-Psycho Night-

-I had just turned 16 and this girl whom I met a few days earlier named Chloe had me dressed in a black 4-inch-high stilettos and a red tight dress that wouldn't even fit a slim 10-year-old girl.

"Come along my exotic friend your birthday only has 9 hours till it's over!" She squealed in my ear as we walked into the pulsing club.

My face was caked with makeup, my lips and cheeks as red as a baboon's bottom, I could hardly breathe in this plastic wrap fitted dress and I'm afraid to walk briskly because any sudden steps can land me face down on the tiled floor.

"Happy birthday ragazza esotica!" Her companions screamed over the rave of music and half-drunk people.

A/N: Ragazza esotica – Exotic girl (Italian)

I was with three other people, Amanda, Brie and Stacy and I was kidnapped. These people are absolute psychos! Two days ago, they blew up an old man's mailbox using fire crackers for no reason!

I ended up getting blame as an innocent passed by, which is how we met when they all came back to argue with the old grump and ended up kidnapping me.

In a friendly manner of course... Not really...

On the way here Stacy got pulled over for a broken tail light (which she broke while throwing a fit) and then tried to flirt and bribe her way out of it when the officer asked for her registration. (Which she didn't have since she stole her dad's car, but we got out the situation since Chloe started dialing her father's number with a smirk and screamed daddy!) With her father being the mayor, these girls are the absolute craziest people to befriend.

I sighed...

Alcohol and Smoke was flooding my lungs as I saw Stacy grinding herself on some guy as she ate his lips.

"Hey gorgeous." A man said as his hands gripped my hips.

My eyes widened as I made a weak attempt to pull out of his grasp. He ignored my attempted as his unfocused eyes roamed all over me.

He pulled me close to him, I felt his hard-on through the thin fabric of my dress and using more force, I pulled out of his grasp. My heart was pounding. I turned away from him and ignored his calls as I pushed past through the sweaty bodies and walked over to my friend Brie.

I turned away from him and ignored his calls as I pushed past through the sweaty bodies and walked over to my friend Brie.

"Uhh I'm not really having fun maybe I should just head bBang* We'll catch up-" she ignored me and pulled me unto the dance floor and over to the bar.

"Simon!" She screamed over the music, and the bartender came over to us. She stood on her tip toes as she leaned over the bar.

He was handsome, with light hair and light eyes, he was well built and he had a friendly look to him. "Hey Brie, who's your friend?" He asked, his voice raised over the defeaning music

She pulled me closer to the counter and I smiled at him.

"This is my new friend, she's quite exotic! It's her Birthday and she wants something that will give her the confidence to grind on every horny bastard that she sees!" Brie yelled with a devious grin. I rolled my eyes and frowned "no, no, no." I responded shaking my head.

He leaned over and his smile grew. "What's the accent are you French?" He asked. I nodded "Yeah I only came here for a vacation." I smiled back trying my best to yell over the loud music.

"Who gives a fuck just give her something to drink!" Brie yelled.

He looked at me and boyishly smiled, "of course, anything for Brie's stunning Russian friend. Give me a second." he said as he turned around the corner.

"Isn't he just the cutest!" Chloe squealed as she squeezed my arms shaking me, her blonde locks bouncing.

"Yeah, he's adorable." I rolled my eyes and turned back to Simon who just then sat down a blueish glowing drink. "What's in it-" "Bottoms up!" The girls screamed "if you feel like fucking later, I get off at midnight." He winked at me and nodded to Brie before he left to attend to another customer.

I should really remind them that I'm just 16...

"Drink it bitch!" Chloe screamed after she downed her shot.

I felt my throat burning and I groaned slamming the glass on the counter "the hell is that?!" I asked. "That, my French croissant is the key to happiness and sex....and Sex and happiness! Now let's go dance!!" She said pulling me over to the dance floor.

A while later I found myself probably drooling as I was slumming between my friends who were sucking men's faces got up but then I felt strong arms pulling me back. It was the guy from earlier.

He kissed my neck and I pushed him back and got up, he got up and pinned me against the wall possibly leaving a hickey on my neck.

I raised my knee to his boner and he fell to the floor groaning in pain. There was no way I was losing my virginity to a drunk college frat boy I didn't know.

I saw that he was beginning to get up so I turned on my heel and started off to the bar. ''Simon! Hey, Simon!'' I said waving my hand. ''Ah, my little French girl, I get off in twenty, my place or yours?'' he asked as he wiped the glass clean with a cheeky grin.

I frowned furrowing my eyebrows, ''What? No.'' I took a step back. ''Have you seen Brie?''

He paused, ''Yeah, she left with some guy about an hour ago.''

''What?! No, she wouldn't have.'' he shrugged. ''Sorry, but she did.''

I held my head in my hands as it began to pound, ''Uhm, have you seen the other girls then?! Amanda... Stacy?''

''Stacy is the shorter one, with the edgy pixie cut right?''

I nodded desperately, hoping he would know where she was.

''She also left twenty minutes ago, she and Amanda both left with guys, but you also came with Chloe, right?''

I nodded furiously, ''oui, yeah.''

He scanned around and then pointed over to her making out with some guy from the band.

''Thank you.'' I said with a smile as relief flew through me.

''Remember, I get off at 12!'' He yelled, but I was too far in the crowd to reply as I ran over to Chloe.

