Divine Punishment/ Sofia, eternal flames.

In his left hand, a quill similar to that of Isaac but black appeared.

'With her, I am sure that I can finally complete my last pilgrimage by offering the useful offering to my protectors.' He thought, breathing deeply to regulate his heart rate.

In his eyes, there was no longer a trace of nervousness, still, his gaze was filled with serenity and deep peace as if he had just reached a higher state of mind.

He slowly raises his left hand and begins to inscribe runes whose brightness and aura are not comparable to the previous ones with his black quill.

While his acolytes fiercely attacked Sofia, he was doing his side work.

Each series of runes he finished, swam at Sofia and set precisely at a cardinal point one meter from Sofia.

The runes had shapes similar to the signs of the constellations.

After finishing drawing the fifth rune, his quill broke into pieces after reaching its limits.