The Tides of War

Lieutenant Dialla and his men met with General Dan of Nisaeria, who appeared to have intentions of overthrowing the current Nisaeria government.

"Lieutenant Dialla! Finally, we meet. What an honor," Dan greeted as he extended his hand for a shake.

"It's an honor for me as well. Are the soldiers behind you part of your forces?" Dialla replied, shaking Dan's hand.

"Yes, they are my finest warriors. Together with your great army, we will succeed in our mission!"

"That's the plan."

"Where is the captain you mentioned to me?"

"He chose the challenging eastern path to your capital city voluntarily. I plan to regroup with him in the city and eliminate him there to erase any trace of his existence."

"Very well. I am sharing detailed intel about the Nisaeria army's location and hideouts. With this information, we can easily defeat them, even if they outnumber us!"

"Excellent. Let me take a look... Perfect! Everyone, pay attention! General Dan and his soldiers are joining us to win this war. His government remains unaware of his allegiance to our side. He will lead a surprise attack on his own army, while our task is to cut off their escape routes. Remember, no survivors! Understood?!" Dialla commanded.

"Yes, Sir!" The soldiers responded with determination. However, among them, one soldier didn't answer and instead displayed an unsettling smile.

As per the plan, General Dan and his troops moved through towns and cities on the way to the capital. The defending units in each of these places were taken by surprise when General Dan attacked. The survivors who tried to escape the cities were ruthlessly hunted down by Dialla's forces.

"Lieutenant! It seems like everything is going according to plan," General Dan remarked.

"Indeed. We have one more city to conquer before reaching the capital city," Dialla confirmed.

"Sir, we've detected that the enemy is fleeing the city! They appear to be gathering their remaining forces to defend their capital city!" a report came in.

"Good news indeed! It's as if luck is on my side. General Dan, I'll rendezvous with Captain Raynolds first, and together we'll capture the capital city. I need you and your troops to stay hidden until we secure the city. Once that's done, we'll encircle Raynolds and his men and eliminate them," Dialla strategized.

"But the forces in the capital city are the cream of the crop in Nisaeria. Are you certain your captain can defeat them?" Dan inquired skeptically.

"Well, in that case, I'll signal you if I require assistance."

"Very well. On another note, our president and other generals are stationed at the city hall, which serves as their command center. It's likely that your captain's fate will be sealed there as well."

"Exactly. Hahaha! General Dan, wait for my signal from now on."

"I got it! Attention, everyone! We are returning to the capital city. We'll remain hidden until Lieutenant Dialla gives us the signal. Move out!" Dan ordered his soldiers.

Dialla and General Dan parted ways, and Dialla and his men arrived at the assembly point to await Raynolds. After a while, Raynolds and his men finally appeared before them.

"Ah, Lieutenant, you've managed to arrive earlier than I anticipated," Dialla said with a hint of jest.

"Indeed? Captain, it seems you've taken your time as well," Dialla replied playfully, then catching Victor's eye signal.

"Captain! Lieutenant! The outskirts of the city are swarming with their soldiers and tanks! We stand ready to fight! Waiting for your orders and signal!" One of the soldiers reported.

"Captain, do you have a plan to take them down? Any strategies?" Dialla asked.

"We're left with no choice but to face them head-on. I'll lead the frontline charge! Lieutenant, your mission is to provide cover and fire support from behind! Alpha team, follow me!" Raynolds commanded.

"Understood, Sir!"

'How intriguing, he's unknowingly digging his own grave. Not as smart as I thought, it seems,' Dialla mused internally.

"Lieutenant Dialla!" Victor called.

"Yes, Sergeant Victor?"

"We've just launched our latest K-2 missile at the Nisaeria army. The power it unleashed exceeded our expectations!"

"Truly? That's excellent news. Now we have another trump card up our sleeve. Rally our troops – we must shield our esteemed Captain!"

"Sir, why not just let him perish on the battlefield?"

"You imbecile! We still require him to dismantle the Nisaeria army. Do you intend to shoulder the task alone?"

"Of course not, my apologies, Sir."

"By the way, I can't let him meet his end just yet. I have something to reveal to him after we've secured victory. Hahahahaha!" Dialla chortled sinisterly.

Meanwhile, the Nisaeria army, well-prepared and assembled, observed Raynolds and his men charging toward them. Their highest-ranking Nisaeria commander addressed his troops with a rousing speech before issuing orders.

"Listen, my comrades! This is our final stand against these malevolent invaders. The outcome – whether we become exiles or stand united with our families on this soil – rests with each of us! Show no mercy and reclaim our homeland! Charge!"

"CHARGE!" The Nisaeria soldiers rallied their resolve, launching a determined advance against Raynolds' force.

Every Nisaeria soldier fought for their land with unwavering courage and a sense of impending mortality. Raynolds knew that a direct confrontation might spell doom for him. Nonetheless, he elected to face the enemy head-on. His expression turned resolute, his focus intense. His agility on the battlefield made it near impossible for the enemy to predict his movements. His marksmanship was unparalleled, with each bullet finding its mark.

In the blink of an eye, he singlehandedly decimated hundreds of foes. Nisaeria soldiers soon realized the extent of his superhuman combat skills, attempting to retreat and avoid confrontation. Yet, as they turned to flee, they met their demise at the hands of Dialla's forces. The chaos of war escalated further as the battle raged on.

