Embracing the Warmth and Harsh

She still couldn't believe what she was hearing on the news. The faces of those who had helped her flashed through her mind one by one. Her face filled with sadness once again, and she could no longer hold back her tears.

Carmella noticed her crying and realized something was wrong, immediately turning off the TV.

"What's going on? Why are you crying so hard?" Carmella asked with concern.

"I can't believe it... those villagers..." Vermilion sobbed.

"Villagers? What happened?" Lyon rushed out of his room upon hearing the loud cry.

"What's happening? Why is she crying so hard?" Lyon asked Carmella, bewildered.

"It's not me! She just saw something on the news. I didn't do anything," Carmella replied defensively.

"The news never reports anything good. Why did you let her watch it?" Lyon questioned, frustrated.

"I wanted her to be aware of the current war situation in the world. And she wanted to watch it herself, I didn't force her!" Carmella retorted, her anger rising.

"I wasn't blaming you. Why are you getting mad at me?"

"But you sounded like I'm the one to blame!" Carmella's voice quivered.

"Eno..ugh, Enough!" Vermilion interrupted with a low voice, tears streaming down her face.

Carmella and Lyon's argument only upset Vermilion further. Overwhelmed by their quarrel, she couldn't bear it any longer and ran out of the house.

"Vermilion, wait! Where are you going?!" Carmella called out worriedly.

"I'll go after her right away!" Lyon said, dashing out of the house.

"Bring her back quickly! Don't let anything happen to her!" Carmella pleaded in a panic.

Vermilion rushed towards the rooftop but realized she didn't have the key to open the door. In despair, she sat on the stairwell, continuing to cry.

Lyon followed her to the stairwell, but in an instant, Vermilion disappeared along with the sound of her crying. Lyon called out her name.

"Vermilion! Are you upstairs? Please answer me!"

No reply came from Vermilion.

He ascended the stairs, finding no one there. The door to the rooftop remained locked. Assuming she had gone downstairs, Lyon hurried back.

Meanwhile, Vermilion had been sitting on the stairwell since she ran out of the house, completely unaware that Lyon had gone upstairs searching for her while she continued to cry.

After a while, she managed to calm down a little, though her eyes were still filled with tears. At that moment, she faintly heard a voice coming from behind the rooftop door. Intrigued, she walked over and listened intently.

"Is there anyone out there?"

"Wh... a.. y.." a voice responded from behind the door.

"It sounds like someone is speaking, but I don't have the key," Vermilion murmured.

Placing her ear against the door, she listened attentively to the voice.

"Vermilion... Vermilion..." the voice called out.

"Lyon? Is that you?" Vermilion asked, surprised.

She reached for the doorknob, and this time, it turned and opened.

"Hmm? I remember the door was locked," she muttered.

Upon opening the door, she witnessed an incredible sight. Beyond the door wasn't the familiar rooftop she expected, but a universe-like expanse. A light illuminated the space not far from the door, its shape mirroring that of the door.

Curiosity piqued, Vermilion stepped closer to the light, still emanating the voice.

"Where is this place? Does such a place exist in this world? It resembles the universe from storybooks," Vermilion wondered aloud.

"Vermilion... are you there?" the voice called out from the light.

"Lyon? Is that really you?" she responded.

Walking closer to the light, Vermilion made a decision. She stepped into the light, and suddenly found herself standing in front of the main entrance of the building where she currently resided.

"Where am I... the main entrance? What just happened? I thought I was supposed to be on the rooftop," Vermilion exclaimed.

"Vermilion! Thank goodness you're here. Carmella and I were so worried about you," Lyon said, his relief evident.

"Lyon?! So, it was really you calling my name through the light?" Vermilion asked, seeking confirmation.

"Light? Which light? I just ran down the stairs and saw you standing right in front of the main entrance."

"I heard your voice from the rooftop. I opened a door, saw a light, and walked through it, and suddenly I'm here," Vermilion explained.

"That's impossible. I'm certain I locked the door. It must have been an illusion. You must be exhausted from all that crying," Lyon reasoned.

"Perhaps... Sorry for worrying you all," Vermilion responded.

"Let's hurry back. The soldiers are patrolling the city. We need to be quick," Lyon urged.


They rushed back into the building and took the elevator to their home.

"Remember, we can't let anyone, especially soldiers, discover this place," Lyon reminded them.

"Yes, Carmella warned me about it last night," Vermilion affirmed.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, but not completely..."

"Did you hear something sad on the news?"

Vermilion nodded.

"Try to overcome that sadness. We'll always be with you, no matter how much time it takes," Lyon assured her.

"Thank you. I'll also be there for all of you in the same way. You've been so good to me," Vermilion expressed her gratitude.

They returned to their home, and as soon as Carmella saw Vermilion, she rushed over to her, embracing her tightly.

"I'm so sorry, my dear sister. I promise I won't let anything make you cry again," Carmella said, her voice filled with genuine remorse.

Vermilion hugged her back, feeling the warmth of Carmella. "Thank you, Carmella. I believe you. I promise to try and make myself stronger, to face reality and learn how to accept it," she responded, her voice filled with determination.

As they stood there, comforting each other, a loud noise from outside interrupted their moment.

"What's that noise?" Vermilion asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's the patrol squads. They're here," Lyon replied.

Carmella quickly regained her composure. "Everyone, stay quiet," she instructed, concern etched on her face.

They waited in silence until the noise subsided outside.

"In the morning, there are many patrol squads around the city. We always avoid going outside during that time," Carmella explained to Vermilion.

"I see, but only in the morning?" Vermilion questioned.

"Yes, but only in this area. In other areas, they patrol day and night," Carmella clarified.

"Why is that?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Lyon, you've been here longer than I have. Do you know why?" Carmella turned to Lyon for insight.

"Dr. Apgar mentioned that this area is considered a ghetto. Many people joined the army and moved away once the government provided better opportunities for them and their families," Lyon explained.

"I see, so that's why the soldiers only patrol this area in the morning. They snub the poor," Vermilion remarked sadly.

"That's right," Lyon confirmed.

"I'll remember all of this," Vermilion said determinedly.

With the newfound knowledge, Vermilion made a mental note, determined to understand her surroundings better.

"Vermilion, are you free this afternoon?" Lyon inquired.

"Yes, I am. Why?" Vermilion responded.

"I'll show you around the city and introduce you some very special people for me," Lyon proposed.

"Sure, but is there anything I should be cautious about while touring the city?" Vermilion asked.

"Nothing in particular, just make sure not to reveal that we're from this area. That's it," Lyon advised.

"I understand. Thank you!"

"And what about you, Carmella?" Vermilion turned to her sister.

"I'll stay here and make sure everything remains safe. You two go ahead and enjoy your time together. Just be careful and return before it gets dark," Carmella reassured them.


With that settled, they headed to the city square to meet the people Lyon had mentioned.