Cindy (Epsis)& Rendy(Lilith).

Looking at the column of the black and white aura bursting to KM in the sky, Isaac and the others remained immersed in their states of contemplation with waves of emotions that froze everyone.

[You have invoked primordial beings; the gods' wrath has increased by +10% towards you.]

This last notification woke Isaac in his awe.

Armed with caution at its paroxysm, he takes a quick look at previous notifications.

[You can invoke your two 'maids' to serve you and assist you in your journey.]

[Alert: Know that the rage of some superior beings will be your only bad luck if you decide to use this parchment before the required time. It is prudent to wait for the complete metamorphosis of the earth, which will take place after the third impact.]

[It is also possible that they (Cindy & Rendy) will lose, forever, more than 90% of their powers if you hurry before the required time.]


[You have activated the higher class summoning parchment; expect consequences if they use their divine powers.]


'Consequences, huh? Was it (system) talking about the anger of higher beings? I'm not sure. But since it was this twisted goddess, who gave me this parchment, she probably expects me to use it.

-However, with such an amount of aura, these two will attract me problems. Plus, I can't permanently silence the witnesses. Tsk, I feel that this trip is going to be long.' He then sits under the shadow of the gas station, one of whose pumps had been destroyed.

'The only good news is to be able to contemplate the desperate face of this bastard who was looking down on me.' He had a sadistic smile on his lips, although he had his worries.

Slowly, but gradually, the torrential energy from his two 'subordinates' decreased.

Standing nearby, Isaac could perceive two female silhouettes, one of which was 6'1 with long silvery white hair and the other with short purple hair with her silhouette about 6'.

Everyone was dressed in a fanciful maid outfit of white-black, and purple-white.

Seeing them appear in their most basic and weakest appearances (human form), Isaac frowns with discontent.

He did not know if it was due to the limitation his system spoke of or if it was their choice.

Examining the environment around them, they only briefly look at King Tamers and his men before looking at Isaac behind them.

The other with short black-purple hair, striking crystalline pure purple pupils, and slightly purple sclerotics instead of white, frowns when she crossed Isaac's gaze.

Her long Lita heels hit the ground under her before she vanishes in shadow in front of Isaac and the others.

And in a thousandth of a second, Isaac hardly gulps up his saliva when he felt a black and cold dagger under his throat.

Feeling the girl's cold and murderous aura behind him, Isaac relaxed, relieved to always have his head on his shoulders.

"Are you this pervert that I owe my existence or one of his clones?" Her bel but cold voice sounded in Isaac's eardrums as her soft and fragrant breath invaded the latter's sense of smell.

Forgetting his heart which threatened to stop from one moment to the next, Isaac smiled stealthily before answering her.

"Glad to know you're still in shape, little Cindy." He mutters soberly.


A sneaky smile then appeared on his lips after feeling the girl's hand tremble slightly with her dagger.

Taking advantage of this lack of inattention on her part, Isaac uses all his impulses to get rid of her grip and appears behind her with a 'gentleman' smile which's too familiar to both girls.

He stretches his arm vertically, separating each finger from the other to have more strength...

'In normal times, she could have avoided my assault; but since she's still confused, for I don't know for what reason, let's take advantage of this to bring her back to her mind while erasing her suspicions at the same time.' Even knowing that he was increasing his chances of dying, he did not curb his intentions.

Shaking his head to free himself from hesitant thoughts, Isaac's hand whistled to the girl's ass!


The sounds emanating from his hand against the girl's plump ass, with a perfectly adapted body and made to measure by his hands, sounded like a perverse melody played by an experienced orchestra.

Overwhelmed by a wave of surprise, the electric shock momentarily stunned her cerebral neurons, making her vibrate despite herself.

But the discontent soon appeared in Isaac's eyes when he saw her reaction. 'Tsk, I'm going to have to wait for another occasion to hear her moans.' He shakes his head with an ironic smile that cursed his insignificant strength.

'But still, I would never have thought they could be so soft and bouncy. I'm proud of my...!

His heart drags him off his pervs thoughts when he sees the dark and icy eyes of the victim of harassment.

'Uh! She looks so cold! She's more intimidating than I imagined!' Knowing that the dice are already thrown, Isaac decides to play the game to the end; even though his bowels swirl in his belly.

"Other questions?" He muttered as his eyes switched between Cindy and the other girl, who smiled sadistically towards them; like a spectator amused by the scene that had just played in front of her.

Her strange but ultra-captivating smile showed two seductive little canines which barely exceeded her lower lip. Her blood-red eyes momentarily capture those of Isaac, who thought he could be safe if he avoided Cindy's cold eyes.

In passing, King Tamers and his henchmen had indescribable and constantly changing expressions as he witnessed the advent of a show they did not want to miss for anything in the world.

But among them, King Tamers was the most proactive and always endowed with a brain capable of thinking even after all that.

Cindy's previous lightning speed put the chip in his ear. Taking into account that the situation is likely to turn against them, he immediately begins to prepare the ground for his two future prey.

Finally managing to look away from Rendy, Isaac focused on Cindy whose cheeks had already turned red beetroot; as if his previous coldness was just a perception error.

As for Cindy, seeing Isaac's carefree actions, she closes her eyes and expels all the hot air she kept in her lungs to regulate her frantic emotions.

After a few seconds of repeating the same thing, she then opened them with a forced smile, because of her embarrassment, on her lips.

At the same time, Rendy's silhouette also appeared near her sister at a speed that was not inferior to Cindy's.

"Thank you for allowing us to serve you a second time, Lord Jack." They spoke at the same time at a synchronized pace.

Seeing them greet him with a graceful pose, with one foot forward and the other slightly bowed, while placing their hands straight on their chest, Isaac sighs heavily but with relief to know that the lucky star was always shining above his head.

