Arrival at destination.

-Clap, clap, clap.

"I have no intention of rotting the atmosphere, no, far from me this idea; but we have another problem to solve: how to continue the trip? Towards the Antarctic?" Even if she justified herself, everything showed the opposite; Isaac was convinced of that.

"It's not a hardship." Isaac renounces his desire to scold her while contradicting her with this short sentence.

"Oh? So did my dear gentleman find a miraculous solution?"

"...By flying at a fast pace, I can reach the next city before nightfall. As for you, Lilith will escort you with her."

"Hoho!? Because you know how to fly? Why didn't you tell me instead!? Is it related to your heritage? Besides, I just realized one thing, I don't know what kinda of heritage you have!"

Seeing the sparks in her eyes, Isaac squints his eyes, not understanding the deep nature of her sudden excitement about his heritage.

"Wait, I think I understood; so like that, my darling didn't trust me? Maybe you thought I was going to hock your secret to others like grass?" Her smile widened when she saw the suspicion in Isaac's eyes.

Faced with her familiarity with her master, Cindy's purplish pupils seemed to crackle with lightning in them as she gazed at Jane. "Master, who's this chick for you? I must be sure of it before committing something irremediable." She muttered to Isaac's attention.

"No, she's our escort."

Jane squints her eyes when she hears Isaac call her a simple escort.

"Then I could do what I want with her once our destination, right?" Cindy persisted while displaying a macabre smile on her lips.

At that moment, Jane's smile collapsed when she saw that Cindy was serious about her menace; and all this hatred had only one root, her nearness to Isaac, or perhaps since she called Isaac so affectionately.

She was not sure.

"Cindy, don't treat her like cattle; even if she doesn't look like it, she's a good person, well,...I think."

"What do you think? Do I seem to be a bad girl? Look, I always tremble after killing these people."

"Yeah, got it." Isaac slams his tongue while resuming his original shape.

The changes begin with his pupils that turn bloody reds, then, his two huge wings tore his black shirt that he had received from Rendy before he woke up this morning.

The nail of the show was his two refined black horns and his long scaly but smooth tail.

He then looks at Cindy while ignoring Jane who was frozen by the shock that prevented her from leaving her eyes on him. "Epsis, get into my shadow."

"I know how to fly."

"I know, but one of you two must stay in shape for future surprises on the way. And even if I know that you will not be exhausted by a simple walk in the sky, it is imperative; the fewer of us, the better."

Faced with Isaac's solid arguments, she had no choice but to comply, even if it was reluctantly.

But the event that preceded Cindy's departure exceeded Isaac's plans epically.

With a sleepwalking air, Jane approaches him while he is occupied with Cindy, who has just completely vanished into his shadow.


But when he came back to him, he saw the latter kissing him without shouting guard.

"This shitty girl!"

At one swiftness, Rendy, like a divine flash, grabs Jane by the back of the neck and sends her to waltz in the air.

These sequences of events baffled Isaac's neurons as he watched Jane disappear into the sky, moving further and further away.

But one thing screamed at him and became his absolute priority of the moment.

He looks at Rendy with dark eyes. "Shit! Pick her up before she crashes!" He shrieked with worry and jitteriness when he attended this strange scene in which he did not understand everything exactly.


"For everything's sake, stop wasting time and go help her; I had told you before, she's our only guide! Did you wanna kill our only guide!?" He fulminated vehemently when he saw Rendy's reluctance to change his mind about the shit she had just created which risked bringing her to the starting point.

However, with Isaac's irreproachable order, Rendy sighs with a retiring air. Just like Cindy, she was not satisfied to see this vampire girl become so familiar with her master, let alone to see him kiss her by skipping the steps.

Even if deep down, she knows that Jane had not reacted with her own will, this detail was only passive for her.

But yet, her momentum was most spectacular when she carried out Isaac's orders by flying to Jane's rescue. With a leap accompanied by a sound boom, Isaac staggers a few steps before finding his balance.

And before he had time to blink his eyelids twice, Rendy came back with Jane who was half conscious cause of shock against the wind.


Rendy then throws her on her butt barely landing on the ground.

But before she complains about it, Rendy approaches her with murderous eyes. "Try to do this again, and I'll tear the skin out of your face even before my master has time to stop me."

Her eyes enlarge with disbelief not knowing why she received such hostilities from these two (Rendy and her sister.)

But the moment after, as she began to have clear ideas, her face turned tomato red. W-Why?' She skims at Isaac with eyes seeking elucidation.

