt if you have something like that?" asks Dean after reloading his pistol and tucking it into his pants.

"Because he is lazy and doesn't want to spend hours enchanting each of his weapons," says Cthylla grinning, while also checking her gun before placing it in a holster she bought earlier.

Dean shrugs in agreement and simply accepts it as a fact that I'm lazy…

"I'm not lazy; I'm resourceful," I say in my defense. "Wuff," and only Rumsfeld, the good boy, seems to support me, while the others look at me in disbelief.

"What's with Meg or Meg's vessel?" asks Sam, looking back at the house, where the girl was still sleeping.

"I left her a message with some money and my second phone, so she can leave on her own when she wants. But the possession and the healing took a toll on her body and soul, so I don't think she'll wake up anytime soon," responds Cthylla with furrowed brows.

"She'll be fine, but maybe we should hide the corpses before she wakes up for real," I suggest, pointing at the still-lying bodies on the ground.

"That's a good idea. Let's put them in some car trunks, and we are good. I do something like that all the time," says Bobby, relaxed, earning some strange looks from the rest of us.

"Of course, not with human corpses but monsters... well most of the time," he adds and walks over to one of the guys I put down, starting to drag him away while Sam grabs the other.

"Remind me to set Bobby up with someone after we save John…" I say to Dean and Cthylla, and they both nod worriedly while looking at Bobby dragging the corpse away.


After they cleaned up, we drove to Jefferson City in two cars, with Bobby riding along with the brothers due to our car being too full of stuff…

The eight-hour drive was quite quiet. Because Cthylla concentrated on learning some new spells from a spell book she took from Bobby, while I focused on John's location. 

Fortunately, he remained stationary throughout the entire journey, and we arrived at an apartment building named Sunrise Apartments without having to cast the location spell every few miles.

"Up there?" asks Dean, his expression turning serious as he shifts into his hunter mode for a moment, which is probably the only time he is genuinely serious.

"Yes, top floor, but he is not alone… there are at least three demons near him, and two others are moving around in the building."

"And the yellow-eyed demon?" asks Sam, visibly tense.

"No idea… I can't sense him there, but some beings can hide from me using magic or when they are extremely powerful, so you never know," I tell him and take off my jacket, before throwing it into the car. 

My black T-shirt and bluish cargo pants are enough… there is no need for extra movement blockers. The others see me remove the top layer of clothing, and do the same. 

Cthylla takes off her jeans jacket and stands in her jeans and white sweatshirt, while Sam and Dean remove their jackets too, though their lumberjack outfits had multiple layers anyway, so it didn't change much.

Bobby takes off his vest as well and seems to contemplate taking off his cap, but then ultimately decides against it.

"Ready?" I ask them after they've geared up, or in this case, geared down, and they all nod. So, we walk inside the building.

"It's a wonder that we're not already surrounded by the police," Cthylla says as we reach the staircase.

"Why? We haven't even started shooting," Bobby replies, looking annoyed at the staircase he has to climb.

Making her give Bobby a blank look before pointing at him. "Because we walked in with visible weapons, and you didn't even try to hide your shotgun."

She's right, but where is the Colt? Is Dean hiding it inside his lumberjack shirt?

"We're walking into a building with at least five demons… of course, I'm not going to hide this baby," Bobby explains, looking affectionately at the shotgun.

"Remind me to find you a girlfriend after this... let's go," I command and take the lead, with the others following closely behind me after patting Bobby's shoulder in a sympathetic manner.

"Idjits," says the old man, while shaking his head before also following us.

When we're halfway through the building, I gesture for them to stop and point to the door leading to the next-floor hallway. Then, show up three fingers before counting down with them quietly.

*Crash* when I put down the last finger, a burly guy in a trucker outfit bursts through the door. Then he turns to us, grinning before his eyes turn black.

Then he says, "Time to—" *Bang* before being cut off by a shotgun blast to the head from Bobby.

"You didn't even give him enough time to deliver an evil speech?" I ask him as my damaged eardrum heals because he shot right next to my ear…

"They always say the same things anyway," he replies as dark smoke emanates from the spot where the demon's head should be, then disappears into the ground.

"The weapons really work against demons... and Dad spent his whole life searching for the Colt," says Sam, watching the spectacle.

"Yes, they work, but Dad wanted to kill them, not just make them leave and possess another poor bastard," Dean says, clenching his fist.

"With my next weapon upgrade, my weapons will be able to do that too," I state, making the brothers and Bobby raise their eyebrows while Cthylla smiles at me.

Then I look through the broken door at the second demon, who stands there with a conflicted look about what to do next.

"Let me handle this one... I'll catch up with you afterward."


The brothers nod and move up, while Cthylla says, "Don't overdo it," and kisses me on the cheek before moving up, leaving only Bobby behind, who says, "Don't wait for a kiss from me, I'm not into bearded guys…" and moves up too.

"Does that mean you like bearded women? I will note that down while searching for a girlfriend for you…" I say to him, but he doesn't answer back, so maybe he really likes them hairy?

"Do I look like a joke to you?!" screams the demon who looks like the elderly neighbor from next door, wearing jeans and some old self-made sweatshirt, before dashing towards me.

"No, more like a running corpse..." I say, shrugging before grabbing his hand, spinning him around, and smashing him into the wall next to me before picking him up by his sweatshirt again.

"I mean, look at your demon face. You look like Joker and a zombie had a baby…"

"You!" he tries to grab my neck with both hands, but I give him a headbutt before slamming him into the right wall.

Then walk towards him asking, "I'm hearing?" before kicking his head inside the wall completely.

"Nothing? Then we should end it, right? I have no time to play around anymore anyway," I say after grabbing his neck and pulling him out of the wall.

*Bang, Bang* because it seems that the others have already arrived at the top floor…

The demon looks at me for a second before opening his mouth to escape the vessel, but I place my hand on it and stop him, making him look at me in horror.

"Let's see how this works…" I concentrate on his demonic aura and try to invade him like I did with the female demon, but this time I don't want his memories.

"Mhmmmmgh" he wiggles around, and his eyes start to flicker with an orange light, until glowing up brightly before turning to normal human eyes afterwards.

"Welcome to the team, Ziroh…" I say, dropping the now exorcised but dead guy. 

Afterwards dash to the top floor, where two corpses are lying on the floor while Bobby stands guard outside with his shotgun raised.

He sees that it's me and puts it down with a nod, while I walk to the door they seem to have kicked in.

Looking inside, a guy is lying there who was probably possessed by a demon before and had to escape his body because his body turned into a mummy.

I first thought Cthylla wanted to find some new spells, but it seems she searched for new tricks to use her high affinity for water more effectively…

"Sam? Why are you splashing water on me?" I hear John talking inside, before a worried Dean asks, "Dad, are you okay?"

First, I wanted to let them happily reunite, but my instincts screamed at me to check on them… so I walked inside until I reached a bedroom with Cthylla standing there, leaning on the doorway while watching the family reunion.

Stepping next to her, I see the brothers lifting their father from a bed, only that his face is the most deformed one I have seen until now.

"Get away from him!" I scream, taking out my gun, making 'John' grin before sticking his hand into Dean's shirt and pulling out an old-looking Colt.

The next moment, things went out of control... First, the confused Dean was flung away from his 'Dad' while the possessed John grabbed Sam's neck and placed him in front of him as a shield before aiming with the Colt and *Bang* firing at us.

I don't pull the trigger from my gun but push Cthylla away and try to use telekinesis to stop the projectile at the last moment, but it doesn't work… and I only see the glowing cross from the bullet before everything turns into darkness.