The guardians of the ten floors. 2


While the two majestic doors opened slowly with shrill noises testifying to their weights, Isaac saw a fascinating scene from the inside.

In front of him was a crowd of exactly twenty-five people waiting for him from the inside.

But before focusing on them, Isaac looks at the majestic room that was in front of him with nostalgic eyes.

From the entrance to the throne, every centimeter of the room was decorated with divine runes that he did not understand everything.

The throne room is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating structures in this universe.

Every detail was more accurate down to the smallest detail.

Among these mysterious constructions, the two things that attract the most attention is the ceiling which is like the cosmos with stars flashing in the night sky, illuminating the room with their lights. Then, the throne.

"Y-young lady, this place is not for you."