An unexpected request.


Having nothing to say, Isaac remains speechless, unable to understand Celestia's logic. But what is done is done, it is no longer possible to go back. 'Anyway... the name sounds cool, regardless.' He mumbles, watching Nervine open the door after softly knocking it twice.

Subsequently, Isaac entered the room, followed by two women.


He was again a bit surprised, seeing Cindy having tea with a person he didn't suspect at all.

A beautiful man with long silver hair tied in a ponytail, blood-red eyes, and wearing royal clothes.

'What is he doing there?' At a sharp glance, Isaac was able to identify the guest who was in the company of his servant.

Prince Zarbro. But the latter was not escorted by any of the guards.

'Ah, I never thought Cindy could manage the business so well. For this guy to be alone here, he must have blind confidence in Cindy.' This news immediately delighted Isaac.