Sacrifices and Rescues

The soldier clutched the infant tightly, desperately searching for a safe haven. To his dismay, Dialla's troops had spotted him and were closing in, their pursuit relentless. With no other option, he plunged into the dark depths of the forest, hoping to evade capture under the cover of night. Inside the dense foliage, the soldier struggled to make progress in the pitch-black darkness, eventually finding refuge in a small thicket where the infant lay sleeping.

"This is bad... They're right on my tail," the soldier whispered anxiously.

"Stop running and hiding! Surrender yourself!" came the demands of Dialla's troops.

"Damn... How did they track me in this darkness?" He peered cautiously from his hiding spot. "They're equipped with night vision... I should have taken one of those devices earlier... It's too late to regret now."

"Looks like he's not here. Let's search in that direction."

"Good! They're moving away!" The soldier sighed in relief.

Once he was certain that Dialla's troops had vanished from view, he resumed his journey. Eventually, he arrived at a cliff within the forest, realizing there was no other way forward. He peered down the precipitous drop and glanced at the infant, torn between the decision to descend or not.

Unable to make a choice and thoroughly exhausted from the ongoing war, he sat beneath a tree to rest. He pondered any alternative escape routes, but despair began to seep in as he felt he might not survive to protect the innocent life in his care.

"This cliff is insurmountable... There's no other way. If I double back, I risk being caught by Dialla's troops... What should I do... I wish I had Captain's bravery... I wonder how Captain is faring right now... He might have met his end at the hands of Dialla in the city..." The soldier's mind was awash with negativity.

Suddenly, the infant awoke, fixing her innocent gaze on the soldier and emitting a soft chuckle. Her pure and innocent smile melted away the soldier's negativity and despair.

"Haha, you little innocent one. You remind me of my newborn girl from just last month... She's my first child, and becoming a father filled me with joy. So many milestones await us when I return to Kothern... Seeing her smile... watching her take her first steps... sending her off to school... witnessing her wedding... Even though you've lost everything, I believe you'll find happiness someday, just like my daughter will..."

"Heh heh heh!" The infant chuckled.

"Your smile says it all... it seems you agree with me. Well then, before we find that happiness, we need to get out of this forest. Climbing down this steep cliff might be our only option... Don't worry; I'll find a safe place for you."

The soldier tightly secured the infant to his back and began the treacherous descent down the cliff. The visibility was abysmal, and powerful winds whipped around them, making the descent even more challenging. Wrapped in a thin cloth, the infant shivered in the biting cold, her discomfort evident as she cried out.

"Hang on, little one! I know it's bitterly cold... We're only about halfway there..."

"Hey! What's that sound?" one of Dialla's troops heard the infant's cries.

"Oh, damn! Why are they still here? They're unworthy representatives of Kothern's great army... Once I return, I'll expose everything to everyone!"

"The sound... over there! From the cliff!"

"Don't worry, don't cry... everything will be alright..."

Dialla's troops quickly headed toward the crying infant's sound. The soldier increased his pace, taking greater risks to descend the cliff, even though he couldn't see what lay beneath his feet in the darkness. Dialla's troops reached the cliff and easily spotted him with their night vision equipment.

"You there! You have nowhere to run or hide this time!" one of Dialla's troops shouted from above.

"They found us so quickly?! Oh, damn... Curse them..."

"Hey! Lieutenant Dialla has ordered us to eliminate every one of Captain Raynolds's men!" said one of Dialla's men.

"Understood, let me handle him... Don't blame me, friend. Blame your unfortunate fate..." Another of Dialla's men took aim with his rifle, using the scope to line up a shot, but he missed.

"This won't be the end... at the very least, I need to get you out safely..."

The soldier clung to the cliff with one hand while using the other to hold the infant, securely tied to his chest. He shielded the infant with his body to avoid gunfire, but this slowed his descent since the infant was now positioned in front of him, making the climb even more challenging.

"Damn, the wind is too strong! I keep missing my shot!" the frustrated marksman exclaimed.

"What a disgrace! Step aside, and I'll handle this. Watch closely... and then... fire!" Dialla's man steadied his aim and took the shot, this time hitting the soldier's hand.

"My hand! Arghhhhhh!"

The soldier lost his grip and plummeted from the cliff. In that split second, he saw his life flash before his eyes—his moments with his wife and newborn daughter. He clutched the infant tightly with both hands and fell to his death at the base of the cliff. Yet, miraculously, the infant survived the fall, cradled in the soldier's embrace and crying.

"Is he dead?"

"He fell from such a height; could he have survived?"

"Ermm... No..."

"Think before you speak next time!"

"Yeah, yeah! My apologies for the silly question."

"At least you recognize it's silly. I believe he's the last of Captain's men; we haven't seen anyone else along the way. Did any of you spot any other of Captain's men?"


"Well, I'll report this to Lieutenant Dialla right away... Hmm? No signal here... Let's get out of this dark place now."

