Chapter 11: Intruder

Earth Drake, with his emerald green eyes shining, was searching for his place by delving deep into the Mistril mine.

His body was so vast that tunnels carved by shorter miners hindered him. Nonetheless, he roamed the mine, digging through rocks with his short, stubby claws, reminiscent of moles at work.

Occasionally, he would stumble upon cavities, both large and small, evaluating each one by sensing the deep, fresh scent of the earth and the unique aroma of Mistril.

And finally, after several attempts, Earth Drake discovered a vast cavity at the heart of the mine.

This space was expansive enough for him to stretch out his massive wings, and the walls were adorned with lustrous misrils.

Feeling content, Earth Drake took a light sniff and began the task of crafting his home.

With his large, powerful claws, he overturned the rock and meticulously stacked the misril ore.

He created a nest for himself, an egg-shaped pit, spacious enough to accommodate his immense form.

Earth Drake inspected the nest, ensuring he could recline with ease.

His dwelling shimmered with the glint of Mistril and emitted an earthy aroma that made him feel right at home.

Contentedly, Earth Drake lowered himself onto his nest, as though he couldn't envision a more perfect dwelling.

Shortly after, as he carefully burrowed into the pile of misrils, a gentle warmth permeated the nest.

His enormous form filled the space, and his deep green eyes shimmered with satisfaction.

Relaxing, Earth Drake's breathing became steady. He slowly closed his eyes.

* * *

The Goblin Wizard was leading a hundred Goblins to the depths of the Misril mine.

The tunnel they passed through was dark and damp, with the air filled with the scent and earthy aroma of Misril.

"I've just found a place to build a new kingdom, and suddenly a Pang dragon appears...."

The Goblin Wizard was reluctant to give up the Misril mine he had recently claimed.

"Wizard, can we handle the dragon? Churik—"

"It's impossible if it's a normal dragon. You mentioned it was a gray dragon, right? Churik—"

"It looked somewhat gray, but also somewhat brown. Churik—"

"Then you're probably right. A Fang Dragon can't even attack with its breath, and its magical abilities are subpar. Try to negotiate with it, and if that fails, we should flee. Churik—"

Amidst their journey, they finally reached a vast cavity.

In the center of the cavity, Earth Drake lay languidly.

Despite the appearance of more than a hundred goblins, Earth Drake remained unmoved, as if nothing had transpired.

Having observed the immense creature for a moment, the Goblin Wizard approached with caution.

Though he was slightly smaller and leaner than the other goblins, the cunning gleam in his dark yellow eyes, set beneath his coarse brows, surpassed that of any other goblin.

"Churick— The Great Race!"

The Goblin Wizard signaled his presence to the Earth Drake with his luminous yellow eyes.

Before drawing nearer, he made sure to weave a charm spell, hoping to endear himself to the creature.

However, Earth Drake merely blinked his sizable eyes, showing little interest in the Goblin Wizard.

'Perfect! He doesn't seem to harbor any malice towards us!'

Believing his enchantment had taken effect, the Goblin Wizard mustered his courage and approached Earth Drake, offering his respects.

"Oh magnificent and grand creature! I revere your majesty and pledge my loyalty. Churik— My magic stands ready, awaiting your wise guidance, humbling itself before your formidable might. Churik—"

Following the Goblin Wizard's prostrate gesture, the rest of the Goblins too bowed down.

"What? Why is there no response?"

Despite waiting for several minutes, Earth Drake remained silent.

"O great one! We offer ourselves to serve you as guardians of our tribe. May your immense power and wisdom shield us. Churik—"

Both the Goblin Wizard and his followers once more voiced their adoration for Earth Drake.

Then, Earth Drake stretched languidly, let out a deep yawn, and closed his eyes, settling down.

The Goblin Wizard recoiled, startled by Earth Drake's sudden movement.

However, interpreting the silence that followed as a sign of consent, the Goblin Wizard proclaimed, "The great one has granted us his favor! He is our new guardian deity! Churik—"

And so, unbeknownst to himself, Earth Drake became the goblins' guardian deity.

They danced joyfully around Earth Drake and sang songs extolling his majesty.

The frenzied voices of the goblins echoed throughout the cavern, harmonizing with Earth Drake's profound breathing.

The goblins revered Earth Drake and established their dwellings near his resting place.

Earth Drake observed their activities with a detached demeanor.

He was largely indifferent, as long as they didn't disturb his sanctuary.

But the peaceful coexistence between Earth Drake and the Goblins was disrupted when a band of heroes and mercenaries descended upon the mine, altering everything.

* * *

"God's curse shall befall you! Chirik—"

The Goblin Wizard's voice, laden with both anger and elation, echoed through the cavern.


But when Earth Drake, whom they regarded as their guardian, remained silent, the goblins turned their curious gazes toward the Goblin Wizard.

The Goblin Wizard, previously looking up at the sky with both arms raised, slowly lowered one and called out, somewhat awkwardly,

"Our guardian deity shows mercy. He wishes to hear your feeble justifications first. Churik—"

The Goblin Wizard fixed his gaze on Jis, expecting an answer. The young boy, scratching the back of his head, replied hesitantly,

"Well, our purpose was to fend off the dragon to ensure the safety of the miners. However, seeing that it's Earth Drake and not a Dragon, we thought maybe we could just relocate it."