Unfortunately, no one was in her head to answer her.

Isaac sighed after making sure she was fine. 'This Fucking lust legacy. Why is my charm out of control? Is it because of...- I'm sure, this randy goddess is the cause?' Finally elucidating the mystery, Isaac distanced himself from Jane, just to be sure that he would not have to manage another problem of this kind.

Knowing the direction to take, Isaac took off, followed by Rendy who took Jane with her.

But seeing her take Jane with her using her gravitational magic instead of carrying her in her arms, Isaac smiled ironically.

Even though he was largely responsible for this event, he did not comment.




After half a day of flying at full speed, Isaac began by showing signs of exhaustion.

Even if he still had more than 70% of his magical energy left, his wings began to get heavier under the effects of his stamina which was in red.

"Master, wouldn't it be better to summon one of my flying beasts to transport all four of us?" This question that had just been asked by Rendy could not fall any better.

But Isaac refuses directly. "That's not possible. All the creatures you had tamed are beasts of colossal size. To give you a global idea, what will people think if they see a dragon flying in the sky? We must remain discreet as much as possible; the time has not yet come to go out on the big day, at least, until I arrive at my destination."

By listening to him, even if none of them understood why he wanted to remain hidden as if he were a prince in an asylum, Rendy no longer discussed this subject with him.

"In this case, what will you say to let me carry you and go faster?"

"Will you carry me with your magic as you do with Jane?" Faced with Isaac's proposal, Lilith's face deformed as if she had just heard a taboo.

"I can't disrespect you in this way." She instantly gives this answer as if she were programmed to answer Isaac's question.

"A lack of respect? I don't think that's the case."


Seeing her always holding back, Isaac, even knowing that she would have no choice but to comply if he ordered her, did not force her.

"Finally, if it can please you, do as you see fit."

When this sentence reached Rendy's eardrums, her indecisiveness's face turned into a charming smile.

She sneaks behind Isaac as if she had just teleported, cause of her dandy pace!


Before Isaac understands that he may have just made the wrong decision, a transparent shield envelops him with Jane and the owner inside.

"Well, hang on well; Master~!" As she rejoiced in this unique sentence, she spread her huge wings before accelerating like a missile!

It was a well-thought-out trick on her part, to have manifested a magical shield around them before accelerating at full speed.

In other words, the pressure of the air would, without a doubt, crush the bones of Isaac and Jane.

These two were sure of that, just by seeing their environments become foggy because of their current flying speed!

Despite everything, Jane and Isaac were not completely out of jeopardy; both had the impression that their organs were going to come out of their mouths because of a speed they couldn't bear!

With a green face because of dizziness, Isaac looks at Jane floating next to them.

But the second after, the panic seized him when he saw Jane's eyes, ears, and nostrils bleeding!

"Stop!" He ordered in a hasty and difficult-to-articulate voice when he saw that Jane was close to losing consciousness!

According to his order, Rendy stopped clearly, as if she had just frozen time with herself inside.

Stunned by her speed of reaction, Isaac remains slightly in the clouds before returning to reality.

He then leaves Rendy's comfortable arms before stopping near Jane whose mind was only attached to a string before sinking into full swoon.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks the most fatuous question while giving small taps on Jane's cheeks to force her to take charge.

"Light Healing."

At the same time, he heard Rendy behind him casting an average healing spell at Jane.

In the blink of an eye, Jane's eyes became vivid with life.

But instead of thanking her, she gives her a bloodthirsty look. "You did it on purpose!" She gazed at Rendy like a cheetah about to jump on her prey's throat.

But the indifferent maid only shrugs with an innocent air. "I don't see what you're talking about, little profiteer. The main thing is that you survived; tsk." The problem was not these words, but her tongue clicks, like an assassin irritated by a failed slaying attempt.

Isaac remains silent, unable to know exactly when their stories began.


Before Isaac intervened between the two, Jane prevented him from doing so.

"Don't get involved in that, darling. This bitch will soon beg me to achieve her." Her eyes seem lost all reason as she gazes at Rendy with madness.

The latter answers her menaces with a narcissistic smile before acting as if she had heard nothing.

Seeing her disproportionate pride, Jane swallows her rage for later after seeing Isaac express himself.

"I think we are already in the Arctic."

The latter naturally took advantage of this information to smother the wild chicken in the egg.

Hearing his revelations, Jane lowers her eyes under her feet.

But she soon slams her tongue with irritation. "Tsk; we have passed our destination."