Dialla's troop departed from the forest, leaving the lifeless soldier and the crying infant at the base of the cliff. Elsewhere in the woods, another man wandered, initially drawn by the sound of gunfire and then led further by the infant's cries. He rushed toward the infant, following her cries, only to discover the fallen comrade.

"An infant?! He's gone... rest in peace, brother... I'll carry on your duty! Leave that infant to me as well... I, Jeff Leslie, will uphold Captain's trust and your legacy. I'll deliver the Captain's note and this innocent life back to Luthernza!"

Meanwhile, Dialla received a report from his men about the soldier's demise.

"What wonderful news! Sorry, Captain, it seems my men have taken the life of your very last soldier. Ahahahahaha!" Dialla laughed sinisterly.

'Who could that be...' Raynolds wondered.

"So, my stubborn Captain, are you ready for your final moments? Hahahahaha!"

"Could you stop laughing? There's nothing funny at all…" Raynolds retorted, his tone serious.

"If you're not pleased to hear it, you can come and silence me anytime! If you're able... hahahahaha! By the way, I heard the man who just died was carrying an infant with him... What a tragic fate for both... Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Raynolds clenched his fist and held his breath. After learning that an innocent life had been sacrificed along with his comrade, he could no longer contain his anger. Despite the countless injuries that wracked his body, making movement excruciating, he summoned every ounce of his remaining strength.

With an astonishing burst of speed, he lunged at Dialla and landed a powerful punch squarely on his face in an instant. Dialla crumpled to the ground immediately, and Raynolds seized the opportunity to take him hostage His incredible speed left everyone else helpless to intervene. Dialla's right cheek bore a massive bruise, and he struggled to maintain consciousness after the devastating blow. Sergeant Victor was thrown into a panic upon witnessing the sudden turn of events.

"All of you... drop your weapons and leave us alone immediately! Otherwise, I'll strangle him right here and now!" Raynolds demanded fiercely.

"Oh no! What should I do?! Hang on, Sir, I'll save you!" Victor said.

"Are you all deaf?! Haven't you heard what I said? Unless you want this scum to die!"

"All... of you... listen! No need to... follow what he said... Victor... the phone... dial it now..." Dialla gasped.

"Phone? Still scheming something under your sleeve?!"

"Phone... Oh right! I'll dial it now, Sir!" Victor said and placed the call.

Dialla and Victor exchanged sinister smiles as Victor reached someone on the phone. Finally, the intended party answered, a woman's voice trembling on the line. Victor held the phone closer to Raynolds, allowing him to hear more clearly. In an instant, the woman's trembling voice sought help over the phone.

"Help... us..." she implored.

"The voice... Geena! Is that you?!" Raynolds urgently asked.

"Oh God... Raynolds! Help us!"

"Where are you now?! Is Cathie with you?!!"

"Yes... The soldiers... they've caught us. A group of soldiers came to pick us up, but we were attacked halfway. They took us away and locked us up in an unknown place!"

"Don't worry, stay calm. I'll find a way to rescue you both!"

"Daddy! Help us!" a little girl's voice came over the phone.



"Captain, is this distressing enough for you? Hahahahaha! I'm sure you know what to do next," Dialla jeered.

"Release Lieutenant right now, or I'll have my men harm your beloved wife and child!" Victor threatened.

"Fine... Admirable, the dirtiest tactic in the world... I'm speechless..." Raynolds reluctantly released Dialla.

"A shrewd decision, Captain. That's my way of showing gratitude. What do you think?" Dialla taunted.

"No comment..."

"I have one more thing for you, consider it a parting gift!"

"You truly enjoy inflicting pain on people, don't you?"

"Not really... Victor, recite those parting words for Captain, just a few introductory lines will suffice. Captain, please listen closely, as I spent three days composing this."

"Understood, Sir! Here we go… People of Kothern, we have emerged victorious in this war, but we mourn the loss of a great leader. We are deeply saddening that Captain Raynolds bravely sacrificed himself during the conflict..." Victor began to read from a script.

"That's all, Captain. Any last words before you meet your end?" Dialla inquired.

"Just release my family after I'm gone..."

"Of course, no problem, as I have no interest in them either!"

Dialla aimed his pistol at Raynolds. As he prepared to pull the trigger, suddenly, one of his masked men struck down the others and fired a shot at Dialla. The bullet struck Dialla's left eye, causing him to fall to the ground again, writhing in pain.

"Arghhh! My eye!!! Damn it! Who's that!"

"Hahahahaha! Kothern's coward, you're getting what you deserve! I wonder whether it will be you or the blue-eyed man over there who meets their end first!" The masked man revealed himself as the assassin previously hired by Dialla.

"It's you! Damn it! When did you infiltrate my ranks?!!"

"Since the beginning of the war! I've been waiting for this moment to exact my revenge! Your malicious plans... I can't bear to hear any more of them... They are as dirty as you… and disgusting…"

"To hell with you! This time, I'll send you straight to hell! What are you all waiting for?! Get him!!!" Dialla barked at his men.

"Yes, Sir!"

"Hahahahaha! Bring it on!"