Whispers of Support

The soldiers had uncovered a map that detailed the layout of the entire west military campsite and presented it to Rosseaulyn. Together, they huddled over the map, their fingers tracing potential routes to infiltrate the heavily guarded facility.

After an extensive discussion, they narrowed down their options to three possible routes. Each path was scrutinized with great care, but as the conversation unfolded, a sense of frustration settled in. It became increasingly evident that all three routes posed near-impossible challenges.

"In the end, it seems we're at an impasse... What a time-consuming dead end," one soldier lamented, sighing in resignation.

"Perhaps launching a surprise attack is our only option," suggested another, with a hint of defeat.

"No! There has to be another way. While a surprise attack might grant us access, what about their safety? They could be harmed before we even reach them!" Rosseaulyn interjected firmly.

"I hadn't considered that possibility..."

"Please, let's stay focused and compassionate."

"Alright... Fine," the soldiers replied, their frustration tempered by determination.

"I didn't mean to place such a burden on all of you, but this time... just this time, I truly need your assistance. I understand this isn't part of your typical soldier duties."

"Ma'am... We have no intention of letting you down either. But this operation is far more complex than any battlefield encounter..."

"She's right, Ma'am. Even having served in the 'Ghost' squad myself, I find it daunting to breach that facility, let alone rescue and escape safely..."

"They're correct, Ma'am. Unless we possess superhuman abilities allowing us to turn invisible, our chances are slim..."

"Superpowers? Don't be absurd; those only exist in storybooks, not the real world... Wait a moment…" Rosseaulyn suddenly recalled something.

"It seems Lieutenant has a plan forming…" one soldier remarked.

"Let's hope it's a plan that will work!" added another.

"Soldiers! I know who to seek help from for this mission! Leave everything to me; I will rescue them!" 

"Ma'am, are you serious? Who is this person you have in mind?" 

"I'm deadly serious! It's a secret, but trust me, it's our best shot this time."

"What would you like us to do in the meantime?"

"Prepare an armored vehicle and standby nearby. I'll signal you once I have them. Your duty is to escort us back and watch our backs! Ensure our identities remain concealed."


"Oh, I almost forgot... Do any of you remember Jeff Leslie, the man who arrived here last night?"

"Yeah, what about him?"

"We need to falsify his identity. His records will show he perished in the war. We must reverse that status and place him under my division, away from Captain Raynolds."

"That should be straightforward; I'll inform Ella, and she'll handle it."

"Excellent. I'll express my gratitude to her later. Right now, I must meet with the person who can aid us. Wait until I return, and we'll proceed with the rescue operation tonight, provided everything goes according to plan..."

"Yes, Ma'am."

After Rosseaulyn finished speaking, she hurriedly made her way to visit Vermilion. She remembered Vermilion's display of unusual powers and hoped to enlist her help in rescuing Captain Raynolds's wife and daughter.

"Knock, knock! It's me, Rosse!"

"Rosse? Oh! Carmella, your sister's here for another visit." Vermilion said.

"She's got tons of work, but I wonder why she's come…" Carmella said, opening the door for Rosseaulyn.

"Hello, my dear sister. Is Ms. Yeleona home? Ah, I see her there."

"Uh... Are you looking for me?"

"Yes! You're the only one who can save them..."

"Them? Who?"

"The wife and daughter of Captain Raynolds. They've been abducted by First Lieutenant Dialla."

"Abducted!?" Vermilion exclaimed in surprise.

"Wait a moment! You just walked in and started talking about an abduction. Could you please fill us in before getting to the main topic?" Carmella asked, puzzled by Rosseaulyn's sudden visit.

"I wish I could, but time is of the essence! So, Ms. Yeleona, will you come and help us save them?"

"Uh... I don't really know what's going on and how I can help," Vermilion replied, feeling torn.

"Rosse! Calm down. You're making her nervous."

