Racing Against Bullets

"Ma'am, it seems that a surprise attack is our last resort!" One of Rosseaulyn's men suggested.

"What's the value of saving two lives if it means sacrificing our own comrades? Even if they are Dialla's men, I cannot condone such a trade." Rosseaulyn insisted.

"But we are not saviors or gods..."

"Wait a moment... You mentioned this vehicle is bulletproof, correct?" Rosseaulyn asked.

"Yes, it is. What do you have in mind?"

"I have a different plan. What if we use this vehicle to create chaos from within?"

Her men exchanged surprised glances. "But, Ma'am, this vehicle is only bulletproof, not rocket-proof."

"The question of survival may hinge on your driving skills." Rosseaulyn said, her resolve unwavering.

"Ma'am, this is incredibly risky!" 

"You were well aware of the dangers when you joined this operation."

"I'm having second thoughts now..."

"Once we succeed, you won't. I've prepared rewards that will not disappoint you."

"Damn… It sounds too attractive for us…"

"I will be generous. I will make it double if we succeeded."

"Alright, Ma'am! We have no other options, do we?" 

"Just follow my lead. I've always known what needs to be done."

"Alright, Ma'am! What's the plan?"

"We'll drive this vehicle inside, rescue Ms. Geena, and retrieve our ladies. Our only hope is unconscious, and Ms. Geena and Cathie are in life-threatening condition due to dehydration."

"But, Ma'am, once we enter, we'll be targeted by all the soldiers. Who will rescue Geena?"

"A skilled combat expert will help us. We need to distract the soldiers and enable her to slip inside to rescue Ms. Geena. Then, we'll pick everyone up and leave the campsite immediately. Understood? Ms. Ayukawa, what are your thoughts?"

Ayukawa's voice came through the walkie-talkie. "It sounds like a solid plan. Do you have a backup plan?"

"Of course! We must secure a safe route back to Carmella."

"Huh?! You plan to hide everyone at your sister's home?"

"Yes, it's the safest choice, especially with you present. Carmella also has extensive medical knowledge."

"Understood. I'll keep us hidden until we see your vehicle wreaking havoc here. Leave the rescuing to me."

"Your reliability is invaluable. Thank you in advance!" Rosseaulyn ended her talk with Ayukawa.

"Ma'am, we're ready to go in! We can proceed at any time!"

"Wait! I need one of you to find another vehicle and wait for us in the city center. This vehicle is too conspicuous. In case we can't escape later, we might need to switch to another vehicle."

"Your thoughtfulness knows no bounds, Lieutenant."

"Flattery won't get us home. Find another vehicle and wait us at the city center district now!" Rosseaulyn ordered.

"I'll do it!"

One of Rosseaulyn's men set off to find an additional vehicle, while the rest prepared themselves with an arsenal of weapons. Rosseaulyn herself shouldered an M79 sawed-off and carried an RPG on her back. Alongside their weaponry, they had brought numerous explosive and smoke grenades within their vehicle.

"It's been a while since we've seen Ma'am fight with her favorite heavy weapons!" The driver commented.

"The Queen of Devastation, huh? I heard that title was given to our esteemed Second Lieutenant Winton here!" Another soldier added.

"Enough chatter! I'm ready. Use as many smoke grenades as you can to obscure their vision while we're inside!" 

"Understood, Ma'am. We're prepared to enter at any time. Waiting for your command!"

"Then... Charge!"

Rosseaulyn and her men drove their vehicle, plowing through the wired fence to enter the campsite. Their action immediately roused the soldiers inside, but many of them were groggy from sleep and couldn't react quickly. The soldier driving the vehicle pushed the pedal to the floor, racing toward the warehouse.

A squadron of soldiers scrambled to grab military bikes and vans to pursue them. Rosseaulyn broke the small glass window on the vehicle's back door and hurled flashbang grenades, disorienting many soldiers and causing them to lose control of their vehicles.

"Ma'am! It looks like we're doing well so far, right?" 

"I believe so! We're almost there. Let's try to minimize casualties!"

"Ma'am! We can't guarantee that, but we'll do our best!"

Suddenly, an explosion erupted in front of them, coming perilously close. They spotted soldiers in a watchtower wielding RPGs and aiming in their direction. Forced to change course, they veered onto a rough and rocky path. The uneven road made their journey bumpy and treacherous, but the pursuing soldiers faced the same challenges and couldn't catch up.

"This road is horrendous! Do you even know how to drive properly?" The soldier chided the driver.

