The Spark of Conflict

Lieutenant Dialla, Captain Raynolds, and their men remained poised for action as they awaited news. The atmosphere was tense until they received word that the Nisaeria government had just signed a peace treaty with Kothern. The announcement had an immediate and devastating impact on Lieutenant Dialla.

"Damn those cowards!!!" Dialla's voice rang out angrily as he hurled the radio and various objects around the room, an outlet for his boiling emotions.

"Sir! Your plan could crumble if the war doesn't commence!" Sergeant Victor spoke up, attempting to address the escalating situation.

"I don't need you to remind me of that! Keep your opinions to yourself, Victor!" The tension in the room was palpable.

"I apologize, Sir."

"Those insufferable Nisaeria politicians... Have they lost their minds? How could they sign that treaty? It's not even a peace accord; it's more like a surrender treaty. The conditions they've agreed to are nothing short of surrendering everything to Kothern. What a bunch of fools and puppets!"

"With the treaty signed, what will happen to our plan?"

"That's what I'm pondering. But I can't fathom why our President would propose a peace treaty with them. Why?"

"You're right, Sir! The last mutual peace treaty was seventy years ago. We're among the world's best, so why would we willingly enter such a deal with a smaller nation? It's baffling."

"This indicates that the General and the President lack faith in both Captain Raynolds and me. These two mere puppets... Fine! I'll prove them wrong, showing them who's truly capable of leading Kothern's mighty army."

"Sir, deep down, I've always believed you're the one destined to lead us and this nation!"

"Just this nation?"

"No, Sir! Your intellect could even extend to ruling over the entire world!"

"Very well said! Kothern's might has waned; that's why I must seize control and transform it into the world's most formidable military force! Forget about other militarily powerful nations; under my command, they'll pale in comparison!"

"Shall we try to persuade the General to reconsider this war? Otherwise, our grand plan might falter."

"I'm not interested, and your suggestions continue to disappoint me! Don't even entertain the thought of halting me! At this moment, a superior plan has taken shape in my mind... Hahahahaha! Victor! Dispatch two platoons to the northern point and bring me the phone right now!"

"Yes, Sir! I'll issue the orders immediately!" Sergeant Victor rushed out of the tent to give orders while Dialla quickly made a phone call.

"Hello? Is that Dan?"

"Yes, Dialla, it's me. I presume you're calling due to the news."

"That's right. How are your preparations progressing?"

"We're ahead of schedule. However, the plan we discussed entailed attacking the outskirts of our capital, with my forces rebelling and joining you to overthrow Nisaeria entirely. How do we proceed now?"

"Let's abandon the old plan and follow my lead. Right now, we must initiate the war, and I need you to launch an attack on my own troops."

"But won't this make us appear as if we started the war?"

"Don't concern yourself with that; I'll bear the blame. Presently, your people are furious over this peace agreement, and protests have erupted across your country. Utilize their anger to topple your government."

"I need time to contemplate this..."

"Think about it this way – not only can you openly topple your current government, but you won't be labeled a traitor, unlike our previous plan. You could emerge as your country's new leader, couldn't you?"

"That does sound promising..."

"Absolutely. However, even in feigning surrender, we aim to minimize casualties. Once that's done, our plan remains intact. I'll achieve the victory, secure a promotion, and recommend you as the new president of Nisaeria, ensuring our collective future! Hahahahaha!"

"Sounds truly remarkable... Hold on a moment, one of my men wishes to pass something on to me."

"Take your time."

"Hello? My men have just presented a truce agreement, urging us to immediately withdraw our troops."

"Perfect! Display the truce to your people incensed by anger, then tear it apart in front of them when we initiate our assault. This gesture will turn you into a hero among your people."

"Yes... Yes, indeed! You're right! Brilliant! Collaborating with you to achieve our goals is an honor!"


"Now, could you provide a detailed plan of action? How do we orchestrate this together?"

"Listen attentively. I've dispatched two of my platoons to the northern point. Your task is to attack and eliminate them. I'll soon provide you with the exact location. This action will set the stage for my attack on Nisaeria, exacting revenge. This is the catalyst for initiating the war."

"Understood. I await your location details. What comes next?"

"I'll neutralize your forces for killing mine and proceed with an official attack on your country. However, I anticipate resistance from your people due to their animosity towards us. Therefore, I need you and your troops to immediately join our ranks once we cross into your land to counter our adversaries. For the rest, a convincing acting performance is required to deceive both your people and our foes. Is that clear?"

"Yes! Crystal clear! We're ready and awaiting your signal to launch my revolution. But are we truly left with no choice but to sacrifice our men..."

"I regret to say that it's our sole option. Sacrifices are unavoidable in pursuit of our objectives."

"Very well... I understand... Just please spare our innocent citizens and residents... They shouldn't be embroiled in this chaos."

