Experience is the biggest difference between players!

[STA: 24]

'I need more time. Given these undeads' number, I won't win against such a horde. Tsk, the lack of information makes this mission harder than ever!' Isaac became more nervous as he saw Maria gradually being overwhelmed by the walking corpses.

Eight minutes had already passed since Maria had started the fight with the living dead.

As Isaac had said, he could only earn 8 points in stamina. By adding those additional points to the previous 16 points he had in reserve, he was even less of the account.

If brute force depletes stamina points with a drop of water, the use of magical skills was similar to an open tap.

Taking this factor into account, Isaac knew that he'd not have enough endurance to finish a good blow with enemies, who are none other than former players.

Maria, overwhelmed by ten former players of levels similar to hers, had no choice but to leap back; to attract enemies far from Isaac who was desperately trying to restore his stamina.

But just like the previous times, the zombies didn't pursue Maria, they rushed towards Isaac with more momentum and aggressiveness!

"Tsk! Why are they so attracted to you!?" She shrieks with frustration when she sees this anomaly that was familiar but incomprehensible to her.

"Skill, blood slash!" She roars in a growling tone as she horizontally swings her sword towards the ten living dead, who wanted to attack Isaac.


Despite being three meters from the zombies, a halo of blood-red slash came out on her blade and fell on the living dead!

The wound was deep, but Maria's dark expression showed her dissatisfaction.

'My blood slash's weaker against them. But apart from this skill, many offensive skills only scratch them. What's these fucker's problem!?' She coldly mumbles in her mind while bending her knees and rushing towards the ten living dead, who had still their backs turned.

Her thin blade cleanly decapitates her first prey's head followed by the second.

But before she decapitates the third target, her senses shout at her!


Instantly, a fireball the size of a basketball whistles toward her!

She dodges aside, avoiding by an inch, the sneaky attack of a red-haired zombie woman.

Maira's eyes became red with rage when she saw that the girl had burned some strands of her silvery-white hair.

But knowing her priority, she continued to massacre the eight other living dead who were still running toward Isaac!

"Ragh! They're pissing me off, these fucking zombies!" She roars like crazy with exposed fangs, giving her a more monstrous appearance.

She stood in front of Isaac, interposing between him and the Zombies pack who continued to emerge underground.

She frowns and grinds her teeth when she saw that half of the graves were not even activated yet.

But she didn't have time to worry about that.

The fire mage girl who was still behind, and protected by two warrior zombies, throws her another fireball!

Seeing the fireball zooming towards her; she vertically raises her blade above her and whispers in her mind...

'Class skill: Blood Harvest!'


Her silhouette vanished near Isaac, followed by the simultaneous beheading of five other living dead, including the red-haired girl!

She reappears in front of Isaac.

But she immediately collapses on her lap, after having exhausted her magic points with her ultimate attack.

'Tsk! Even the special effects of my skill did not start; these living dead are too boring as enemies.'


[You have leveled up!]

[Your stamina, magic points, and health points have been restored!]

[Player: Maria (Lvl 59)]

Immediately, all the fatigue she felt evaporated all at once.

Her restless eyes became placid and her nervousness turned into quiet.

'I can do it!' She said, getting up from her knees with a confident smile on her lips.

But the next moment, her heart cooled when she saw twenty other tombs activate!

'Shit! The difficulty level is regulated by the player's level!' She curses her bad luck in her mind when she saw the pack tripled!

Isaac, who also seemed to have noticed this fact, frowns.

"Maria, give me a drop of your blood." He made this request while taking out an empty flacon and another containing a bright blue mixture in his inventory.

"Huh? My blood?" Isaac's unexpected question momentarily disturbs Maria.

But seeing the empty flacon in front of Isaac and the other one which was none other than a superior healing potion (only consumable for a high-level player), Maria frowns.

"Vampires blood indeed restores the health points; but you currently need to restore your stamina, not your...-

Isaac interrupts her: "Trust me, I know what I'm doing!" Isaac haste her in a somewhat impulsive tone.

"...Very well, this vial contains my blood." She takes out a bottle similar to the one Isaac had and throws it towards him.

She didn't need to worry about the bottle breaking since they were in a desert area.

Isaac caught up the bottle and unclogs it. "Given that you've leveled up, you can save me more time, can't you?"

"Rgh! You're asking me too much! Their numbers have...-

"Just three more minutes!" Isaac retorts these words.

Then he starts without listening to Maria's answer.

'In normal times, I'd not make such a suicidal decision, but time's no longer for hesitation, it's either that or death.' He had a fatuous smile on his lips as if he were making fun of himself; knowing the decision he was about to make.

He opens the other empty vial and pours a few drops of scarlet red blood (Maria), then proceeds in the same way with the other vial that contained the curing potion.

The next moment, when the two mixtures mixed, the liquid turned emerald green.

