-Bunk Beds-

I woke up on a sofa, my hair was damp and it was freezing cold, my body was aching, as my arm had dried up blood from my bullet piercing.

My legs were throbbing from my jump and I could still feel water in my system I tried to stand but collapsed on the floor holding my groaning head in my hands.

The doors flew open and a man approached me. I struggled to look at him, my ears blaring. He snapped "-Hey, up here." He Said snapping me out of my gaze. He observed me before turning back to the men.

"Take her to the others and get her settled in before the boss is back." He ordered. "And clean her up for Christ's sake." He added. He had dark brown hair with light tips, he wasn't Russian… he had more of a British accent. "No one is to touch her. Got it?" He said while walking out of the room.

"Alright up." Another man came, he was Russian. Definitely…

They bandaged my arm and ankle and sent me to a room, all eyes turned to me. I was given a towel and a few other miscellaneous items like a toothbrush and paste, a bar of soap, etc.

There was murmuring and I gulped.

That's when realization hit me…

I was part of a human trafficking operation…

All these girls here, with little to nothing clothes, some in no clothes at all.

The lights flickered and buzzed as I made my way down, there were even little girls… around the age of eight or ten. There's no way they'll use them for sexual pleasure… right?

I kept going till I saw the number '673' on a locker door. "H-Hi-"

"Take the top bunk and don't touch anything that isn't yours." A girl with washed-out blonde hair grumpily said before leaving. "…okay then," I whispered.

"That's Jess, she's just mean to everyone don't let it get to your head." Another girl said, she was short but looked older than me. "I'm Rose, that's Jules, Taylor, and Ivy." She pointed out.

"Marinette," I said. "What happened to your arm?" the one she pointed out as Jules asked. "A bullet grazed me-''

"That's sick!" Ivy fangirled. "Where am I?" I asked. "You my dear, are in Russia, and are now part of the Mafia boss's trafficking ring, for sex." Ivy spoke up, her red bangs covering most of her eyes.

"S-Sex?!" I repeated.

"Yeah, on odd days some of us are selected and taken to a bar, a strippers club where all the big bads hang out, and you can be bought, for a temporary time, or it can be even permanent depending on how good you are." She added.

"Good at what?" I raised a brow.

"Sex, being their fuck doll." Jess came back, only in underwear.

"Fuck doll…?" I whispered under my breath.

"Look, you get sold to a rich guy and they fuck you, if you do it well you get paid higher and you can move up in the world. Right now you are at 673, the higher your status number is the better it'll be for you. So be a good slut and don't make shit hard for us being pulling any dumb stunts, got it?" Jess asked before leaving.

"She's cold…" Marinette whispered. "She's a waiter, at the club, anyone can have her if they wanted so she's always grumpy," Rose said.

That night I climbed up my bunk and lay on my side, I could still see some glitter under my nails from my birthday party.

Hot tears rolled down my eyes as I began processing everything the girls told me. The only person I knew I had gotten killed. I've been taken by the Mafia, I'm in a strange place with no friends or family, they are going to use me as a sex slave…

I was condemned to a slow… painful death.

I couldn't sleep a wink, the muffled cries of girls, the rotten smell, and even the mattress I laid on were uncomfortable.

I stared at the old, dusty clock ticking on the wall In front of me, I was only able to see the hour hand, telling me it was seven in the morning. I shot up, alerted by the loud ear-piercing buzzer, that reminded me of the auction house.

All the girls scampered out of bed and lined the hallway.

''Hey, psst! New girl, get down here.'' Rose spoke up, peeking over at me. I quickly got down and found my place next to her. ''What's going on-''

''Quiet!'' A man appeared in front of me, he held a baton in his hand. ''New girls, step forward.''

I reluctantly took a step forward keeping my head down and staring at my bare feet.

''Follow me.'' the baton holder said walking down the hall, we all fell in line after him.

We entered a metal door, which seemed like a smaller version of a club. It had disco lights, music, confetti scattering the floor even a few strippers' polls.

''What are they going to do to us?'' a girl beside me whispered. ''I don't know, but don't be scared okay, they'll pick on you if you look weak.'' I felt her warm hand slide into mine and I squeezed it gently.

The door reopened and 6 more girls entered the room. These girls were more mature, seemed older, mid-twenties, they wore revealing clothes, and 4-inch heels. My eye widened, how could they walk in those? With lengthy nails and long wigs.

Are they strippers...?

''You, teach them to poll dance before tonight or you both will suffer the consequences.'' Mr baton Holder said as he pulled a rack of clothes on wheels into the room. ''Change. And hurry up.'' We all grabbed one outfit each and went into the jointed room...

My teacher was an absolute bitch. She hits more than the average mother, I felt like I was trying out for the devil's cheerleading squad, the shorts riding my ass constantly sticking between my cheeks. I shivered every time my bare thighs touched the cold metal pole and what made it worst was the three gawking men in the corner, don't they have a Mafia lord to patrol?


