Don't be so Confident...

Leon looked in the direction of the howl, but he wasn't able to spot anything.

He perked his ears and listened carefully, trying to see if he would be able to hear the distinct sound of wolf paw steps.

But apart from the raging howl-like sound of the blizzard, he wasn't able to hear anything else.

He wondered how he was able to hear the wolf's howl in the first place, the blizzard howling sound covered every other sound.

At this point, he frowned, thinking that he must have heard things wrong, that the howl he heard must have been the sound of the blizzard all along, but still he trusted his instincts. Though the blizzard sound was like a long constant or nonstop howl, the howl he heard moments back had to be that of a wolf, it was perculiar, so he shouldn't be mistaken.

With a disgruntle sigh, he began moving in the direction of the howl.
