Isaac Vs. Wiss Ira, monarch of Wrath.

After finishing with the prince's affairs, Isaac went to his guild with his two subordinates.

Once at the base, he was pleasantly surprised to see Rendy bring back everything he needed to concoct the elixir of utopian sleep.

But before taking care of this task.

He had to spend two hours of training sessions with Odin.

Aware of his busy schedule, Isaac writes the method of concocting the utopian sleep elixir and gives it to Ken, accompanied by a serious warning from him.

He shouldn't tell anyone about it. In addition, he had to do it without the others knowing.

To reassure Ken who, unsurprisingly, had understood Isaac's formula, he told him that it was for someone else.

After resolving this situation, even though Odin still disagreed with him, Isaac went to the castle, to start his intensive training session with Odin.

But this time, Odin offered him two training sessions at the same time, starting with the arena.