
Marinette's P.O.V

Embarrassment. Rage. Shame. Confusion.

My mind was clouded and crammed with hundred and thoughts that I couldn't even utter a word.

I'm a female. I get sexually aroused.

But I'd never been touched by a guy before. Not even lip to lip…

V is a good looking man who wore the 'I want to fuck you till you can't walk' eyes 24/07.

Sure, getting fingered by the man who played a part in ruining my life wasn't the best idea but I'm a girl. Who was very horny. At the time...

Instead of filling me with pleasure like a good boy would do, he told me it was a mistake, a fucking mistake?!

Now here I am scrambling on my feet, pulling my shorts up my face red and hot from embarrassment.

V paced around the room, cursing his head off in Russian.

His dark predator eyes were wild, crazed, and angry. It was frightening.

He raked his hands through his hair and walked over to me.

"this." He motioned between us. "NEVER happened."

I nodded slowly. Deep sadness poured into my heart, drowning it.

He inhaled sharply. "I –" he looked at me, unsure of whether to finish his sentence, but turned away and left the room.

My heart sunk.

What just happened…?

I pressed my back against the wall and slid down, lifted my knees to my chest and cried.

V's P.O.V

I stayed away from Marinette , maintaining my distance for three whole days.

"What'd you do now." Vasily's tremoring voice could be heard in the room.

"Nothing." I shot up.

"So why are you hiding in my room? And shouldn't you be training the girl?" he questions with a curious tone.

"About that- why can't you do it? I mean… isn't she… yours-"

He stepped towards me; his dark eyes narrowed at me.

"Well can I at least field work instead? I'm not a babysitter!" I whined plopping unto the bed.

"What are you scared of her? Is that it? You did call her bat shit crazy already." He asked with a slight chuckle as he removed his coat.

"No! She's just… annoying." More like annoyingly perfect…

"She's so fucking disrespectful, and you told me not to hurt her, Vasily I swear I try my best but sometimes she just needs a little… ARGH FUCK THIS! I DON'T WANNA TRAIN HER!" I shot back.

"Just get the fuck out my room, laying on my fucking bed crying about a teenager, the fuck is wrong with you? Go! She's been training for days by herself. Some of the guys are also afraid to even enter the room." He rolled his eyes.

I groaned rolling around on his bed.

"Get the fuck out before I kick you out. Don't make me come back and see your pathetic ass here." He shot back heading over to the bathroom.

I groaned and reluctantly left the room, slowly making my way to the training room.

There were men exiting the room and they stopped me.

"she's fucking crazy." The mumbled before walking away, shaking their head.

I walked and Marinette was punching a boxing bag, she wore the same outfit as before, but in all white.

"What the fuck are you doing Suka?" her body seemed to stiffen as I alerted my presence, but she did not acknowledge me.

"You are going to break you fucking hand you weak suka." I said noticing her bleeding knuckles.

She moved to the other side, away from me and resumed hitting the hanging bag.

"Hey, stop it!" I said grabbing the bag.

She scoffed and walked away.

What the fuck was her problem?

"Get over here." I said sternly, but she only walked further away to the mirrored room.

"Alright fine, you wanna train, come here. Lets fight." I challenged knowing her well enough to know she wouldn't dare back down.

She walked over and I took off my jacket and threw it aside.

She launched towards me and began punching me and hitting like crazy, her eyes were red, was she stoned, again?!

I got distracted for a split second and she landed her knuckles on my jaw.

"Fucking hell Marinette! Calm the fuck down!" I said grabbing her wrist.

Anger began to boil inside me, And that's when things escalated.

She was about to throw another punch but I grabbed her fist.

My chest heavied and I lost control.

I don't fully understand what happened next but she flew against the mirror, it shattered with impact.

My eyes widened.

Oh fuck…

She sniffles, softly.

"Marinette…?" she raised her head and I saw the tears streaming down her red cheeks.

"W-Why do you hate me so much!" she cried bitterly. The glass shards pressing into her hands and scraped her thighs.

She seemed as if she was about to cry blood! Her eyes were bloodshot red, and the puffiness could be seen as she stared at me, her eyes squinted and she remained crying on the floor.

The door clicked open and I turned from her to see Vasily entering. But when I turned back Marinette was gone.

"Did you kill her?" he questioned.

''FUCK!'' I yelled kicking the mirror...

*Moments before*

Marinette's P.O.V

How dare he abandon me.

I was angry, raging even.

My fists sunk into the punching bag and I just kept going.

But under all that anger was heartbreak...

Was I really THAT bad?

He's avoididng me... IT'S BEEN DAYS!

I wish I could just die.

It hurts so much... his words echoing in my mind. ''This, never happened.''

The way he looked at me... hatred... anger, disgust.

But why did it hurt? I don't love him, why do I even care abot what he says, does.

Or was this his plan all along.

Was I really that gulible to believe he actually liked me, without ever thinking of using me for his sexual pleasure?

Well... Apparenly so.

''Jeez... the fuck happened to you lil mama?'' I heard a voice behind me, and then chuckles.

''FUCK OFF!'' I growled back, my fists clenched and teeth gnashing agsint each other.

''Alright Alright. sheesh... so uptight.'' His blonde friend muttered as the retreated. ''Who fucked her over?'' his mutter rung through my ears.

I turned back to the hanging black bag, channeling my anger to it, hoping that the pain will be taken out on my aching fists rather than my heart...

Not long after the door clicked open again.

''What the fuck are you doing Suka?'' I heard Satan's voice tremor behind me causing me to stiffen.

Ah... what luck. He isn't dead.

