RAGNAROK, the master of Gehenna's flames.

Floating nonchalantly in the air, Isaac watches Anastasia organize the withdrawal of her subjects with Luliina's help.

Having nothing interesting to occupy his time, he equips himself with his usual arsenal; namely, the items of the souls collector.

Just as he finished placing his scythe on his back, Anastasia suddenly appeared near him with lightning speed.

"Everything is ready for." She said as soon as she crossed Isaac's bloody eyes under his mask.

'For some reason, I feel unfamiliar with him every time he wears this mask. This discomfort even became more persistent after I leveled up; he is not that strong, but his eyes do not seem to show the slightest ounce of weakness.' She mumbles, then looks as far as her eyes allow her in front of her.

"Very good. If you have finished your deeds, let's get to work." Isaac whispers to her, flying to the old battlefield.