Shop Is Unlocked!!!


Filler alert!



You all must have noticed that I like to extend showing the system panel for as much as possible, this is because I know you guys don't like fillers as much as I can extend it, all the fillers, I've been avoiding for a while will be put in this chapter, thank you




Account number: UPB-4589-LEON

Bank Name: Universal Point Bank (UPB)

Account Holder Name: Leon

Account Balance: 3,165, 789 Universal Points (P)

Currency: Universal Points (P)


Watching this, he grinned,

Though currently, he doesn't need such a huge amount of money, its use would come later on.

Checking this notification, he was excited to see his stat because he had received countless level-up notifications during his fight against the hoard of mantis. But he decided to let it wait for a while, till he got back home.