"Absolutely! I assure you. Dan, there's one more matter. I require your assistance in eliminating my Captain. He poses a hindrance to our plan, and his demise is imperative."

"I understand... I won't let either of us down!"

"Thank you, Dan! Let the performance begin. Hahahahaha!" Lieutenant Dialla concluded the call with a malevolent chuckle.

"Lieutenant! May I enter?" Captain Raynolds inquired.

"Please do. I heard the news, but we haven't received any orders or instructions from the General, have we?"

"No, nothing yet... But I'm curious why our troops are being dispatched to the north point."

"The people of Nisaeria are engulfed in violent protests throughout their nation. I feared their unrest might spill over to us, so I've positioned our men at the first line of defense to oversee the situation."

"I believe you're overthinking this. And such actions may be interpreted as provocation leading to war, don't you think?"

"Perhaps you're right, Captain. But rest assured, I won't let that transpire."

"Very well, ensure there are no complications."

"Yes, Sir."

Unbeknownst to them, Sergeant Victor eavesdropped outside the tent, carefully listening to their conversation. Captain Raynolds exited the tent, returning to his own.

"Sir! Our forces have reached the north point! What's our next move?"

"Send this map via fax to Dan immediately. We're waiting for him to initiate an attack on our troops."

"Understood, Sir!"

"Captain Raynolds has questioned my orders. I've offered him a fabricated explanation. The truth will only reveal itself when he's nearing his end. Prepare our troops. The war is imminent! We'll obliterate the Nisaeria national army, along with Captain Raynolds and his forces simultaneously."

"Roger that!"

Alone in his tent, Lieutenant Dialla retrieved the radio that had been thrown onto the floor and commenced playing cheerful classical music. Seated in a chair, he embraced the melodious tunes with closed eyes, a sinister grin gracing his lips. His gaze remained fixed on the watch in his hand, anticipation building for the impending clash. A few moments later, a massive explosion echoed from the north point, its impact audible to all.

"Ahahahahaha! At last! They've arrived!"

"Captain! Lieutenant! The Nisaeria army has attacked and eliminated our forces at the north point!" A soldier reported urgently.

"Are you certain it's the Nisaeria army?" Raynolds inquired.

"Yes, Sir! Our men at the north point confirmed this before they were taken out!"

"Captain Raynolds! We must retaliate! Our fallen comrades demand vengeance! Issue the order to engage them immediately!" Dialla's demand rang out, accompanied by another thunderous explosion from the north.

"...This is absurd. They've just agreed to the peace treaty..."


"Very well! All of you, arm yourselves and prepare for war. If this is their answer, we cannot afford to disappoint them. Let us demonstrate our prowess!"

"Victor! Rally your unit and follow me. We must advance swiftly and encircle their capital city!"

"Lieutenant! You'll take the west path. Lead our forces from the west directly to their capital city. I'll advance from the east with Victor. Our convergence point will be at their capital's boundary. Understand?!"

"Yes, Captain!" All soldier replied.

"Soldiers! Follow my lead! We attack from the west!"

Meanwhile, the Nisaeria troops, led by General Dan who held a high rank in the Nisaeria Army, executed their mission by attacking and eliminating the Kothern soldiers in north point. Their intent was to establish a confrontation point where Lieutenant Dialla and his forces were expected to converge.

"Are we certain things will remain unproblematic after killing so many of them?!" A Nisaeria soldier questioned with concern.

"Indeed! They will surely seek retribution!"

"Relax, General Dan has assured us of our safety. This is all part of the plan!"

"I sincerely hope so, but something doesn't feel right..."

"Sergeant! Look there! They're coming!"

"Where?! I see them now! Those must be Lieutenant Dialla's troops. Allow me to greet them."

"Lieutenant Dialla of Kothern! We serve under General Dan and..." A gunshot shattered the air, the bullet piercing the head of the Nisaeria Army Sergeant before he could complete his sentence.

"Obstruction removed. It's what you deserved, Big Head."

"Sergeant!!! Why are you firing at us?! We're General Dan's forces! We're your allies!!" The infuriated Nisaeria soldiers exclaimed.

"Ah, my unfortunate comrades... Did General Dan forget to mention? You're all about to die... Right here... Right now!"

"What in...?! Arghhh!!!"

Lieutenant Dialla promptly ordered his troops to open fire, mercilessly exterminating them. Gunshots echoed, mingling with anguished cries, but within seconds, the sounds subsided. The Nisaeria troops met their end within a fleeting moment, vanishing from existence.

"Listen closely, my soldiers. We'll rendezvous with General Dan and his men, then proceed to seize their capital city in the north central region. We'll require their assistance for victory in this war and... for the life of Captain Raynolds... Do you understand?!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"From this point on, I care not who you are. Anyone who obstructs us tonight shall meet their demise!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Hahahahaha! Charge, everyone! Bring down this nation!"