"Come on! You have no idea how terrible this road is!"

"Ouch! I've bumped my head twice already. Don't make excuses for your poor driving skills!"

"Fine, fine! I only got my driving license last month, but I won't admit my driving is bad!"

"Look, even Ma'am has to lie low because of your driving skills!"

"Enough, both of you! I need to lie low because I'm too tall!"

"Apologies, Ma'am. The road is awful. I wish I were the 'Sorceress Rider' to conquer this road!"

"No, you're definitely not at the level of the infamous 'Sorceress Rider'!"

"Alright, both of you stop arguing!"

"Sorry, Ma'am..." The soldier apologized. 

"Ma'am, I can see the warehouse. Holy moly, there are so many soldiers right in front of us!"


The patrolling soldiers near the warehouse were alerted to the intrusion by the security. They opened fire on Rosseaulyn's vehicle, but their bullets had little impact due to the vehicle's bulletproof armor. Undeterred, they pressed on until they reached the vicinity of the warehouse.

All the soldiers around the warehouse shifted their attention to Rosseaulyn's vehicle. Taking advantage of the diversion, Ayukawa swiftly made her way to the warehouse at breakneck speed. Meanwhile, Lyon remained concealed behind the bushes, looking after Vermilion and Cathie.

Inside the dimly lit warehouse, Ayukawa followed the footprints on the floor and soon located Geena, who had also fallen unconscious.

"Hey, Madam!" Ayukawa called out but Geena didn't response.

She immediately lifted Geena onto her back and left the warehouse. Reuniting with Lyon, Ayukawa needed to signal Rosseaulyn to retrieve them. However, Rosseaulyn and her team were under intense attack from the soldiers, who were using an M134 Minigun and firing continuously. The high-velocity rounds tore through the darkness, sending sparks flying from the bulletproof vehicle's reinforced exterior. Tracers streaked like deadly fireworks, outlining the peril they were in.

"Hey! I've got Geena from the warehouse! We're hiding behind the bushes down here! I'm waving at you! Can you see us?!" Ayukawa's voice crackled over the radio.

"Damn, there are too many of them! I can't see where you are!" Rosseaulyn replied.

"Ma'am! They're using the Minigun and firing at us! We can't hold out much longer like this!"

"I know! Just keep driving and don't give them any chance to take us down!"

"We're under heavy fire! Hold on tight!" The driver fought to maintain control, zigzagging through the chaotic scene. Bullets clanged against the vehicle, creating a metallic symphony of destruction.

"Ma'am! I'm out of ammo!"

"Use the smoke grenades then!"

Their vehicle continued to circle around the warehouse, deploying smoke grenades to shroud the area in white smoke. The soldiers, unprepared for this tactic, struggled to maintain their assault but still made determined efforts to halt Rosseaulyn.

"The situation still doesn't look great..." Lyon remarked after seeing the intense situation.

"If they can't shake them off, we're all going to die here! I suppose I have to do something!" Ayukawa replied.

"What? Are you planning to enter that chaos? What can you even do? You don't have any weapons!"

"Who said I don't? Perfect! The smoke grenades have distracted them further. Just watch and see!" Ayukawa finished her words and rushed into the chaos to assist Rosseaulyn.

"Wait! What on earth are you thinking? Hey!" 

Ayukawa retrieved an army knife borrowed from Rosseaulyn. Instead of using it to inflict harm, she employed the backside of the knife to disarm the soldiers. Her extraordinary vision allowed her to pierce through the darkness and the dense white smoke, granting her the ability to navigate through the chaos and neutralize several soldiers effortlessly.

"Arghhh! My hand! Who the hell...? Disappear..." The soldiers howled in pain as Ayukawa's strikes incapacitated them.

"Damn, that silhouette is moving too fast. I can't predict its movements at all!" one soldier muttered.

"Show yourself! Stop toying with us!" another soldier demanded.

"I'm already here, right behind you!" Ayukawa announced. Startled, the soldier turned around and let out a piercing scream as he encountered Ayukawa's sharp gaze, causing him to faint.

Ayukawa's intervention successfully diverted the soldiers' attention from Rosseaulyn to herself. Witnessing their comrades fall before them, some soldiers chose to flee the scene.

"Ma'am, it looks like someone is helping us exterminate our enemies!" Rosseaulyn's man reported.

"Excellent! It must be Ms. Ayukawa. Now, drive down the slope to the riverside over there and look for them!" 

