The Second Impact! 3

[1:59, 58, 57, ...]

Taking his eyes away from the countdown, Isaac focuses on the Arctic prairie as far as the eye can see.

He had gone outside with the whole gang.

Stella was casually sitting on one of her flying beasts with a lion's head, a snake tail, and two huge bat wings; flying in the sky to have more visibility.

Felix and Karl were standing on the highest roof of the mansion, namely the fireplace.

Apart from them, Leon and his band of soldiers waited patiently in the external courtyard of the mansion.

"Sir, wouldn't it be better to go to the HQ?" Gilbert whispers next to Leon.

"We won't arrive on time."

"We can use teleportation scrolls." Nova made this proposal in turn.

But Leon shakes his head once again. "Our resources in teleportation scrolls are limited, it's better to use them only in an emergency. For now, stay in permanent contact with our bases. In the event of a problem, we will intervene on one of them."