Shadow army. 2

"Get up!"

When Isaac pronounced these two words, black threads similar to cobwebs came out of his shadow, wrapping around the corpses, and covering them like mutating caterpillars.

For some reason, none of those who were present on the scene, had bad forebodings, including enemies and allies!

They all knew that Isaac was preparing something heretical and impiety; otherwise, why would he need corpses?

The most nervous was the prince who had heard Isaac's last words just before his actions.

In any case, the mystery did not last long.

In front of everyone's attentive eyes, handprints begin to appear on the twelve cocoons, pushing outwards, as if, as if the corpses were trying to tear their cocoons to free themselves!

'...It's different from what happens in the game.' Isaac also got a darkened face, attending to this scary scene for the very first time.

But he had to look good, especially being the author of this series of mysteries.