Raynolds showcased his remarkable combat and strategic skills, forcing the enemy into a retreat and driving them back within their city limits. The urban landscape echoed with the cacophony of gunfire and explosions, filling the air with a deafening symphony of war. Terrified civilians remained huddled in their homes, fervently praying for the conflict to cease without harm befalling them.

However, as the battle unfolded within the city, the Nisaeria army's resistance grew fiercer and more relentless. Despite the proximity of the city hall, Nisaeria's reinforcements impeded Raynolds' advance. The ensuing struggle marked the most formidable obstacle they had faced in this war, stymying their progress entirely.

"Captain! Enemy reinforcements are en route!"

"Prepare for defensive positions, everyone! We can't let them obstruct our path any longer!"

"Captain! Alpha team has been neutralized!"

"What about the other team? Report their status!"

"They're barely holding their ground, but their situation is deteriorating rapidly!"

"We need to pull back while maintaining a defensive front! Rally our forces and regroup immediately!"

"Understood, Captain!"

Raynolds had no choice but to order a measured withdrawal from the tumultuous battleground. Seizing the opening, Nisaeria's commander commanded his troops to drive Kothern's soldiers retreat from the city. The situation spiraled into chaos, prompting Dialla to expedite the final phase of his plan.

"Lieutenant! Captain's forces are retreating due to heavy resistance!"

"Retreat isn't an option! We must overcome them! Victor, signal General Dan for assistance immediately!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Captain! Can you hear me? I've requested reinforcements to support us! Maintain your defense and hold the line! They're on their way!"

"Reinforcements? Who are they, Lieutenant?"

"General Dan and his forces. They're on our side now."

"General Dan? How was I kept in the dark about this? Are you certain?"

"Yes, Captain. Their allegiance shifted recently, and there wasn't ample time to apprise you. Rest assured, they're skilled combatants. Together, we can turn the tide."

"Very well. Lieutenant, I need you to secure my rear flank. We can't afford to let them breach it."


Seeing the signal, General Dan promptly marshaled his troops and rushed to join the fray.

"Captain Raynolds of Kothern! We're here to provide support!"

"Thank you for your assistance!"

General Dan's intervention transformed the seemingly grim outlook into a favorable reversal. His betrayal instilled panic among the Nisaeria soldiers on the battlefield, rapidly eroding their morale. Raynolds capitalized on their vulnerability, launching a counterattack toward the city hall once again.

"What's happening?! Why is General Dan fighting against us?" The Nisaeria President exclaimed in shock.

"There's no doubt! He's turned against us! From now on, he's our adversary too! Soldiers, eliminate these traitors!"

"Roger that, Sir!"

With General Dan's inclusion, everything seemed to be proceeding as planned for Dialla. Yet, an unexpected twist upended their expectations. The Nisaeria civilians, emboldened by a surge of nationalistic fervor, suddenly rose up against the Kothern forces. Seizing discarded weapons, they joined the battle alongside their army, vehemently defending their homeland.

"Our land, our people! Be gone, Kothern dogs!" The civilians shouted as they fought.

"Soldiers, hold your fire! Spare the civilians!" Raynolds commanded.

"People of Nisaeria, our current leaders have failed us! Join our cause, and together we'll overthrow them, forging a new Nisaeria!" General Dan attempted to sway the civilians.

"Utter nonsense! General Dan, you've betrayed us and shattered our trust! We won't listen to the lies of a traitor!" The civilians remained unyielding, refusing General Dan's entreaties and persistently battling against them.

The civilians' fervor united with the Nisaeria army's resilience, resulting in a powerful resurgence that drove Kothern's soldiers back. The casualties on the Kothern side surged, and the situation spiraled beyond their control.

"Sir! Captain and General Dan are retreating again! We're on the verge of defeat!" Victor reported in a state of panic.

"Damn it! Raynolds and Dan, spineless cowards! If only they'd allow us to eliminate those civilians..." Dialla seethed.

"They're insistent on sparing the civilians..."

"They're unwilling to dirty their hands... Very well, then. I'll take care of it myself! Victor, prepare the K-2 missile for launch!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"But, Lieutenant! The city is filled with civilians, and Captain Raynolds is there too!" One soldier protested, opposing Dialla's command. In response, Dialla swiftly fired at the dissenter.

"I have no use for those who defy my orders!"

"They're ready, Sir!"

"Excellent! Aim for every Nisaeria soldier and civilian! Fire all the missiles!"

"Yes, Sir! Launching missiles!"

The missiles ascended, capturing everyone's attention. The entire city fell silent as the inhabitants watched the missiles soar above them. Then, a series of colossal explosions rocked the capital city, engulfing it in a chain reaction of destruction.

Meanwhile, Rosseaulyn had returned to her office when an out-of-breath, sweaty soldier burst in without knocking.

"Lieutenant Winton! The car... hah... hah... it's been hijacked!" The soldier gasped.

"What?! You mean they've been taken by someone else?!"

"Yes... The soldiers assigned to protect them were also killed."

"No way! I organized everything covertly! How could someone else have discovered it?! This can't be a coincidence! Do we have any footage from the incident?"

"We're not sure, but we're checking right now!"

"Go and check immediately!"


'Oh my... How will I face Raynolds if he learns that I've messed up and allowed his wife and daughter to be captured by someone else... It must be Dialla behind this... What do I do now...' Rosseaulyn anxiously pondered.