'Tsk! A failure!' He abandons the bottle and takes out another one eagerly.

After finishing, by increasing the dose of the healing potion, the mixture turns green and diluted.

But he was always dissatisfied. He continued the process three times in a row with different colors; but never the desired color!

'Tss~, as I expected. It takes practice to obtain the title of low-level alchemist. Although I'm an average alchemist when I was playing in the game, I now remain no less than a pariah who no longer has experience in this domain.' He laughs with irony when he sees the empty blood bottle in front of him.

He checks his stamina and realized he had gained five additional points.

'Since I must go...well, let's do things properly!' He dusted his pants and took out his two weapons.

'These undead target me because they know that Maria is not really...alive. Everything with strong vitality attracts them. And since Maria is a vampire, a living dead too, to tell it in a raw way; it's normal that her skills become weak against these bastards.'

Barely finished mumbling these words in his mind, his silhouette flashes and reappears between Maria and the pack of twenty-nine zombies.

"Huff~, it's not too early!" Maria sighs with relief with the dress in pitiful condition and the body covered in sweat, making her more attractive.

"Heh!" Isaac sneers when he hears Maria's complaints.

He puts his dagger on his waist and positions his sword in front of him with one hand behind his back.

'Is the miracle possible?' He addresses himself in his mind before taking on a severe mood.

[Your passive skill, sword master (intermediate), has just been activated.]

[You will lose ten magic points per minute as long as you fight with a sword in your hand.]

'To make it short, I've to end the battle in less than ten minutes if I don't want to be out of MP!' He whispers to himself while taking a deep breath.

At the same time, the living dead became proactive by feeling the thick vital energy of Isaac.


Their roars sounded in Isaac and Maria's ears like an unpleasant squeal.

Isaac was no longer content to stay on the sidelines. "In my opinion, if you assist me, their numbers will increase." He whispers these words to Maria's attention.

"I know, but these bastards are too coordinated; even if they have lost much of their skills and fighting spirit, they prevent me from focusing on one of them." She retorted between her teeth clenched with hatred.

"Heh, it's because you're not used to fighting against an entire PK guild." Isaac snorts arrogantly before he sprints toward the horde.

"Tsk! I hope your strength is worthy of your arrogance." Maria slams her tongue and looks at him with dissatisfied eyes.

Arriving in front of the first target, Isaac kicks him and continues his race without killing his prey which was at his mercy.

His blade was always stretched backward as an extension of his arm as he sprinted at full speed between the horde.

But Maria immediately frowned with confusion when she saw that Isaac wasn't killed any of her enemies.

Those he left behind immediately got up and chased him without worrying about Maria.

'What's he playing? His flexibility and speed give him an advantage in reducing enemy troops. But he continues to run like a...! Minute! Don't tell me his goal is the rearguards!?' A click immediately resounded in Maria's mind, finally guessing Isaac's targets who were the mages and archers at the back front!

And as if the others living dead, who were still on Isaac's way, had understood his strategy, they formed a body wall between him and the archers behind them.

Isaac's smile grows up when he sees this sudden change in their strategies.

The two mages and three archers, who were behind, began to attack him immediately with their long-range attacks.

'Neutralize long-range attackers; this is the abc that every PK must know. This means that this girl didn't get her impact points by choice, but to defend herself.' He mutters in his mind while bending his knees.

'Sword art's movements: first movements...

While muttering these words, he leaps into the air!


The first salvo of enemy attack hit the place where it stood a second ago.

But just before he landed on the ground, the second salvo targets him in the sky.

'Tsk! Why did he get uncovered!?' Despite Maria's furious tone, the agitation was visible in her eyes.

'In the sky, it's impossible to move as he wishes. Maybe he has a flying skill or...wings? I still don't know his legacy.' She continues in her mind, knowing full well that Isaac was a player whose fame was the equivalent of his talent.

But against all odds, Isaac didn't show his wings.

"...First movement: dodge!" As soon as he finishes using one of his sword master's sub-skills, his figure vanishes in the sky because of the boost of his speed that suddenly became explosive!

The next moment, Maria saw him behind one of the two mages, who was dressed in a long black hooded dress.

But at the same time, the mage's head falls from his neck and his black blood splashed out.

"Second movement: whirlwind!" Isaac immediately starts his combos by beheading the other mage who was a woman zombie with short black hair with an Albus Dumbledore stick on her left hand.

He then continues with the three archers who wanted to take refuge behind their tanks.

After taking care of the five most embarrassing, he looks at the other former players with crazy eyes. "Now these fives are no longer; let's have fun while my magic points will restore." He swings his blade in a sharp motion to remove the black blood on it and patiently waits for the others living dead with a sadistic smile.

'...Experience is the biggest difference between players; it's only now that I realize it.' Maria felt bitter in her heart after hearing Isaac's cheerful voice, who seemed to have forgotten that he was fighting with only one life.


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