"I'm glad to see you too." He mutters soberly without facial expression.

But his coldness was only an illusion and imitator of his character's hobbies.

He takes a keen look at King Tamers, who continued to invoke his other victims to increase his chances of success, with a bright smile.

Seeing that he had still not finished, Isaac focuses on his two war maids.

'The one's a mage and the other girl's a warrior. Seen from this angle, it's simple as an explanation, but even I can't know how scary these two are when they fight.

-I had created these two as the last defense wall before reaching the throne room. But no player, monster, or superior-class NPCs had presented themselves. It's a shame that they couldn't let off steam at that time.

-But hey, who am I to complain? Cindy and Rendy are configured as my most loyal servants. Their obedience towards me is, therefore, not surprising, despite their levels.

-Will the others also obey me? Sigh, Time is in suspense. Regardless, I would have the answer when the time comes. For now, I need to know their current powers in this world.'

With this brief recap, he looks at Cindy.

"Cindy, do you think you can fight by having your divine powers sealed?"

She raises her head towards Isaac, looking him briefly in the eyes. "Ah, I understand now."

"...Huh?" Isaac could guess that she was beginning to misunderstand each other. But before he explained himself, Cindy continued...

"You have also sealed your powers to explore this world, that has no divine energy, to perfect your magical and fighting arts." Her eyes shone with understanding as she felt like she had finally solved one of the mysteries that troubled her; Isaac's current weakness.

Hearing his maid's speculation, Isaac abandoned the idea of getting her out of uncertainty. '...Finally, it's not bad as an excuse; let's hope that this excuse will serve me to effectively control others.'

"Indeed. After I slayed Chronos and Mogis, the other gods began to track me down. So I had no choice but to come to this world to quietly restore my powers without being disturbed by the others." He said without perceptible stuttering in his voice.

Both frowned without answering.

After five seconds of silence, Rendy speaks in a soft, melodious, and charming voice. " As soon as it allows us to stay by your side, it wouldn't bother us." She said with blood-red eyes that shined slightly with malice.

Urgently turning his eyes away from hers, Isaac focuses on Cindy, waiting for the latter's answer.

"If it's an order, then I'll gladly comply with it."

"Good." Nodding his head in satisfaction, Isaac continued. "For now, in addition to sealing your powers, you must only activate the weakest heritage among the legacies I bequeathed to you during your creation."

While explaining, he takes out two small necklaces with a golden crystal inlaid in each of them.

[Collar of servitude. (Legendary)]

[Effective: Absolute obedience of beings with the power of a demi-god or below towards the owner.]

The two frowned when they saw the necklaces which were like a high-quality jewel.

"To prevent you from using your powers by instinct, you must wear them around your neck at all times; this is an order that I give you." His voice was slightly more authoritarian than usual.

'With these two necklaces, I would no longer have to worry about them betraying me even after learning the truth about my level and the current situation. Given their IQ level, I don't think they take longer to learn the truth.' He was currently the textbook definition of the word cynical.

But contrary to his expectations, the two nodded their heads, letting Isaac to puts the necklaces around their necks.

"What are your orders, Lord Jack?"

Rendy's question then awakened Isaac in his amazement.

"Ahem, for now, just call me Isaac; forget the honorary titles, it's for a good cause." He mutters, after clearing his throat to wipe off the idiotic look from his face.

"As you wish, Lord Isaac."

"No, Isaac, not lord or...- sigh, never mind." He put this problem aside before focusing on Rendy. "Rendy, you will answer on behalf of Lilith when we are not alone. As for you Cindy, hmmm... I think Epsis will suit you perfectly. It's to make sure that our identities remain secret."

"Yes, Sir!" Nodding their heads like two soldiers, who had just received orders from their superiors, the two rise from their knees and step back a few steps from Isaac.

In the second that followed, Isaac saw drops of blood floating around Lilith (Rendy), after she nonchalantly waved her hand around her.

Even if it was a few dozen bubbles at the beginning, gradually, the blood droplets became numerous to the point of hiding her silhouette in a blood cocoon; like a caterpillar preparing to metamorphose.

'Blood control? This is the ancestral vampire heritage I had obtained after completing the vampire queen's quest in the bloody mist Valley.' He mutters in his mind while focusing on Epsis.

The latter did nothing flashy. But instead of drops of blood, it was her shadow that flickered under her feet, as if it were alive.

The next moment, her shadow rises behind her in the form of a black veil with small sparkling sparks; giving Isaac the impression of contemplating a night sky filled with stars.

In the same second, her shadow completely engulfs her.

Isaac remains on standby, waiting to know what will come out of the two black and white cocoons.

Twenty meters from them, King Tamers took advantage of this inattention on their part and activated his taming skill on both.

Blood-red pentagrams, but familiar to Isaac, appeared around his two maids.

He slams his tongue with a demonic smile. "I hadn't forgotten you, I was just waiting for you to finish what you had to do." His sarcastic voice was carried by the wind to the ears of King Tamers.

Looking carefully, Isaac saw other monsters and former players (now puppets), around King Tamers.

'If this bastard has not yet ordered his soldiers to attack me; it's because he always hopes to steal these two from me. Tss~, his greed exceeds ordinary mortals.' Isaac chucked while looking at King Tamers' other toys with dark eyes.

At the same time,


The two cocoons, jet-black and blood-red, began to crack gradually.

He instantly forgets his enemies when he heard this crackling sound.

But when his eyes landed on the two cocoons, his smile became dark and worthy of a demon when he saw the cracks spread over the cocoons.


Thank you for following the story so far. I sincerely hope you enjoy the plot. If you have any suggestions or other advice, you're welcome.

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Character profiles will be available; stay with us to find out what they look like. Some previews will also be available in the auxiliary chapter that I will publish soon.