Apply your justice, Leon.

"...Can such a thing really exist?" Leon difficulty asks, no longer understanding Isaac's actions.

But he was not at the end of his surprise.

By giving one of the two gourds that he owned, he goes to the next step, after throwing it among the magic bags.

Then he snoops in his storage taking out ten other magic bags, which he puts aside.

Then, he did the same, taking out about fifty other magic bags.

Leon did not dare to look at what they contained, least that his avarice would push him to accede to Isaac's request, whatever it was.

After finishing putting everything away, Isaac leaves the office in Leon's small boxing room and picks up a notebook with a pen.

He begins to write on the sheets, tearing the piece of paper and placing it on the stocks of the bags that were stored on each side of the room.

Of the first fifty that Isaac had removed from his storage, he wrote [foods] on a piece of paper and put it on them.