"You are going to break you fucking hand you weak suka." he added.

Three days after abandoning me and come back to insult me. What a dick.

I moved to the other side, away from him and resumed hitting the hanging bag.

"Hey, stop it!" I said grabbing the bag.

I scoffed and walked over by the mirrors to start a new exercise.

"Get over here." he said with a demanding tone, but I only moved back.

"Alright fine, you wanna train, come here. Lets fight."

I approached him, and without hesitation began throwing my punches. Oh how badly I wanted to damage the pretty boy's face.

"Fucking hell Marinette! Calm the fuck down!" Anger, Rage. I could see it in his eyes as he held my fist.

I was about to throw another sucker punch using my other hand but he grabbed that one too.

He... then proceeded to kick me in my stomach, so hard I coughed up blood as my back shattered the mirror behind me.

Glass shards flew everywhere.

My head spun in circles as my body throbbed with pain, it felt like he had shot me.

I was... confused.

Shocked even.


Yes my body ached like crazy.

But something else... why him? Why'd he have to break me like this...

my sniffles alert him and he calls out to me.


My eyes were burning with pain as tears poured out of them. Without thinking I opened my mouth and words just flew out with no control.

"W-Why do you hate me so much!"

I couldn't see his face properly due to my dull, blurred vision, but I saw his red eyes. Those demonic soulless eyes staring back at mine.

The door clicked opened and as he turned away. I scurried out the back exit.

''FUCK!'' I heard him bellow as I held my throbbing side, running far away from him.

My tears kept pouring, they never stopped, not for a second. I just ran... and ran.... till my legs gave out and I leaned against what looked like a grass wall?

I slumped there... leaned against the bushes just crying.

Till I heard footsteps approaching.

''Marinette?!'' Satan called.

''Go away!''

''Are you hurt? Come out so I can check.'' He shouted.

''You can't see inside me... I'm shattered. Y-You broke me.'' I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears.

''Inside you? Broke? But-''

''You only wanted to use me, a fuck toy... you NEVER actually cared! I'm so stupid! Stupid bitch!'' I scolded myself, Afterall. It was my fault this happened. Why did I expect more from him...

''That's... It's not true.''

''It is. E-Everything... is... true. I'll always be a nobody, someone will always be there to use me, and I will just be the stupid little suka.'' I winced out in pain which caught his attention.

''Marinette you are hurt, just come out let me help you.'' He pleaded.

''No... you've done enough.'' I responded. I could feel my hand getting warmer.

''...I smell blood. A lot of it, fuck! Just get your ass to the fucking exit Marinette!'' He yelled angrily.

I felt lightheaded, as if the world was drifting away.

''Just come to me! ...Please.'' his words trailed off...


Third Person P.O.V

It was dark when Satan found Marinette passed out on the floor of the maze. He picked her up and took her back into the house o one of the room, furthest from his boss.

She laid on the bed, unconscious as he readied a needles to restitch the wounds he opened.

She remained unconscious for a while till she shot up in agonizing pain. ''Shhh, say still.'' he said trying to calm her down.


''I'm patching your wounds, just stay still... please. I'm almost done.''

She laid her head back down and turned away from him.

A few minutes later she was wrapped up in a fresh bandage and curled up in a ball under the covers.

''We should talk.'' V started, taking a seat by her side.

''Go away.'' she muttered tearfully.

''Marinette come on.'' he pulled the covers off of her and sighed looking at her tear-filled eyes.

''I don't want to see you again, it'll be easier for you that way since you so badly want to forget me.''

''Can you stop with the sad romance act, you do not even like me, you call me Satan for fuck's sake!'' he shot back.

''Sad romance act?! Yes, I may not love you but I have feelings! The first person to ever touch me... and kiss me wants to forget it, like it was some mistake, a deep regret. Honestly, V I expected better... from you but of course. Stupid bitch. Right?''

She stared at him, her eyes filled with hurt. Only then he truly knew what he had done and understood how his actions affected her.

''I'm sorry...'' he whispered bowing his head in shame.

''I never meant it to hurt you. And you are wrong. I never wanted to use you, in fact... you were always my priority, not because you are... absolutely fucking sexy but because you are you.

Marinette you drive me fucking insane, And I hate how I'm attracted to you. Bat shit crazy and fucking annoying you. I couldn't hold it in that day which is why I did what I did, and it felt fucking... awesome.

But I stopped because... You can't be with me Marinette, and I can't have you either. You belong to someone higher than me, the mafia boss. You cannot. Ever. Let him find out about what happened, which is why I said what I said, not to hurt you, but protect you. I swear.'' he said holding his hand to his heart.

*knock knock*

''You stay down.'' he whispered to her as he slowly approached the door, his hand already reaching behind his back and resting on his gun.

''Vijay?'' he answered.

''Ah yes, the white wolf, are you alone?'' A man greeted with a smile.

''Yes, what do you want?'' V responded closing in the door a bit.

Marinette shifted in bed inching closer to hear their conversation, but all she noticed was the blonde guy, from the training room.

He caught a glimpse of her, and her eyes widened as a smirk etched his lips.

They exchanged a few more words before V came inside and shut the door behind him.

''He knows.' He raked his hair and began pacing.

''Why does it matter if he knows, aren't you-''

''If he tells the boss and he finds out I fingered his girl, that means that you, are used goods, your 'have never been touched by a man' status, vanishes. He'll carve you like a fucking pumpkin, torture you, murder you, in a slow and very painful way, you don't know him Marinette, I've seen him do it before, he's brutal... women... children.

And you, his exotic princess will suffer.''