Smithy stared in confusion as to what was happening before him. People, dozens of them, were moving back and forth over the room as they all stared into him as if they were all worried for him. To add more into the confusion, he heard them call him "Crown Prince." Unfortunately, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt unspeakable amounts of pain throughout his head.
Blood was dripping from his nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. He was screaming in the pool of his blood; he felt as if his head were about to implode and pummel him out of existence. Meanwhile, the onlookers watch in horror at the event that was transpiring before them. They all hurriedly, make a dash for outside, to gain for ice and cold water, so that they could stop the bleeding.
Fortunately, in just the nick of time those who have dashed outside of the room, brought not of water or ice, rather it is another person? The person that they brought quickly moved into the room and hovered his hand over the screaming smithy. The hands of the man glowed with intense light, to which after Smithy fell back into his bed and lost consciousness once again.
Smithy was now laying down his own pool of blood, as his consciousness rescinds from the outer consciousness into his deepest consciousness. Meanwhile, the onlookers look on Smithy with relief present in their eyes. Unfortunately, that wouldn't last long as a thunderous crash momentarily deafened the surroundings, followed by an earthquake of an immense magnitude that shook the balance of the entire building that they were standing on.
Meanwhile, on Smithy's inner consciousness, three entities were present. Jackson Smith, CP and another person were dwelling inside the inner consciousness of Smith.
"Hmm? It seems the prophesied ones have already arrived." The entity spoke.
Upon hearing another person speaking in the inner consciousness of Smithy, both he and CP were shocked, so they focused their attention on the other entity and questioned him.
"H-How did you get in here? Are you a Jinn?!" Smithy spoke with anger in his tone.
Just as Smithy was about to speak of a mantra to ward off Jinns, he was stopped by CP.
"There is no use in doing that. That guy is not a Jinn. If I believe so, he was the original owner of this body." CP stated with confidence.
The entity smiled and proceeded with the conversation.
"My name is Leonardo Apollo de' Altair, the Crown Prince of Midgard and it's ruling family de' Altair." The Entity spoked.
Smithy's eyes widened in surprised as he didn't think that a myth from his world would exist in the universe he was currently in.
"T-Then the world of Yggdrasil exists?" Smithy spoke.
Leonardo, meanwhile, had a smile curved downwards.
"It's been so long that we have lost contact with the nine worlds, especially to our deities in Asgard. Everything went silent and we almost everyone in the whole Midgard believes we are the only one's left and Yggdrasil might have fallen already." Leonardo spoke with sadness present in his voice.
Numerous thoughts were moving back and forth in the mind of Smithy.
"If this is the world of Norse Mythology, then do the Arachnids still exist? Are there other space faring civilizations out there?" were the thoughts that were running through his mind, and unfortunately, before he could voice it out towards Leonardo, he was cut off.
Leonardo's mystical body suddenly became transparent, and as time passes by it becomes even more and more transparent, to which even particles of light were also floating out of him. However, as Leonardo was disappearing, Leonardo himself, were smiling.
"I have faith in you, the chosen one of the Heaven's Grail, don't fail my civilization, or it will mean the end of both of our means," Leonardo spoke before completely disappearing.
After Leonardo spoke, the particles of light that were hovering over the air suddenly moved towards the direction of Smithy. To which after they entered his body. Thousands, if not hundreds, of information came flowing through the head of Jackson Smith. Memories of Leonardo came flowing inside him. As he attempted to process everything, he was suddenly pulled from the depths of his inner consciousness.
From this point on, he was now Leonardo, and no longer Jackson Smith. This is the new life that was given to him by the Heaven's Grail in exchange for saving humanity in this universe. After all, that was what he also wanted from the start, to take revenge against the Arachnids.
"Your Majesty! We have been worried sick of your situation! The assassins were already caught, however we weren't able to find the mastermind of the attack. Not only that, your majesty, we are under attack by your brothers who want to take the throne for themselves. The Marshall has already led the Mark 1 Armored Troopers into the defense mechanisms and into the battlefield,"
Just as expected, the original owner of this body has a lot of enemies. In fact, he was the crown prince of a kingdom and so naturally he would have them. However, the fact is that he does not have the necessary abilities to control these Armored Troopers, after all he was heavily inept intelligence and wisdom wise to be able to understand on how to use it, he also didn't have enough mana or so they call to control it.
Fortunately, according to CP, he could modify the Armored Troopers so that he could use it, it was actually a lot simpler, however these so called armored troopers or in Jackson's world it was Mecha, however because of resources issues they weren't able to manufacture it before they went extinct.
Leonardo got up and ordered the butler.
"Prepare another Mark 1 Armored Trooper for me. I'll be going into the battlefield." Leonardo stated.
Upon hearing the words of Leonardo, the butler's eyes widened in shock and in confusion.