Hours Later I was finally out of the room, I returned to my bunk and groaned into the hard mattress. ''What are you doing, we have to get ready,'' Juleka questioned, crossing her arms. ''Ready for what exactly?'' I replied sitting up.

''It's Friday Night, we are going to the club.'' Another girl piped up as she slid her feet into black fish nets...

I was given a tight blue sequin dress, which frankly, wasn't even a dress to me since my lingerie could be seen depending on how close one looked, I took little steps, practically placing one toe in front of the other. I absolutely hated heels and I was sure my makeup was going to stain my face.

Inside the club, girls were already lining the polls, walking around with drinks in their hands, it reminds me of my birthday. Loud music and disco lights, the only difference was, tight security with armed guns, we even had a pat down upon entry.

Most of the men here carried weapons and had more than one girl at their side. The majority were Russian, and American, all gangsters and criminals with the same tattoo marking, were they all connected to the boss of the house?

I was snapped out of my gaze when Rose took my hand guiding me over to the VIP section. ''Stay here, most of the guys here already have girls and are mostly here on business, keep your head down and try not to be noticed.'' I nodded and before I could ask her any questions she disappeared into the crowd.

I began walking to refrain from being seen.

I turned the corner heading behind the bar, I wondered if there was a way I could sneak out, another corner down and I froze to the sight of a girl on her knees in front of a man, who face fucks someone in the middle of a corridor?!

I started to retreat but the sound of my heels crunching on a pack alerted them, the man immediately finished in her mouth and I could tell by her gagging/choking that it wasn't very good...

My eyes widened as I realized I had been staring. ''I'm s-sorry.'' I quickly turned my face. ''Get out of here.'' the man shouted. ''Y-Yes sir.'' I bowed my head and began to leave but he yelled.

''Hey! Where are you going? I was talking to her.''

''Me? But you haven't paid-'' The girl with the purple hair was cut off when the man walked away, coming towards me while pulling up his pants.

''Join me.'' A smile appeared on his face and I gulped, as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I accompanied him to the curved seating area; he placed my hand on his... junk and I tried my best to keep my hand hovering over it. He pulled me on top of him, sitting me on his lap facing him, I felt his boner sticking my ass, my stomach began to turn, I wanted to puke.

''W-What's your name?'' I questioned. ''Daven.'' He rested his head in the crook of my neck. ''What's your name?'' His alcohol-laced breath made me crunch my nose. ''Marinette.'' I reluctantly replied.

He kissed my neck and then stopped. ''Are you new?'' he asked with a hopeful tone. I nodded and his face lit up.

''It's time to christen you then, Marisol.'' I frowned at his name choice. ''It's Marinette.'' I shot back folding my arms. ''That's what I said.'' The stranger returned sliding me off him and standing up.

I was about to get up when the girl with the purple hair from before appeared. ''Bitch.'' she muttered before throwing two drinks all over me.

I gasped in surprise and stood up, ''What is wrong with you?!''

''You stole my client, slut. Everyone knows that's bad for business.'' she scoffed, crossing her arms.

''I didn't! He just chose me over you.'' I blurted out... Uh oh...

Her face turned red and she charged towards me yelling in Spanish, I couldn't understand a thing except for her continuous swearing as she tried to rip my hair off my scalp. Daven walked away leaving us there with this angry bull on top of me.

She was quite strong, I was helpless... she tore my dress and scratched my skin with her long nails.

Thankfully my bunkmate came to my rescue with two other girls, they parted the fight, pulling the girl off to the corner. Yet still, she screamed and kicked.

I didn't know what I did that was so wrong. It's just a guy!

''Are you okay? What happened?'' Rose asked while examining my face and arms. ''I'm okay-''

''What the fuck is going on here?'' our chaperone/the big guy with the baton grunted.

''She attacked me!'' I quickly said, making it known that I was the victim in this situation.

''Only because you stole my client!'' Miss purple hair screamed back; her face still as red as her lipstick.

''You both lost the client so you both will pay for it.'' gripping both our arms, mister big led us to a backroom...


Back in the basement, I moaned softly, shifting to my side. ''What happened in the room...?'' Rose asked peeking at me. ''Well, I met Mr. Bear and his great friend the baton.'' I responded slowly sitting up. ''Ohh... will you be okay; we can cuddle if you want a friend.'' Rose gave a small smile... Her kindness warmed my heart and I smiled back.

''Thank you, but I'll be okay. However... that purple hair girl, why was she so mad at me? It was only one client.

''In this world, clients are important to you, without them you are useless to the boss, and if you are useless, it's the end of the road and you'll be replaced. That girl, her name is Rocio, she's Mexican and was brought to work, in return she gets paid and is able to send money to take care of her son. That client is one of her regulars, she was with him for a few days and would've gotten paid two grand if Daven hadn't picked you.''

Hearing this made me feel terrible. ''Don't feel bad, this is part of the job, something we win, other times we lose. She'll bounce back don't worry.'' Rose lightly tapped my thigh before sitting on her bunk.

I had to make it up to her, Marie. I had no idea of her situation but now I won't be able to get it off my mind...

But wait-

...How do I earn money?