''Hey! Chloe! I want to go home!'' I yelled shaking her shoulder.

She broke away from the guy giving him some well desired air. ''I'm staying go get Stacy, she drove us here.'' she said before smashing her face against the man.

''She left!''

*No reply*


She turned to me. ''Chill the fuck out, okay? Go home with some, have fun, fuck Simon, we're not your babysitters, okay?'' She didn't wait for me to respond because she went back to sucking that man's face.

It was clear she was drunk, horny and possibly high. She was zero help. Even if she wanted to be.

I felt myself panicking. I took a deep breathe and pushed through the crowd. There must be a taxi, I just want to get back to the hotel!''

''Merde!'' I cursed under my breath as I looked up and down the empty streets, with no cars or people in sight, it was almost pitch black, ince the street lamps produced dim lights.

I pulled my arms around me and sighed as I felt my stomach seemed to be tying into a knot, while my cheeks got red, but It's just my luck that all business are closed at 12pm... and it just so happened to be a holiday...

A few blocks later, beaming headlights appeared in my teary vision, I wiped my eyes to see a sleek black Cadillac pull up in front of me. The windows were tinted and I could see my reflection in the glass.

I took a step back and suddenly the windows rolled down and a man with red hair and black sunglasses and outfit appeared, his face was stern and expressionless as he looked at me from behind his shades.

Why is this guy making contact with me? And why is he wear shades... at midnight. IN A CAR?!

I took another step back, unsure of what to do, when he said two words that would change my life forever.

''How much?''

I frowned at the shadowed man in his expensive looking car. ''Excuse me? I don't understand....'' realization dawned on me, when I look at my skimpy reflection through the reflection.

I raised my hands, ''I-I'm not a prostitute.''

I felt his dark eyes analyzing me and suddenly I was aware of the situation when two large men suddenly appeared.

''Get in the car.'' His growl came, and with that, I turned on my heels and ran.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

My heart was racing as I ran, I let out a panic cry as I heard hurried footsteps behind me and car doors opening. I kick off my heels as I began to sprint.

Turning down an alley I dug my feet into the sharp rocks of the gravel, and the edges of stone sliced my bare feet as my head pounded with anxiety and terror. I snuck a glance behind me and saw four shadowed men running up behind me. Fast.

I rounded a corner and swore under my breath as I came to a dead-end. Two massive stone walls and a chain linked fence.

Most girls would either give up and curl into a ball and cry letting these men do God knows what with them, but I'm not most girls! I'm only 16! and not ready to be someone slave again.

A sudden burst of adrenaline pumped through me as I ran to the fence and dug my feet into the wires, I held back a cry as I feel it piercing my foot. I bit my tongue and raised myself over the massive fence.

"malen'kaya suka, poluchit' yeye. Teper'." I heard one of the men shout.

Russian... Holy fuck they're speaking Russian... shit.

I gulped and jumped down to the ground beneath me.

A stinging pain flooded me as tears fall down my face, my legs ached, and it felt like I had been stabbed with a thousand knives. I swallowed my pain as I pushed off the gravel floor, I turned and saw the men run to the fence, they growled.

My thighs were in excruciating pain as I limped down further. and there was a bright light. THERE WAS A CAR!

''H-Help!'' I screamed as I saw someone stepping out of the car.

It was a man, he frowned as he saw me running toward him. ''P-Please!'' I whimpered. ''There are- There men, a-and they're trying t-to'' I broke down sobbing as I limped over to him.

''Sweetie are you okay? What's going on, are you hurt?'' Hot tears flooded down my face, as I pointed to the four figures that emerged from the darkness. He pushed me behind him, and I peeked over his shoulders.

''Fellas, can you leave the poor girl al-''


I felt something warm splurt onto my face as the man In front of me fell to the floor.

I froze as I stared at him with a bloody whole in his head. O-Oh God... They killed him. The shadowed men approached me, and the guy slid his gun back into his jacket.

The dead man's blood was sprayed on my face as I stood there trembling, my eyes blurred as I took a timid step back. Dread and hysteria burned though me as one of them stood in front of me.

They all wore black, and their eyes were shaded by tinted sunglasses. ''dorogusha, shh, it's okay. It's not your fault he's mertvyy/dead, no one is innocent, he was guilty of something.'' one of them cooed me as his cold leather glove caressed my bloody cheek.

He reached out and grabbed me, his hands gripping my wrist as I tried to get away, I tried to let out a scream, but his glove was stuffed into my mouth, he gripped me in a steel hold, and I let my tear flow freely.

I'm going to die.

He turned me around; my back was pressed to his chest with his tight hold not loosening and his glove still firm in my mouth. I felt his free hand tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

''Shhh, printsessa/princess, it'll be over soon...

''My eyes widened, but before I could process anything, white cloth pressed against my nose and mouth.

I let out a muffled scream as I kicked up my legs, I let myself go limp, but instead of falling, I felt someone catch my body and hold me as I thrashed. I held my breath, but I felt the chemicals from the cloth flooding my senses...

The second I inhaled, I felt myself slowing down, then pain from the men's grip and all my bruises and cuts became numb.

My eyes began flutter, but I fought to keep them open, the hot trial from my tears went cold, numbness flooded through me, and my whole world went black….

And that is how I went on to discover the tattooed man...