Rescue mission. 2

"Goddamn! Why are you preventing us from entering the capital?"

"Yes, if you want us to pay the entrance fee, let it be so; but for heaven's sake, let us pass!!"


"~~!! ~~, ~~~~~~!"

"~~~? ~~~~~; ~~~?"

Although Leon and his little gang were a little further from the others, they still managed to hear a lot of screams of annoyance, supplication, and above all, anger!

It was impressive to contemplate one of the consequences of despair in such an unexpected situation.

Among the players, there were not only those who had sufficient points of impact to ensure a resurrection but also special cases that bet everything on their only life!

It was crazy, crazy to see so much blood flow for a simple entry permit.

The craziest was the players who threw themselves into the wolf's mouth while knowing that they did not have a resurrection privilege.