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Here they are!" Lyon signaled to Rosseaulyn.

"Lyon! Apologies for keeping you all waiting. Come and help carry these ladies inside!" Rosseaulyn directed her men and Lyon.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Lyon, are you coming with us?" Rosseaulyn inquired.

"No, I'll stay here..."

"I understand. I'll always remember your courage in aiding us. I'll keep that in mind forever."

"It's my honor."

"Mission accomplished, Ma'am! We can depart from here immediately!"

"Wait, there's still one lady!" 

"I'm here!" Ayukawa arrived just in time, seizing a minigun from the soldiers.

"Whoa! This powerful machine is going to be useful! Thank you so much! I ran out of ammo just now!" Rosseaulyn's man remarked.

"Only use it when necessary!" Rosseaulyn cautioned once more.


"Alright! Move out now! We are heading back to HQ! Ms. Ayukawa, my men have prepared another vehicle, and we are going to use that to return to Carmella!"

"Great! At least that way, we won't be spotted by those idiots! But your men will be in trouble then..." 

"They are good at escaping! They are always the first to flee from the battlefield! So, no worries!" Rosseaulyn assured.

"I'm not worried at all."

"Geez! You two cold-blooded women! We've sacrificed so much, and yet you still don't care about us at all!" Rosseaulyn's men expressed their frustration and disappointment.

"This is your chance to redeem yourselves! If we all get back safely, not only will I reward you three, but there will be an additional substantial reward!" Rosseaulyn responded.

"What a generous superior! We're fortunate to serve you, Ma'am!" The soldier's attitude changed instantly.

"We're heading back! Everyone, hold tight!"

They used an alternative route guarded by several watchtowers with soldiers wielding RPGs, which they encountered during their escape. Rosseaulyn ordered her men to fire the minigun indirectly at those watchtowers to force them to retreat while avoiding casualties. They took advantage of the momentum and rushed out of the military camp.

"They've escaped! Don't let them get away!" The commanding officer shouted. He watched as Rosseaulyn's vehicle sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

"Yes Sir!"

Several military trucks and motorbikes with heavily armed soldiers began their pursuit, determined not to let the intruders get away. The rumble of their engines and the chatter of machine guns filled the air as they closed in on the fleeing vehicle.

"Woohoo! Ma'am, we've succeeded!" 

"Not quite! They are still coming! Hurry up and increase our speed to lose them!" Rosseaulyn observed that other military vehicles were chasing them from the campsite.

The enemy soldiers, driven by a relentless pursuit, closed in on Rosseaulyn's vehicle. They were now less than a stone's throw away, their military truck charging forward with menacing intent. Mounted on the rear, a massive machine gun unleashed a ceaseless barrage of gunfire.

Bullets whizzed past Rosseaulyn's vehicle, sparking upon impact. The deafening roar of the machine gun mixed with the adrenaline-pumping chaos. The driver clenched his teeth, guiding the vehicle through the maelstrom, while Rosseaulyn prepared to make a stand.

With a determined look in her eyes, Rosseaulyn readied her M79 sawed-off. A tense silence fell over her vehicle as Rosseaulyn aimed the M79 at the enemy truck through the small window. She exhaled slowly and squeezed the trigger. A muffled explosion filled the air, and the grenade rocketed toward their pursuers.

The enemy truck was engulfed in a fiery inferno. Metal shrieked and groaned as the blast sent it careening to the side, a flaming wreck. The machine gun fell silent, but the pursuing soldiers showed no sign of retreat. They continued their relentless chase. The heroic escape was far from over, and they now had to deal with the dogged determination of their pursuers.

"Damn, they are still chasing us!"

"I fear this is our vehicle's limit! We can't lose them with this sluggish pace!" Ayukawa said.

"I think we can make them detour if I blow up the bridge once we've crossed it!" Rosseaulyn suggested.

"Using just the RPG on your back? I doubt it will generate enough power to destroy a bridge."

"Not just this one... I still have six more here!"

"I won't assist you in firing those. I dislike military weapons, except for a knife."

"Don't worry! I can handle all of them on my own."

"Huh?! How do you plan to fire all of them at once?!" Ayukawa questioned.

"I'll show you. Just watch closely with your sharp eyes."

"Heh... Intriguing. I'd love to see that!"

"Ma'am! The bridge is ahead of us! We are about to cross it. Do you need my assistance?!" 

"Got it! Just help me open the back door. Shield yourself! Counting down... Three... Two... One... Fire!"