Back to home.[Bonus]

Following his briefing, Cindy had nothing to complain about.

But still, something made her uncomfortable. "Master, I understand the usefulness of everything you just said, but why do you want to hire foreigners? Isn't this likely to increase the risks that they will discover our nocturnal activities?" She asks, going straight to the point as Isaac likes.

"No, only you and Celestia will take care of these missions, the others will act only for the good and advancement of the guild. As a result, there is nothing to fear that malicious people will take you in a spinning.

-As for the reason that drives me to hire strangers, it will aim to make us less suspicious. After all, any king or leaders will suspect strangers who will come to settle in their cities the next day."

Cindy's eyes widen with surprise and excitement. "I understand, your wisdom is worthy of your majesty, master."