One of Worldwide Union's bases.

Current altitude, (65.1603912, -17.9842241), one of the union's new main bases, formerly known as Iceland.

Being the only large island on the edge of the North Atlantic, the island was able to survive despite the global rise of the world's oceans following the appearance of the new islands and islets in the four main oceans, even if it was bad.

Indeed, more than half of this island was buried under the tides, making living conditions harder for the inhabitants.

A few months after the first impact, the authorities evacuated the average inhabitants to safer and abundant lands of life and other necessities for survival.

To date, the Union has made it one of its military bases for a good reason.

Although they regularly suffer assaults from other maritime creatures that evolved into monsters, they are determined like never before to stay near a treasure that is just waiting to be exploited on a large scale, one of the largest islands that appeared just in the middle of the North Atlantic.

Speaking of their bases, they have established them everywhere near the islands and islets that have recently appeared in the world.

At the moment, it's the most powerful organization in the world; it's perhaps better to say that it had always been so since long before this chaos. The only difference is that it's the military who have most of the powers.

Johnathan and Morgane had just arrived at this camp to which they were affiliated.

"Good return, cap. Johnathan."

"Happy to see you again among us, cap. Johnathan."

"Cap. Johnathan, Sergeant Micheal greets you."

Faced with all these welcome greetings, John responded only with a simple nod while continuing his way to a building similar to a military tower.

In front of the door, two guards were standing guard.

Like the others, they greet John and Morgane in the military.

"Is the general present?" He looks at the soldier on the left and asks him this question.

"Affirmative, captain! The general is on the third level of the basement!" He shrieks.


Following this response, John continues his way by entering the twenty-storey building followed by Morgane.

Inside, as at Maria's plantation, this base has also been able to use crystals and other technologies that come in other games for their uses.

Robotic cameras flew through the main hall, monitoring every corner and identifying every living being who walked through the doors.

[Hello, agent 3320, what's your destination?]

One of them, the size of a hand wrist, flew at John and asked him in a static voice.

"Take me to the general."

[General Leonardo is currently in a video conference with the other generals; should I warn him of your arrival?]

"Yes, tell him that I have a report to submit to him as soon as possible."

[...Be sure to pronounce your registration code.]

"Tsk! You already know my registration co--

[These are the procedures, Captain Jonathan.]

"...tch, fucking pile of scrap metal!"

[Code incorrect. Please pronounce your registration code correctly, agent 3320.]

John's face blackens with annoyance. But knowing that he only had to do with a program commissioned by the military AI to secure the data, he sighs. "Registration number, 211F-4678-V2046."

While he was pronouncing his registration code, the two small red lights on the robot's screen flashed continuously, entering John's code as he said.

After a second, the robot's red eyes turned green.

[Confirmed identifier, request from agent N•3320 is allowed, please wait for the general's answer.]

Hearing it, John remains silent.

Meanwhile, a girl with long silver hair and ruby eyes goes out in the elevator.

She was dressed in a black kimono, and two katanas on her waist.

Seeing the girl in her twenties, John's annoyance turns into a smile.

Also noting his presence, "Captain John?" She mumbles in a monotonous voice as she approaches John. "Have you already returned from your mission?"

"I just arrived," John says while also walking towards her.

"So? How was it?" The girl asks.

John slams his tongue. "It was not easy, his arrogance is beyond comprehension."

"Hehe, that's why the general sent you, since you had already met him in the past, he was convinced that you were going to be perfect for the mission." She said, crossing her arms under her huge H-cup breasts.

John was momentarily deconcentrated when he saw her nonchalant movements become something else in front of his eyes.

She had a curvy silhouette, a perfect hourglass silhouette, and an oval face that was highlighted by her thin eyebrows and delicate lips.

"Ahem, I'm glad to see that you haven't disappointed his expectations." Seeing John stunned, she scrapes her throat to wake him up while complimenting him.

Returning to himself, John smiles ironically. "General Leon is always ruthless. I could have died there, you know?"

"Haha, I'm not sure, unless your sword is only there to look pretty."

Her name is Nova, Nova Vermillion, one of the five captains affiliated with this base.

Just like John and the other captains, she also had the same types of weapons at her disposal, hence the reason why they are tied to her waist without sheaths.

[Agent N•3320, General Leonardo's ready to receive you. Please take the elevator so that I can drive you to him.]

At that moment, both were cut in by the robot who seemed to have received Leon's instructions.

"And if not? How did your mission go? Have the Silver Fangs accepted to--

Before John finishes his sentence, Nova shakes her head. "No luck, they didn't want to collaborate with us."

"Nothing surprising, from one of the ranker guilds."

"They are a threat." Nova retorts with dark eyes.

Seeing her face deformed by rage, John also frowns.

"They are so dangerous?" He asks in a strong voice.

"Yes, and not just a little. It's only been a year, but they managed to create an impenetrable fortress. Their base is the largest and most powerful plantation I have ever seen so far. They are so organized that they gave me the impression of being aware of something before the beginning of this chaos."

"Are you kidding?"

"Do I seem to be joking?" She frowns at John.


Seeing him become silent, she approaches him while whispering to him: "Listen to me, John, the ranked players are the most dangerous; I think they will be our greatest assets soon. But if they decide to change their cape by abandoning humanity, they will be the greatest threat to our world. The best thing is to kill them all as much as they are before they become demigods."

She then continues her journey, leaving John perplexed.

At the same time, the elevator leading to the third basement opens.

Seeing that it was for him, John did not want to discuss it more with Nova. 'I already know it, after all, I met one of these demons recently.' He said, looking at Morgane who always had a smile on her face.

"Let's go." He orders her while getting in the elevator.

He did not need to press anything to operate the elevator, it closed on them and brought them into the basement.



When the elevator doors open, a long corridor slightly lit up by blue crystals welcomes the duos.

At the end of the corridor, there was a door, also the only one in the long corridor.

On the surface, the place seemed to be peaceful, but John's forehead was already oozing with beads of sweat as soon as he took a foot out of the elevator.

'Ugh! I wonder how he manages to stay permanently with such a thing, this aura alone is enough to give me chills. It's always impressive, the aura of a legendary weapon!' He said to himself, panting.

"Need a help?" Morgane asks in a monotonous voice.


Hearing John give her his agreement, she grabs him by the collar, pulls him towards him, and kisses him.

At the same time, John's Wood boxe trembles fiercely in his back as if it were interacting with Morgane's kiss.

But this was not the most surprising detail, John's aura also increased to a phenomenal level.

After three seconds of lewd kissing, Morgane breaks her kiss while shoving John against the wall.

She then takes out a small cotton towel to clean her lips.

Seeing her actions and reading the disgust in her eyes, John frowns. 'Is this bitch sees me as a shit?' He cursed in his mind.

But he didn't have to complain too much about it, the important thing is that he now manages to resist the pressure of the mysterious weapon that was behind the door.

He looks at the metallic door, squeezing his fists as hard as he can, and whispers: "Okay, it's time!"

Seeing him act in this way, Morgane shrugs with disappointment. 'Maybe I would have done better to accept the proposal of the other guy, at least he seemed to have more balls than this coward.'