Bloodline's evolution. 2

[10 seconds.]


Thanks to his current level, Isaac successfully traveled a distance sufficiently far from the battlefield.

But the countdown of his system was more alarming for him than the roars of nearby monsters.

Knowing that he would not have the luxury of protecting himself during evolution, Isaac's concern was no less.

'System, will I be out of danger during the evolution of my legacy?'

[Nothing can be certain, but I can protect you from enemies less weak than you.]


[The process of evolution will now begin.]

[You will lose consciousness during the process.]

Like the first time, a sudden torpor seizes Isaac's spirit, stunning his nerves and all over his body.

Having no choice but to put his life in the hands of AI, Isaac uses his last power to climb one of the most impressive trees near him.

[Analysis of the data collected by the host for a better second evolution.]