"Am I? Well, as you all know, Captain Raynolds died on the battlefield. Before his death, he entrusted me with taking care of his wife and daughter. However, they were abducted while we were escorting them to Luthernza."

"By that wicked Lieutenant, you mentioned?"

"Yes. I think we've identified their location—it's one of the military camps, heavily guarded by Dialla's men. With such security, sneaking inside is incredibly dangerous and risky. But I remember you have some unexplained powers, right? We need your help..."

"Rosse, stop! Do you even realize what you're saying!?" Carmella interrupted Rosseaulyn.

"Yeah! Is there a problem?"

"Are you asking Vermilion to risk her life to save them? There's no way I'll allow her to go with you!"

"Carmella! I have no other choice. I wouldn't risk anyone's life for this if I did!"

"Have you forgotten what I told you?! I won't let Vermilion get involved in the military at all!"

"I'm asking her to save people, not join the war! You're nearly an adult; think maturely!" Rosseaulyn's tone grew angrier.

"Mature thinking?! After weighing the risks, who would willingly let their loved one face such danger?! You're the only one with such 'MATURE' thinking!!" Carmella argued, and their dispute intensified.

Vermilion sat between them, witnessing their heated exchange. She tried to intervene but lacked the courage to do so. Instead, she softly repeated her words in an attempt to calm them, though no one could hear her.

"Excuse me! I think there's a misunderstanding. I'm not asking Ms. Yeleona to go alone. I'll stay with her and protect her at all times!" Rosseaulyn raised her voice.

"How can I trust you?! What good is a promise? If anything happens to her, she'll be gone forever! Besides, when have you ever kept your promises before?! You're always this selfish!!"

"Selfish?! You have no idea…"

"Both of you! Just stop it!" Vermilion finally mustered the courage to intervene.

Rosseaulyn let out a heavy, burdened sigh as she left the room, her steps filled with a sense of purpose. Before she closed the door behind her, she cast one final glance at Vermilion. In that moment, her eyes held an unspoken plea, a yearning for assistance. As the door clicked shut, Rosseaulyn ventured out, unaware that the kitten silently followed her.

Carmella retreated into her bedroom, her emotions swirling in turmoil. She buried her face in her pillow, seeking solace and respite from the tension that hung in the air. Vermilion, left alone in the living room, contemplated the weight of Rosseaulyn's words. Meanwhile, Ayukawa, who had silently absorbed the heated exchanges between the sisters, emerged from her room.

Vermilion looked at Ayukawa, her expression a blend of frustration and helplessness. "Did you hear their arguments?" she inquired.

With an air of nonchalance, Ayukawa replied, "I heard everything. What a silly pair of siblings."

"Ayukawa... If you were in my shoes, what would you do?"

"Don't ask me such foolish questions. If you wish to aid them, then go forth. If the task holds no allure, then remain within the confines of our abode. It's a matter of choice—simple, really."

Vermilion's gaze lingered on Ayukawa, her face a mask of conflicting emotions. Suddenly, a force greater than herself propelled her from the sofa, her legs moving with a determined resolve. She departed without uttering a word, her footsteps echoing with unwavering purpose. Outside, in the bustling street, she saw the kitten returned.

"Hmm? When did you venture out into the outside world, little one?" Vermilion inquired, her words accompanied by a gentle smile.


"Do you happen to know where Rosseaulyn has disappeared to?" she asked, her voice laced with a hopeful undertone.

"Meowww!" The kitten offered a response, its eyes seemingly filled with a glimmer of understanding.

The kitten was guiding her unerringly until an alley. As they ventured deeper, Vermilion's eyes scanned for any telltale sign of Rosseaulyn's presence. The kitten guided her with silent determination, and together, they navigated the labyrinthine passages. The winding journey eventually brought them to a secluded alley where an unassuming café stood, bathed in soft, inviting light.

Despite its modest exterior, the café exuded an undeniable charm, invoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth. The rich, aromatic scent of brewing coffee enveloped Vermilion as she approached. She couldn't help but be intrigued by the café's peculiar location, tucked away in this hidden corner of the slum.