"How dare you belittle our guardian deity, the esteemed one, by merely referring to him as 'Drake'? This is a clear affront! Churick—!"

"Argh— Churick— Churick—!"

The Goblin Wizard, raising his hand once more, bellowed out. The goblins around him joined in with fervent screams.

"I don't know who you are, but this is our kingdom. Churik— A sacred place for goblins, dedicated to the esteemed one. Intruders, retreat immediately! Churik—"

"Everyone, stay alert! The Goblin Wizard is about to strike!"

Reacting swiftly to the impending threat, Chichi shouted a warning and vanished just as lightning bolted from the ceiling above.


The surprise attack nearly hit everyone, but the blue beads, which had previously floated away from Longlong's grasp, absorbed the entirety of the lightning's energy.

"Good work, Longlong!"


After consuming the energy, the blue beads joyously orbited around Longlong.

"Bwahaha~ You got one off, so it's only fair I return the favor. Fire Bluster! Heh heh~"

The Blackbee wizard, nonchalantly tearing a magic scroll and holding a wand in the other hand, directed his magic toward the goblins.

Pop— Pop— Pop—

Soon after, fireballs rained down from the cavity's ceiling, targeting the goblin. One struck Earth Drake, who merely yawned, seemingly unimpressed.


Suddenly hit by a fireball, Earth Drake roared like a barrel being knocked over in the dead of night.


Earth Drake sprang to life, and as he howled, the entire cavity trembled like an earthquake. Large and small rocks, along with blocks of stone, cascaded from above.

"Aargh— Churick— Churick—"

Rocks and stone blocks tumbled down, showing no regard for friend or foe.

But the goblins, especially the multi-headed ones, bore the brunt of the damage!

"The Guardian has joined the fray! Churik— Goblin warriors, to arms! Churik—"

At the Goblin Wizard's command, a chorus of goblin shouts rang out, heralding the start of an all-out battle.

Jis, anxiety evident, clutched his Mistrill shield tightly.

"We are not your enemies!"

But his desperate plea fell on deaf ears, as the goblins, their eyes ablaze with madness, charged forward.

"The choice is ours to make! Churik— You've trespassed too deeply. This shall be your final resting place! Churik—"

The Goblin Wizard, flanked by his warriors, retorted at Jis and began his incantations.

Fireballs and crude arrows sped towards Jis and his band of mercenaries.

Just then, the enthusiastic Blackbee Wizard stepped forward, declaring,

"Bwahaha~ Watch how I handle these deranged goblins! Fire Wall!"

A fiery barrier erupted around Jis and his allies, incinerating incoming projectiles and any goblins too close for comfort.

"Look out! Here comes Grimbald~!"

The gorilla-like Grimbald charged, dispatching goblins as though swatting away twigs.

The two sides clashed, and the intensity of the battle surged.

Jis, armed with a Mistrill sword and shield, valiantly faced the goblin onslaught. His novice swordsmanship wasn't particularly threatening, but Longlong's agility complemented Jis's efforts, targeting the goblins' legs with swift dagger strikes.

Rylie, donning Mistrill gauntlets, danced through the goblin horde, her infectious laughter filling the air as her fists met their mark.

"Tee hee hee~ Hee haw! I love these chaotic battles~!"

Every time Rylie's gauntlet-clad fist swung, goblin heads would explode.

On one side, Grimbald pummeled the goblins with his large fists, while on the other, the mighty girl's smaller fist crushed goblin heads.

The long-range magic attack of the Goblin Wizard was formidable.

Yet, contrary to its appearance, the Blackbee Wizard, with his keen battle instincts, often effortlessly blocked it.

The Blackbee Wizard, reminiscent of a seasoned pirate captain, launched magic attacks and brandished his wand, defending and striking simultaneously.

"Bwahaha~ Weren't you aware of the numerous magic scrolls I secretly obtained from the lord?"

Just then, Grimbald charged at the Goblin Wizard like a furious rhino, making the latter cry out in fear.

"Churik— Defend! Hurry! That raging beast approaches!"

As the encircling Goblin warriors charged at Grimbald, another shadow emerged from behind the Goblin Wizard.

"You must fear death as well."

"Churik— Churik— Hold on!"



The Goblin Wizard's frantic screams were cut short.

It was Tyria's sword; the blood spurting from his severed neck drowned his final words.

"Bwahaha~ Just as I thought, assassins are fearsome!"

The Blackbee Wizard, first to realize the Goblin Wizard's demise, bellowed for all to hear.

The goblins, in panic and disarray, started to withdraw.

While Earth Drake had been observing as though watching a distant blaze, the goblins sensing their disadvantage, employed their evasive skills.

In a blink, the Goblin vanished and fled.

"They fled just because their leader fell? Bwahaha~ Then the ultimate boss should meet his end too!"


Jis attempted to yell out, but the Blackbee Wizard was already activating a magic scroll.

"I have only one, but since it's a gift from the lord, I'll use it without hesitation. Hellfire! Feel the inferno's blaze. Bwahaha~"

Grimbald stared in horror.

"No! Tyria is still in there!"

Shortly after, a scorching blaze engulfed Earth Drake's lair.