Holy Monarchy.

After the ceremony, Stella did not immediately leave London.

Always in mourning, Sasha and the other members of the guild were the same, supporting her as best they could, physically and emotionally.


In the heart of the human continent, a famous empire known to all, but not yet appeared on Earth, was miles behind the lands belonging to the Belfast Empire.

The Belfast Empire shared its frontiers with a few renowned empires, including the holy monarchy, led by religious followers.

The City bordering the Holy Monarchy is none other than an ancient citadel, once serving as the fortress for the nearest city—Star City.

Nowadays, Star City is known by the nickname Everytrade City; a port city whose resources and standard of living of the inhabitants are almost equal to those who live in the capital.

Currently, Cindy's subordinate, Nervine, was in this city to establish trade agreements with the Everytrade family.