The kitten, familiar with this place, ventured inside, and Vermilion followed suit. The café's interior held a certain enchantment, a refuge from the world outside. At the far corner, bathed in the soft glow of ambient lighting, sat Rosseaulyn. Her back was turned to Vermilion, her silhouette casting a lonely figure.

Vermilion's initial intention was to comfort Rosseaulyn with a gentle pat on the shoulder, but she hesitated upon hearing a soft, heartrending sniffle escape from Rosseaulyn. The sound tugged at her heartstrings, and she decided not to intrude, choosing instead to occupy the seat opposite Rosseaulyn. Vermilion sat in silence, her eyes captivated by Rosseaulyn's beautiful light purple eyes, brimming with emotion.

With her eyes veiled by her hands, Rosseaulyn wept, her tears tracing a path down her cheeks. The room seemed to hold its breath, captivated by the raw, poignant beauty of her vulnerability. Her emotions were a tempest, and the tears, like delicate crystals, glistened in the gentle café light. The depths of her sorrow and the complexity of her feelings were etched onto her features, transforming her vulnerability into a haunting kind of grace. Every tear that fell was a testament to the depth of her emotions, a silent plea for solace in the midst of turmoil.

"Ermm… Rosseaulyn…" Vermilion softly called out her name, her voice carrying a hint of hesitation.

Rosseaulyn unaware of Vermilion's presence. 

'She doesn't seem to notice me at all...' Vermilion thought.

With a deep sigh, Rosseaulyn closed her eyes briefly, seeking solace in her cup of tea. She raised it to her lips, taking a slow, deliberate sip. The tea's warmth offered a fleeting moment of comfort. As she lowered the cup, she opened her eyes, and her gaze fell upon Vermilion, who had appeared before her as if conjured by a whisper.

The sudden presence of Vermilion startled Rosseaulyn. "Oh! Ms. Yeleona! When did you come here?"

"I've been here for a while…" 

"Must be your unique ability" Rosseaulyn added with a faint smile.

"I suppose it is. I'm still learning to understand and control it."

"I see… How did you know I'm here?"

"The kitten guided me here, and that's when I noticed you."

"You saw everything, didn't you?"

"Yeah... but I didn't intend to. I just..."

"It's alright. Please, don't mention it to anyone, especially Carmella."

"Of course!" 

Rosseaulyn's smile remained, genuine and comforting. "So, you've decided to help?"

"Yes! I'm here to help you."

"Thank you. Would you like a cup of our red tea with milk? Let me treat you."

"It does smell wonderful! Can I have one?"

"Barista! One more tea, just like mine, for this lady here!" 

"Coming!" the barista replied from the kitchen.

As they waited for the tea, Vermilion couldn't help but ask, "Rosseaulyn, how did you discover this place?"

"After visiting all of you last time, I was on my way back to my office. I caught a whiff of the aromatic coffee from this alley and decided to give it a try. I instantly fell in love with this place, even though I don't drink coffee."

"I can see why you like it here. The atmosphere is entirely different from the outside world..."

"That's right, and the ambience as well."

Their tea arrived, and the barista joined in the conversation. "Lady, here is your tea."

"Thank you. Did you prepare everything yourself?" Vermilion asked with a polite smile.

The barista nodded proudly. "Yes, I'm the owner of this place. Are you enjoying your visit?"

"Yes, very much!" 

"And next time, you should try your coffee!"

"I prefer tea, actually…" Rosseaulyn chimed in.

The barista chuckled. "No worries, we have a variety of options. As long as you come visit again, I truly appreciate it."

"I will."

"Thank you for your support!" the barista said gratefully.

Rosseaulyn then turned her attention back to Vermilion. "So, Ms. Yeleona, after we finish our tea, we can discuss things further in my office."

"Alright..." Vermilion replied, a hint of nervousness in her voice as she contemplated the path she had chosen.