
Chaos has not only changed mammals and invertebrates by evolving them thanks to mana but also the earth's core.

I would even say that it is the planet that experiences the greatest mutation obeying this chaos.

In addition to having another form of energy, it was also cured of its pollution while it was on the edge of extinction.

Sooner or later, the world was doomed to disappear; scientifically and innately speaking, this impact only improved the world and made it evolve on the right path.

But it didn't stop there only. Because of this change, our globe's constitution has altered wildly.

According to Jane's explanations, food cultures no longer grow, perhaps a side effect that is the result of this evolution.

Furthermore, just like the other players, I also received notifications from the system which said that the different cities of GLO have manifested themselves in our world.

A few hundred kilometers from us is one of these ghost cities.

But being covered with barriers prevents anyone (players or ordinary people) from entering it to enjoy the most special quests.

Therefore, we must wait for the second impact and hope that as a result of this, the barriers will conk out.

But anyone who has access to these cities before the others will have a huge advantage over the others.

There we will no longer talk about levels, but more than that. Quests are one of the greatest GLO privileges.

It is through them that a player can not only change classes but also obtain the most special legacies.

Normally, this threat will only be windy, just wait for the shield to fall before starting exploration.

But who will have the assurance that his quest won't be stolen by other players who have already had the privilege of exploring the field first?

The difference is like an old mine exhausted against a new newly discovered mine where resources are not yet exploited.

Instead of just gleaning crumbs, it would be best to take over most of the pie.

Isaac looks at John with a wild smile. "That's it, I finally understood why you came here with so few advantages to offer us."

The current glow in his eyes is none other than that of excessive avarice.

Anyway, the others were no different from him either; to believe that they all had the same thoughts as Isaac.

Johnathan's smile was similar to that of a demon who came to bait them with an irresistible offering.

But the problem was that neither Isaac nor the others were ready to miss this chance.

"So, what do you think? Do you believe that the deal's always in our favor?" John then asks without his smile withering.

With a sober smile, Isaac calmed his ardor to think calmly. "Before we venture into the negotiations, I still have a question for you."

John raises his eyebrows slightly. "Well, I'm listening to you." He mutters while sipping on his glass.

Seeing his nonchalance, Isaac knew that he had taken advantage of him. But everything wasn't yet lost.

Yes, he was convinced that it was just beginning. "How can you make players cross the barriers?"

John snort with disdains. "What are you asking me here? Do you realize that if I told you that, you would change your tact?"

Isaac gives him back his sarcastic smile with another. "So that means that it's within the reach of the first to come?"

"From the first to come? Haha, let's say I prefer to be careful with experienced players like you and your members." He retorts with psychotic eyes.

Following his arguments, Isaac nods with satisfaction. "All right, here are our conditions."

"…" Immediately, the tension became electrifying.


"Do you intend to make a unanimous decision without consulting the other members of your guild?" After a long moment of silence, Morgane lets her voice echo in the silent living room.

"You are mistaken, we are not a guild made up in a hurry; therefore, we know how to understand each other without the need for words." Instead of Isaac, it was Stella who answered Morgane's question with a sly smile.

She frowns when she sees her attempt to sow the seed of discord between the guild members.

Even Jane had been able to guess her malicious intentions.

"What are your conditions?" John asks when he sees his colleague being ridiculed by more sneaky than her.

'These people are all as deceitful as each other; it's to ask how they were able to get along all this time. Probably because of this guy.' He mumbles in his mind while frowning at Isaac.

He was not at the end of his surprise; he realized this fact after hearing Isaac's condition.

Isaac displays a demonic smile from one ear to the other while crossing his arms on his chest with a relaxed air. "Here is my condition: only I will have the obligation to intervene on the ground in the event of a glitch. The others will be free to intervene or not."


This time, his words created a wave of surprise in the living room.

Even before John and Morgane reacted, Steeve and Sasha were the first to disapprove of his plan.

"Forget, it's a stupid plan." Talk to them together while the others show their discontent through their eyes.

Isaac looks at Sasha with decisive eyes. "For once, don't let your personal feelings influence your decision."

"What are you talking about as bullshit? You believe that it is by doing this that you will pass for someone de--

"Don't be stupid." Isaac cut her off. "I made this decision for a good reason. Never forget it."



Seeing that no one had a say, he looks at John who has a twisted expression and is not beautiful to see.

Seeing that Isaac was waiting for his verdict, he scraped his throat to wake up from his astonishment. "Well, if that's your wish, I don't mind; but on the other hand, you will also be the only players allowed to participate in this expedition that will take place in--

"Precisely, I have a word to say about this." Isaac cut him off before he finished his explanations.

John frowns slightly annoyed when he sees Isaac constantly interrupting him. "What is it this time?"

Seeing his grumpy air, Isaac smiled furtively before leaning towards him, placing his chin on his crossed fingers. "I would not participate in this expedition, but only the members of my guild in my place."

"P-pardon me!?" John's smile was scratched from his lips as he stuttered this question.

Isaac didn't flinch. "You heard me well; I will not participate in this expedition but will leave my place to the members of my guild." He reaffirms once more than a stoic and monochord voice.



As the silence became more and more difficult to erase from the room, John and the other two women who do not belong to the guild, had indescribable expressions on their faces.

The strangest thing for John was to see the other members be more serene than before as if they were delighted to see their leaders sacrifice themselves to bring back food but let them devour it without taking crumbs.

This example is probably what is closest to the current situation of Isaac and his friends.

'No, it's not just that.' John murmured while looking at the other members in all roles.

'Judging by their calm, I don't think it's the first time he's done such madness. But except that we are no longer in the game; he would even risk losing his status as a guild leader if he is ever overtaken by the other members of his guild.

-One minute, now that I think about it, how does he make others listen to him and follow his instructions when he is the weakest in this room after this young vampire? Where does such a leader's charisma come from? Lead stronger than in a world where force takes precedence over everything?' This feat would go unnoticed before the eyes of some, but for John who seems to know more about the nature of men.

Putting aside the mysteries, he looks at Isaac with fierce and intrepid eyes. "Do you intend to sacrifice yourself to the profits of others? How adorable and heroic; that's what I would have said if it hadn't been you."

Seeing Isaac remain imperturbable in the face of his sarcasm, he continued: "I'm sorry, but we can't exchange your place only for all the members of your guild."

"Why? You mean that I'm not powerful enough to fill the role of guard dog?" He mumbles with a detached air without his smile wrinkling on his lips.

"That's not the question. You are good at combat, but you are not versatile in all areas. We not only need fighters but also blacksmiths, alchemists, crafters, enchanters, traders, etc. Do you understand now?"

After such a speech, all Isaac could find to say was: "Well, you will only have to look for others elsewhere." He retorts with a born and naive smile.

John's frontal muscles have become visible because of his excessive irritation in the face of Isaac's nonchalance and arrogance. "... I would appreciate it if you stopped playing with my nerves. My patience has a limit. I don't think you can imagine the chance you are missing. But know one thing, if I leave now, you will no longer have a chance to make me change my mind."

Hearing him, anyone could guess that he was exhausted; enough of playing the cool negotiator and waiting for his interlocutor.

But once again, Isaac remained zen. "See if l care about what you think. But know one thing, Mr. Walker, neither the members of my guild nor I are as desperate as that."

"What are you--

Before he finishes his sentence, Isaac cuts him off once again.

"The only thing you forget is that we won't really lose much if we explore the cities of beginners late. Each of us here had risen up on the ranking without having this privilege. So, what would it change if we were behind others? Why would I worry so much until I put the members of my guild in danger for a feat that we had already accomplished without the help of anyone?"