-Vasily Pt.2-


I stared at the figure in front of me.

"You're him… Vasily. Aren't you?"

He cocked his brow. "Yes. And…?"

"I think I'm gonna pass out." I felt lightheaded as my feet swerved to the side like a drunken mess.


"I'm confused who are you?" Vasily asked crossing his arms.


"She's Marinette. Remember… the girl you bought…" Satan blatantly spat out.

 He stared at me closely and shrugged.

"The runner?! The Russian girl who jumped the wall! Who you took on a date and then made her lose her memories? Dude… how can you not remember?"

His eyes widened as realization flashed through his thick skull. "You have got to be fucking kidding me. Didn't you have blue hair and eyes?"

"Yeah I did…" she trailed off.

"So you've been here all this time… and didn't think to remind me of who you are?" he folded his arms with a sour look on his face.

"I didn't know it was you till I saw you with the red hair, and… bareback," I mumbled.

"You're bleeding, come." Satan swooped me up and took me into the bathroom. Locking the doors behind him.

"So. What's going on in that head of yours?" He glanced up at me while on his knees. "Nothing," I responded looking down at him from my seat on the counter.

"There's a shard of glass in your foot and you haven't even squeaked yet. Tell me what's on your mind."

I huffed. "I remember before all of this he was sort of… nice to me… I guess. But now he's so… mean and treats me like garbage tossing me around, using me as his fuck doll. Now I have two images of him in my head. Now he knows who I am. Would it only worsen? I mean... he's unpredictable and I don't wanna be here to find out, please get me out of here." I clasped my hands and stared into his eyes.

"Mari you know I can't do that. We'll both get killed. And you know a lot. You know the place like the back of your hand, you're a liability. Life on the run from the Mafia is no life at all. I can promise you that. Plus, I'll be here with you now. I promise I'll make your stay easier."

Satan's P.O.V

She sniffled back her tears and nodded. "O-Okay." Her quiet voice whispered as I dressed her wound.

She then slid off the counter and returned to bed, hiding under the covers.



"Ah, so you two are endgame." I teased as I leaned up against the wall.

"Shut up." He muttered as he stared out of the window.

"I still can't believe you didn't notice her-"

"I fucked a lot of people how was I supposed to remember the only girl that's stayed with me that I've never fucked? Plus I was trying to forget-"

"Forget her?! Why? Is it because she forgot you after the incident? Hmm? Wait does this mean you have feelings for her? Wait but you treated her like shit she'll never forgive you now. Aw… this is quite the dilemma huh? Poor big scary mafia… no one to love him at all… tsk tsk so-"

"get the fuck out of my fucking face." Vasily snapped as he walked away.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I taunted running behind him.

"What do you want V?" He groaned as I followed him.

"Nothing, just sticking up under my best friend."

He stopped. "No, I don't have feelings for her. And I also don't give a shit about what happened. After all, aren't you the one to always tell me the past is the past and that shit? Well, it is. Now fuck off."

"Jeez, you're so hostile." I scoffed, folding my arms.

He just rolled his eyes and walked away.




That evening the three of us. Vasily, Marinette, and I went on a little trip. Vasily was planning on expanding and took me with him, and I brought Marinette along. We hopped on a plane and set course for Armenia.

"W-Where are we going?" Marinette questioned with a tired tone, "Armenia. You should get some rest, it's gonna be a long flight." I sat her down next to Vasily who was doing some paperwork.

"But I'm not sleepy," Marinette replied.

"Sure." I sat opposite them and whipped out my phone.

Not more than ten minutes later Marinette's head was resting on Vasily, he had an annoyed look on his face as he tried to organize the documents he had just signed.

"Aw look at you two."

He shot me a glare and returned his focus to the papers.


The flight was three hours and a half long, from Russia to Armenia.

We were picked up and driven to a hotel to settle in. Marinette stuck to my side, almost as if she was glued there. "Why are we here?" she whispered.

"On business. Don't worry it's totally legal business we're gonna do." I said leading her into the bedroom. "We'll be back shortly, so you just stay put, room service will be in shortly-"

"You're leaving me here? By myself?!" She whispered.

"You'll have two guards, they're in the lobby on their way up. You'll be fine, plus. You weren't supposed to go to the meeting with us here anyway I just brought you for the ride."

"I want to go with you." she piped up.

I turned to Vasily and he shot me a death glare.

"Fine, but don't leave our sights, got it?" She nodded and grabbed a granola bar from the gift basket and followed us out.




Upon entering the building we met with the real estate agent. Marinette sat in the waiting gallery flipping through magazines. Derek, I think he said his name was then invited us upstairs to his office, which wasn't very far from the lobby.

Our lawyer showed up in less than two minutes and he helped us navigate through the process. Legal assistance can be very valuable in the process of due diligence checks, document review and preparation, payments, and registrations which is important when establishing a legal business that steps aside from the bloodshed from our other… business.



The entire meeting I felt uneasy. I was constantly looking over my shoulders. My senses felt like they were on high alert as if something was wrong.

And I hated that it was right.

Halfway into the interview, two black Rovers pulled up, and two men stormed into the building grabbed Marinette, put a bag over her head, and dragged her out, before we could reach the bottom of the stairs the tires peeled off and they had disappeared with Marinette in their custody.

"I told you not to bring her!" Vasily shoved my shoulder.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know this would happen?"

"You brought her here. She was your responsibility." His eyes narrowed at me, his fist clenched.

"Well, you can see it as a good thing. She's off your hands now-"

He scrunched my shirt in his hands pulling me in. "We're going to get her back."


Vasily's P.O.V

We traced the van plates back to an Italian compound and together with the southern Mafia, we were indescribable. It had taken us a while... a few days because these fucks covered their tracks well, we had gone to a total of 13 false leads until we finally tracked down those fuck heads to their puny compound.

It was about midnight, snipers took out the men in the watch towers. A grenade cleared in the main entrance, V and I weren't holding back, killing everything that stood in our way.

An armed man came out from behind me, but I was faster, taking my knife I lodged it into his skull, retracted it, and shoved it right through the bastard's heart.

V opened his mouth to say something to me when we heard a familiar scream.


I bolted up the stairs, knocking down the door I heard the scream from.

I saw the bastard immediately. He laid on top of Marinette, on top of my half-dressed little Princess.

Without hesitation, I raised my gun and shot him in the head.

His men retaliated almost immediately, firing rapid rounds as I dove behind a desk.

Pisces of wood and debris flew across the room as I glanced up, watching as Calla fell back on the bed, unconscious.

I heard V yell from behind me as he raised his gun and released thousands of rounds on these worthless humans.

Blood spattered across the room, and they were all dead.

I cursed under my breath as I ran over to the bed taking her in my arms.

I held her trembling cold body and cradled her in my arms.

I had my exotic princess back.

And I was never letting her go.